Panafrican News Agency

Mauritania: French minister elated at Mauritania’s efforts in the fight against insecurity

Nouakchott, Mauritania (PANA) – The French Minister of Finance and Public accounts, Michel Sapin, has described as significant, efforts made by Mauritania in the fight against terrorism and insecurity.

Sapin was speaking Saturday on the sidelines of an agreement signing ceremony between the Mauritanian Chamber of Trade (CCIAM) and the Chamber of Trade of Marseille Province.

The French government official said he was impressed with Mauritania's effective handling of security issues and a definitive return to normalcy.

Commenting on France's classification of Mauritania on the "Red List" with all the negative consequences for tourists, Sapin said that France reserved the right to tighten security around its nationals by providing them with all the information in the host areas.

He said the security issue in Sahel is a global concept which also concerns all other countries of the sub-region.

Since December 2011, no terrorist attack has been reported on the Mauritanian territory after the high incidence of terrorism between 2005 and 2011.
-0- PANA SAS/IS/MSA/VAO 11April2015