Panafrican News Agency

Cameroon: Cotonsport still leads in Cameroonian football league

Yaoundé, Cameroon (PANA) - Cotonsport de Garoua has strengthened its lead on the Cameroonian football league table despite losing 2-0 to Union de Douala in a day 19 match Wednesday.

Following are the full results:
Union - Cotonsport 2-0
Tonnerre - Astres de Douala 0-0
New stars - Lion blessé 1-0
UMS - Botafogo 2-3
Njalla Quan sport - Canon 1-2
Dragon - Cosmos 0-0
Apejes - Bamboutos 2-0
Young sport - Panthère 0-0
Fovu club - Unisport 1-2

Following is the ranking:
1st: Coton sport 55 pts (+16),
2nd: New stars 51 pts (+17),
3rd: Union de Douala 50 pts (+14),
4th: Botafogo 50 pts (+5),
5th: Panthère 43 pts (+7),
6th: Astres 41 pts (+7),
7th: Apejes 41pts (+7),
8th: Young sport 40 pts (+1),
9th: Bamboutos 39 pts (-1),
10th: Unisport 38 pts (+3),
11th: Dragon 38 pts (-4),
12th: Cosmos 33 pts (-5),
13th: Lion blessé 33 pts (-6),
14th: Canon 33 pts (-8),
15th: Fovu 31 pts (-5),
16th: UMS 31 pts (-7),
17th: Njalla Quan sport 30 pts (-15),
18th: Tonnerre 14 pts (-26)
-0- PANA EB/JSG/MSA/VAO 13Aug2015