Panafrican News Agency

'France granted Mali 71 billion CFAF for development in 2010'

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - The French Development Agency (AFD) gave Mali CFA francs 71 billion, out of which 44 billion CFA francs was spent to support programmes and projects, while CFA francs 27 billion was used to support the 2010 budget, its director, Herve Bougault, told a press conference Thursday in Bamako.

These funds released by AFD was spent on several priority development areas, including health, education and governance.

Mr. Bougault denied press reports indicating a decline in support from France through AFD in the coming years, saying the cooperation ties between AFD and its partners should rather intensify to reach an optimum level.
-0- PANA WG/JEN/BOS 7Jan2011