Panafrican News Agency

Ghana: Christians commemorate Palm Sunday

Accra, Ghana (PANA) - Christians are on Sunday commemorating Palm Sunday, which marks the triumphant entry into Jerusalem of their saviour Jesus Christ.

During that occasion some 2,000 years ago, palm branches were thrown in front of him as he rode on a donkey in triumph into the city.

The Gospel says when large crowds that had come to the Passover Festival heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, they took branches of palm trees and went to meet him.

They shouted "Praise God! God bless you who comes in the name of the Lord! God bless the King of Israel."

As Christians mark the day, clergymen will lead their congregants in processions through the streets of cities, towns and villages amid drumming, singing, and waving of palm fronds or branches of other trees to celebrate the greatness of Jesus.

They will attend special Palm Sunday services at their respective churches to give praise to God.

Palm Sunday precedes Good Friday when Christians will remember Jesus' suffering and crucifixion. The Christian world will erupt with joy three days later to celebrate his resurrection on Sunday.
-0- PANA MA/AR 9April2017