Panafrican News Agency

Khartoum reports Juba to UN security council for second time in 3 months

Khartoum, Sudan (PANA) - Sudan said Saturday it had complained to the UN Security Council about repeated violations committed by its southern neighbour, South Sudan, which it accused of continued provision of assistance to rebels in the West and in South East, citing dozens of evidence to this effect.

Sudan's Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Dafalla Al Hajj delivered a message to the Chair of the UN Security Council as a follow up to the complaint tabled by the Minister for Foreign Affairs to the Security Council last August, detailing violations committed by the Government of South Sudan to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in South Kordufan and the Blue Nile regions of the Republic of Sudan.

The CPA is a peace deal signed by the north and the south in 2005, putting an end to 25 years of clashes.

In 2011, the same agreement led to the cessation of the south and the formation of the newest African state, South Sudan. Although direct confrontations have ceased since then, the two sides continue to trade accusations of providing assistance to renegade elements.

Two regions, the South Kordufan state and the Blue Nile state, continue to have affiliation, at least nominally, with the south, through the Sudan Peoples' Liberation Army (SPLA). The Agreement stipulates that no side should encourage rebellion or renegade elements against the other. Khartoum now maintains that the south was doing exactly the opposite.

The ambassador cited in his message to the security council, information showing the south has not stopped providing assistance to rebel elements in the north, namely in the Blue Nile (south eastern Sudan on the border with Ethiopia) and in South Kordufan (South West on the borders with south Sudan).

It cited the provision of anti-aircraft and anti-tank missiles as well as ammunitions, landmines, military equipment and mortars. It also said the south continue to provide these rebel movements with expertise to fight the more experienced Sudanese army.

It accused the south of covering rebel elements whenever the government forces close in on them in the Blue Nile and in South Kordufan, citing the case of Saly area, Blue Nile state, when government forces cornered Blue Nile rebels, only to find they ran away to the south, where they could not be followed by the army least a war between the two would be unleashed.

A copy of the message was sent to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.
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