Panafrican News Agency

Sierra Leone: Sierra Leone basketball club leaves for UK course

Freetown, Sierra Leone (PANA) – A seven-man team of Sierra Leone basketball club Cannon Royals left for United Kingdom on Monday evening for a two-week course.

The course, which is sponsored by House of Lords, Nike, NBA and British Council, would focus on player skills, basketball administration and club development, an official of the Club told PANA.

The group is made up of four players, the Coach, President, and Deputy Director of Sports.

The coach of Royals, Trevor Turner, told PANA that he was grateful for the support of the Ministry of Sports in facilitating the trip.

Basketball is a growing sport in Sierra Leone and Cannon Royals are the current champions of the basketball league in the country.
-0- PANA MJN/MA 10Oct2017