Panafrican News Agency

Gambian gov’t approves OIC proposal to lead legal action against Myanmar at ICJ

Banjul, Gambia (PANA) - The Gambian cabinet has approved a proposal of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) for the country to lead international legal action at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against Myanmar for crimes against the Rohingyas.

Cabinet also approved the appointment of the Attorney-General and Minister of Justice Aboubacar Tambadou to represent The Gambia throughout the proceedings at the ICJ, a statement received by PANA on Saturday said.

The OIC setup an ad hoc Ministerial Committee on Accountability for Human Rights Violations against the Rohingyas at the 45th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers held in Bangladesh. The Gambia was unanimously selected to chair the committee.

The responsibilities of the ad hoc Ministerial Committee include to ensure accountability and justice for gross violations of international human rights and humanitarian law against the Rohingyas.

The committee is also to assist in information gathering and evidence collection as well as mobilise and coordinate international political support for accountability for human rights violations against the Rohingya Muslims.

At the 2019 Mecca Summit the government of The Gambia was tasked by the OIC to use all international legal instruments to hold accountable the perpetrators of crimes against the Rohingyas in Myanmar.

In a communique issued by the Muslim leaders after the Mecca Summit, the OIC insisted on the need for thorough “international, independent and transparent investigations into the human rights violations in Myanmar, including sexual violence and aggression against children, and to hold to account all those responsible for these brutal acts in order to bring justice to the victims”.

The summit also called for all stakeholders to ensure free and unrestricted access to humanitarian assistance for affected persons and communities. 

-0- PANA MSS/MA 6/July 2019