Panafrican News Agency

Burundi: Govt. condemns murder of 3 Italian religious women

Bujumbura, Burundi (PANA) – The Burundian government has condemned the "horrible killing, on Sunday evening", of three Italian religious women from the parish, Guido Maria Conforti de Kamenge, a popular district of in the northern part of the capital, Bujumbura.

In a communiqué issued Monday, the Burundian government expressed “indignation" and condemned "that horrible act perpetrated against the missionaries of the congregation of the Catholic church whose social works are very much welcomed all over the Burundian territory, and particularly in that part of the Burundian capital.

It, however, called on policemen and judicial institutions to do all they can to bring perpetrators of "that horrible act" to book.

The bodies of the three religious women, including one who is aged 80, were found mutilated inside their monastery.
-0- PANA FB/JSG/MSA/VAO 8Sept2014