Panafrican News Agency

Kenya deploys military to deal with tax protests

Nairobi, Kenya (PANA) - The Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) has been deployed to respond to a national tax protest, which led to the storming of Parliament, the defence Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale said on Tuesday.

In a Kenya Gazette notice, the Defence Cabinet Secretary said the KDF were deployed with effect from 25 June, to deal with threat to national institutions.

Thousand of protesters stormed Parliament on Tuesday, during the debate on the Finance Bill, as Police opened fire, using live bullets. 

Protesters also stormed City Hall, the seat of power of the Nairobi County Government, leaving a section of the building on fire.

Police raided the Holy Family Minor Basilica, which is opposite Parliament, where some medics were responding to the wounded, using teargas.

Police also used live shots to disperse the protesters.

In Parliament, protesters seized the Mace, the symbol of Parliament's sovereign power and the Speaker and some Members of Parliament went into hiding in a bunker, the local media reported.

The Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB), addressed a news conference, urging the President not to assent to the Finance Bill, which was approved by Parliament.

The Catholic Church Bishops also condemned the Police use of lethal force against the protesters.

Bishop John Oballa of the Ngong Diocese, neighbouring Nairobi, said the Police abused their rights by taking the law into their hands.

“Life is sacred and should be protected. We believe the President has the means to bring order by not signing the Bill into law,” Oballa said.

Archbishop of Kisumu, Maurice Makumba, called for peace, reiterating that churches were sanctuaries of God and must be kept as such, in response to the Police storming the church premises in Nairobi.

European Ambassadors said the scenes witnessed outside the Kenyan Parliament were "tragically shocking".

Opposition leader Raila Odinga said the President should issue an immediate order against the Police use of force against protesters.

-0- PANA AO/RA 25June2024