Panafrican News Agency

Sudan's prisoners' release not far reaching enough'

Nairobi, Kenya (PANA) - Sudan’s prisoner amnesty announced earlier in the week did not go far enough, according to Amnesty International (AI).

“This prisoner amnesty barely scratches the surface,” Netsanet Belay, AI's Africa Programme Director, said on Wednesday. “Only seven political prisoners have been released. Meanwhile, dozens of people remain in arbitrary detention, some of them prisoners of conscience.”

Seven political prisoners were released by the Sudanese authorities.

Six were prominent members of political parties, namely Abdulaziz Khaled, Entisar al-Agali, Hisham al-Mufti, Abdulrahim Abdallah, Mohammed Zain Alabidein and Youssef al-Kauda. Hatim Ali, a youth activist, was also released.

Over 118 people are reportedly in arbitrary detention in the context of the Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan conflicts, including women detained without charges with their infant children.

In addition, a number of individuals remain on the death row for their involvement in armed opposition. None of their sentences was commuted.

“Freeing seven political prisoners does not indicate the government is truly serious about ending arbitrary detention and releasing prisoners of conscience,” added Belay.

AI said Sudan’s authorities continue to resist calls to repeal the 2010 National Security Act, which provides agents of the security services with wide powers of arrest and detention.
-0- PANA DJ/SEG 3April2013