Tunis, Tunisia (PANA) - Public sector workers on Thursday embarked on a general strike which paralyzed vital activities of the country's economy, already in difficulty for several years.  The protest was called by the powerful Tunisian General Labour Union (UGTT), which has more than two million members, according to its leaders. The [...]
©- - 16 june 2022 - 14:35:05 - thread Social (528 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - Pump attendants of Total Energies, Shell Energie and Oryx Energie, the three biggest petrol stations in Mali, have been on a 72-hour strike since Wednesday for an improvement in their living and working conditions, PANA reported. Workers of these multinationals operating in Mali are demanding the respect [...]
©- - 07 april 2022 - 16:16:11 - thread Social (284 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - The National Union of Higher Education and Scientific Research (SNESUP) of Mali on Friday suspended its 72-hour strike, scheduled for Tuesday 31 August to Thursday 2 September 2021 and five days from 6 to 10 September 2021, PANA learned on Monday from a union source. The SNESUP [...]
©- - 30 august 2021 - 11:19:03 - thread Social (113 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - Public school teachers in Bamako district have gone on strike effective Monday to press for payment of salaries to their colleagues in Commune V of the same district, according to a member of one of the many teachers' unions. The trade unionist, who requested anonymity, said his [...]
©- - 28 june 2021 - 14:39:49 - thread Social (158 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - Some bakeries and pastry shops in Bamako, the Malian capital, on Monday began unilaterally a 48-hour strike to denounce the rise in the price of flour since last week, from 17,000 to 20,000 CFAF per 50kg bag, PANA reports. However, the trade union federation of bakers and [...]
©- - 02 february 2021 - 12:26:24 - thread Social (248 words)

Tunis, Tunisia (PANA) - The General Union of Tunisian Students (UGET) Monday announced it was boycotting the start of the university academic year due the same day to demand the release of students arrested recently during protest movements. In a statement, the UGET condemned all perpetrators of violence against the students [...]
©- - 25 january 2021 - 22:21:30 - thread Social (175 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - At the call of their union, workers of Gabriel Toure Hospital, one of the largest medical centres in Mali, have been on strike since Tuesday for 72 hours to press their demand for, among other things, improved living and working conditions for staff, hygiene, reception and [...]
©- - 30 december 2020 - 15:10:02 - thread Social (307 words)

Tunis, Tunisia (PANA) - Doctors, pharmacists and dentists in the Tunisian public health sector began a face-to-face strike on Friday at the call of their union affiliated to the Tunisian General Labour Union (UGTT). The general secretary of the General Syndicate of Doctors, Pharmacists and Dentists of Public Health, Mohamed Souissi, [...]
©- - 25 december 2020 - 16:07:11 - thread Social (156 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - The Malian government and the National Union of Malian workers (UNTM), the largest trade-union in Mali, Monday resumed negotiations that were suspended Friday to allow the authorities to respond to the demands, union sources told PANA. According to the same sources, the responses expected from the government [...]
©- - 21 december 2020 - 22:19:16 - thread Social (332 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - The National Union of Workers of Mali (UNTM), the main trade union in the country, has opted to break off all negotiations with the government until further notice, the central executive office of UNTM said Wednesday in a statement. The decision follows "the threatening remarks against trade [...]
©- - 16 december 2020 - 17:00:58 - thread Social (181 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - The Malian national workers’ union (UNTM), the country’s largest trade-union, Friday confirmed it would go ahead with its five-day strike to be observed from 14-18 December after failed negotiations between it and the government Thursday afternoon.  "The executive board of the Malian national workers’ union informs workers, [...]
©- - 11 december 2020 - 21:43:09 - thread Social (192 words)

Tunis, Tunisia (PANA) - The Bureau of the Tunisian Magistrates Association (AMT) announced Thursday in a statement that it would extend its strike indefinitely until the signing with the government of a final agreement determining the solution to all their demands. The president of the AMT, Anas Hamadi, said that "calling [...]
©- - 10 december 2020 - 12:25:37 - thread Social (215 words)

Tunis, Tunisia (PANA) - Trade unions of public health professionals in Tunisia observed here Tuesday "a Day of National Anger" and sit-ins in all hospitals in the country on the theme "Save your hospital, Save your life". Organized a day after the death of the young resident doctor, Badreddine Aloui, who [...]
©- - 08 december 2020 - 21:41:18 - thread Social (203 words)

Tunis, Tunisia (PANA) - The Association of Tunisian Magistrates (AMT) has called for their strike to be extended by an additional five days until an agreement that defines final solutions to claims pending negotiation is found. The AMT justified this decision, according to a press release published on Friday, to the [...]
©- - 05 december 2020 - 16:07:28 - thread Social (190 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - Mali's largest trade union, Union Nationale des travailleurs du Mali (UNTM), intends to call a 120-hour strike from December 14 to 18 if its demands are not met, PANA learned from a union source. The trade union centre filed a strike notice on at the office of [...]
©- - 24 november 2020 - 14:14:51 - thread Social (183 words)

Tunis Tunisia (PANA) - The coordination of unemployed Tunisian journalists organized a sit-in protest on Thursday in front of the seat of the government presidency, to press their demand for recruitment in the public sector, PANA witnessed on the spot. The coordination spokesperson, Emad Jaballah, explained that the sit-in was part [...]
©- - 23 july 2020 - 15:26:04 - thread Social (165 words)

