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Dakar, Senegal, (PANA) - The UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) says most African countries are not meeting their commitments to allocate the 20 per cent of their national budget benchmark on education, as recommended by the Sustainable Development Goal framework for action for education.This is contained in a new education financing [...]

thread Society (999 words)

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (PANA) – Burkina Faso’s economic growth is projected at 5.5 percent in 2024 but remains below potential in the medium term, and a lasting recovery is contingent on bringing security under control.According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), growth accelerated in 2023 to 3.6 percent of GDP, [...]

thread Economy (553 words)

New York, US (PANA) - As nearly 40 per cent of land across the planet is degraded with more acres lost every second, governments, businesses and communities must galvanise action to reverse the damage and protect Earth, the UN chief said in a strong message for the World Day to [...]

thread Environment (577 words)

Tokyo, Japan (PANA) - An African Development Bank (AfDB)  delegation, led by three vice presidents, will be in Japan from 17-21 June to promote investment opportunities in key African sectors.They will also strengthen partnerships with the Japanese government and corporations.Vice presidents Kevin Kariuki, Solomon Quaynor, and Kevin Urama will be [...]

thread Economy (542 words)

Abuja, Nigeria (PANA) – African governments should accelerate plans to guarantee free quality education from preschool through secondary education before 2030, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said on Sunday on the African Union's Day of the African Child.HRW noted that Africa is the region with the world’s highest out-of-school population. In a report, [...]

thread Society (1150 words)