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Panafrican News Agency

Libya: Libyan army 'controls' strategic sites in Benghazi

Benghazi, Libya (PANA) – The Libyan national army now controls a number of strategic sites in
Benghazi, Libya's second largest city, after fierce fighting with armed militias who seized those positions in July 2014, military sources said on Thursday.

The sources said the army now controlled the port of Benghazi, the road to the airport and Camp 21, a barracks accommodating the General Headquarters of the units of the Special Forces "Saiqa".

Two battalions (302 and 309) of the Libyan army on Thursday made their final push against the terrorists in the city by using all weapons, particularly tanks and artillery, with the participation of the air force.

The sources said that the presence of the "Daech" resistance fighters (Islamic State militants) and their supporters among the militias was limited to the ancient district of Al-Leithi and some small areas.

The armed forces captured a number of terrorists, most of them foreign nationals from Sudan, Ethiopia and Chad.

The sources said that the army was now positioned in most districts of Benghazi while special teams was carrying out patrols in the zones liberated recently.
-0- PANA BY/IS/IBA/MSA/MA 23July2015