Panafrican News Agency
Côte d'Ivoire: Trading at West African bourse declines
Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire (PANA) – The West African regional bourse, BRVM, closed trading Wednesday down, with the BRVM 10 Index falling from 246.53 points to 244.88 points, or a decrease of 0.67%.
Also, the BRVM Composite index recorded 0.61% to 235.98 points as against the 237.43 recorded previously.
The value of transactions is set at 646.55 million CFA F as against 1.74 billion CFAF on Tuesday.
Market capitalization is set at 5,729.70 billion CFAF, while that of the bond market is set at 1,263.86 billion CFAF.
Ecobank Transnational Incorporated (Togo) remains the most active in volume with 240,091 traded shares, as the most active in value is Palm (Côte d’Ivoire) with 484.10 million CFAF in transactions.
The following companies are the most active:
Securities Volumes Value in CFAF
Ecobank Transnational Incorporated (Togo) 240.091 11,750.944
Palm (Côte d’Ivoire) 28.293 484,097.705
Onatel( Burkina Faso) 5.763 42,519.350
Sonatel (Sénégal) 1.995 43,690.700
TPCI 6.50% 2011-2016 500 4,995.000
Also, the BRVM Composite index recorded 0.61% to 235.98 points as against the 237.43 recorded previously.
The value of transactions is set at 646.55 million CFA F as against 1.74 billion CFAF on Tuesday.
Market capitalization is set at 5,729.70 billion CFAF, while that of the bond market is set at 1,263.86 billion CFAF.
Ecobank Transnational Incorporated (Togo) remains the most active in volume with 240,091 traded shares, as the most active in value is Palm (Côte d’Ivoire) with 484.10 million CFAF in transactions.
The following companies are the most active:
Securities Volumes Value in CFAF
Ecobank Transnational Incorporated (Togo) 240.091 11,750.944
Palm (Côte d’Ivoire) 28.293 484,097.705
Onatel( Burkina Faso) 5.763 42,519.350
Sonatel (Sénégal) 1.995 43,690.700
TPCI 6.50% 2011-2016 500 4,995.000