Panafrican News Agency

Nigeria: Regional envoys charged to plan ECOWAS 40th anniversary celebration

Abuja, Nigeria (PANA) - The Vice President of the ECOWAS Commission, Dr. Toga Gayewea McIntosh, has urged Ambassadors and High Commissioners of Member States to ensure that their countries took active part in the ECOWAS 40th Anniversary celebrations this year.

ECOWAS, set up under the 28 May, 1975, Treaty of Lagos, has made remarkable achievements as a leading Regional Economic Community (REC) in Africa.

At their last ordinary summit in Abuja in December, regional leaders had decided that the official regional anniversary celebration should take place in the Nigerian capital.

Dr. McIntosh told the envoys, gathered at the Abuja office of the Nigerian Permanent Representative to ECOWAS, Ambassador Sunday Omogiade on 3 March, 2015, that the regional organization and its citizens have reasons to celebrate.

He commended the envoys for coming together to plan the co-hosting of the anniversary event in Abuja and encouraged them to ensure that a similar celebration is replicated at the national level in their countries with the active participation of community citizens.

The Vice President assured that more citizens would be recognized and honoured for their distinguished contributions to the integration of the region.

Former Nigerian Head of State, retired Gen. Yakubu Gowon, his late Togolese counterpart President Gnassingbe Eyadema, as well as renowned Nigerian and Togolese diplomats, Prof. Adebayo Adediji and Ambassador Edem Kodjo, are principal actors already honoured for their pioneering roles in the formation of ECOWAS in 1975.

Charged with facilitating the socio-economic, cultural and political integration of its 15-Member States now with a combined estimated population of 300 million, ECOWAS has in spite of several challenges acquitted itself creditably in the execution of its mandate.

Following its transformation in 2007 from an Executive Secretariat to now enlarged Commission membership of 15, the regional economic bloc, the only Community in Africa operating a non-visa regime, is currently implementing with measured success its Vision 2020 of citizen-oriented regional integration and development.
-0- PANA VAO 4March2015