Panafrican News Agency

Nigeria, Ethiopia urge Libyan NTC to guarantee safety of trapped migrants

Abuja, Nigeria (PANA) - Nigeria's President Goodluck Jonathan and Prime Minister Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia Friday in Addis Ababa called on Libya's National Transitional Council (NTC) to take urgent action to guarantee the safety of thousands of African migrants currently trapped in parts of the country.
In a joint communique, received by PANA here, Jonathan and his host lamented the continued violence and loss of lives in Libya, caused by Mouammar Kadhafi’s loyalists who are resisting the consolidation of NTC’s authority.
Applauding the recognition of NTC by the African Union, both leaders urged the council to move quickly to form an all-inclusive government that would work towards national reconciliation and reconstruction.
Jonathan and Zenawi also urged the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Dr. Jean Ping, to “engage more vigorously with the NTC and take steps to ensure an early resumption of Libya's full participation in African Union Affairs."
They condemned the growing incidence of global terrorism in all its forms and agreed to join hands with the international community to fight the common threat to humanity.
Jonathan and Zenawi also agreed on the need to expand areas of economic cooperation between Nigeria and Ethiopia through the provision of an enabling environment and an appropriate regulatory framework.
They agreed to encourage and promote private sector participation in their two economies, particularly in the areas of electricity, aviation, tourism and mining.
To this end, an agreement was also reached by both leaders to revitalize their Joint Ministerial Commission and reposition it as a key vehicle for the expansion of bilateral economic cooperation.

Nigeria is to host the next session of the commission early next year.
On a visit to the headquarters of the African Union in Addis Ababa earlier in the day, President Jonathan assured Ping, commissioners, directors and other senior officials that Nigeria, under his leadership, would remain in the forefront of efforts to ensure that the organisation’s objectives were fully achieved.
He urged the AU to continue to work for political stability in Africa by encouraging full democratisation and good governance in all African countries.
Dr. Ping thanked President Jonathan for visiting the AU Commission in spite of the time constraints imposed by his busy schedule in Addis Ababa, saying that the visit was a demonstration of the importance the President attached to the African Union and its work.
Praising Nigeria’s contributions to peace in Africa and the world through ECOWAS, the African Union and the United Nations, Dr. Ping urged Jonathan to sustain Nigeria’s leading role on the continent.
-0- PANA MON/BOS 7Oct2011