Panafrican News Agency

Mauritius: 'Fishing communities vulnerable'

Port-Louis, Mauritius (PANA) - Mauritian Ocean Economy and Fisheries Minister Premduth Koonjoo has told Parliament that the fishing communities on the Island are vulnerable to sea level rise and their livelihoods are threatened by storms and extreme weather conditions.

Addressing parliamentarians here Thursday, the Minister said the poorest would be least able to adapt to these impacts ''if we do not develop well-equipped and competent fishermen, ready to provide high level quality services to meet the new challenges''.

''We will attempt to alleviate their difficulties through the provision of materials to construct wired basket traps for their daily subsistence,'' he added.

Koonjoo said his ministry would be fully involved in upgrading the artisanal fisheries sector by imparting advanced training to fishermen to enable them to fish further offshore, use long lines to fish, and target other species such as tuna fish. 

''Since fishermen will be required to travel further offshore and stay longer at sea, safety equipment (such as hand-flares, radar reflectors, life jackets, life rafts, first aid box, fire extinguishers and florescent tarpaulins) will be provided to improve security and safety at sea,'' he said.

Among the measures announced is the introduction of a new Fisheries and Marine Resources Bill, the implementation of a research programme for the protection, conservation and management of the marine ecosystem and its sustainable development, and to improve the growth, productivity, competitiveness and environmental sustainability of aquaculture.

The Ministry will also encourage fishermen to engage in subsistence fish cage farming and create opportunities for diversification of the artisanal fisheries sector.
-0- PANA NA/SEG 27Feb2015