Tunis, Tunisia (PANA) - Workers in the various oil fields in the Tataouine region, southern Tunisia, began an an indefinite strike Saturday, completely blocking oil and gas production, an official source said here. The workers are protesting against the decision of the Council of Ministers to examine the region's employment and [...]
©- - 04 july 2020 - 18:11:41 - thread Social (224 words)

Tunis, Tunisia (PANA) - Clashes between police and demonstrators resumed on Monday in the southern Tunisian city of Tataouine after only a few hours of precarious calm, PANA reported. The clashes were mainly marked by the use of tear gas by law enforcement officials on the city's main avenue, a Tunisian [...]
©- - 22 june 2020 - 17:44:47 - thread Social (279 words)

Tunis, Tunisia (PANA) - The Regional Labour Union of Tataouine in southern Tunisia, a union affiliated with the Tunisian General Labour Union (UGTT), on Sunday evening urgently declared a general strike for Monday "to denounce the intervention of the police" to disperse a sit-in of striking workers. According to the union [...]
©- - 22 june 2020 - 09:18:45 - thread Social (274 words)

Tunis, Tunisia (PANA) - Several Tunisian regions were Friday hit by waves of protests and strikes, leading to the deterioration of the economic situation and lives of Tunisians, PANA reported. The people and civil society associations in the region of Kairouan,160 km south of Tunis, went on general strike called by [...]
©- - 19 june 2020 - 21:00:22 - thread Social (252 words)

Tunis, Tunisia (PANA) - Medical doctors and executives of the health sector in Tunisia Thursday held a sit-in protest in all the country’s health centers on the orders of the general health trade-union affiliated to the Tunisian General Labour Union (UGTT) to demand improved working conditions. According to the Secretary-General of [...]
©- - 28 may 2020 - 22:43:33 - thread Social (257 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - Unions of civilian administrators in Mali have threatened to go on a 72-hour strike from May 26 to press their demand for security of state officials while on duty, union sources told PANA on Tuesday.   In a strike notice dated May 7, 2020 which has been handed [...]
©- - 19 may 2020 - 14:31:43 - thread Social (469 words)

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (PANA) - All public hearings are postoned from 21 February in Burkina Faso, following a strike by members of the Autonomous Union of Burkina Faso Magistrates (SAMAB), the Burkina Faso Union of Magistrates (SBM) and the Burkina Faso Magistrates' Union (SMB), according to an official press release [...]
©- - 21 february 2020 - 17:37:23 - thread Social (159 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA)  -  Hundreds of teachers, dressed in red and yellow, accompanied by students and parents organized a peaceful march on Thursday to demand a 20 percent increase in their salaries, in accordance with Article 39 of Law 007 of January 2018, union sources told PANA here Friday. The article [...]
©- - 24 january 2020 - 21:55:28 - thread Social (318 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) -Responding to the call of their unions, Malian teachers have been observing a two-week strike since last Tuesday to demand a 20 per cent pay rise, PANA reported. Since the start of the academic year in October 2019, teachers have already observed two strikes of five days each. Several [...]
©- - 23 january 2020 - 12:45:33 - thread Social (350 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - Malian teachers, heeding calls from their different unions, began a five-day strike on Monday, demanding a 20% increase in their salaries. They also filed a strike notice of 14 days, or 336 hours, from Monday, January 21 to Friday, January 24, 2020, from Monday, January 27 to [...]
©- - 07 january 2020 - 16:27:48 - thread Social (423 words)

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (PANA) - The Union of Truck Drivers of Burkina Faso (UCRB) announced Tuesday a 72-hour strike starting Wednesday throughout the country to demand better living and working conditions.   The UCRB sent a letter to the Minister of Transport to inform him of this decision, recalling that it follows [...]
©- - 07 january 2020 - 13:41:29 - thread Social (97 words)

Tunis, Tunisia (PANA) - Several Tunisians who began a hunger strike on Saturday in the Tunisian southern region of Tataouine were transferred Monday night to hospital after their health deteriorated. The spokesperson for the strikers, Tarek Heddad, was admitted to the reanimation service and the rest of the group kept in [...]
©- - 31 december 2019 - 19:32:44 - thread Social (176 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - Malian teachers from eight trade unions Thursday continue their 120 hour strike begun Monday with the retention of the first semester exam results to demand an increase in their wages, union sources told PANA. The trade-unions issued a strike warning on 29 November 2019 to the minister [...]
©- - 19 december 2019 - 21:50:38 - thread Social (368 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - Several national education unions in Mali could observe a 120-hour renewable strike, with grades retention from 16-20 December, to demand a 20 per cent increase in salaries, a trade union source told PANA on Wednesday. The call for strike action concerns the Union of Community Secondary Teachers [...]
©- - 04 december 2019 - 12:47:51 - thread Social (291 words)

Praia, Cape Verde (PANA) - Cape Verde's prison guards began a 72-hour strike on Tuesday demanding, among other things, a salary increase from 45,000 escudos, or about 409 euros, to 65,000, or about 510 euros. According to a trade union source, the strike is followed by about 95 per cent of [...]
©- - 21 november 2019 - 12:43:46 - thread Social (551 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - Councils of the six municipalities of Bamako district and its surroundings started a weeklong strike on Monday to denounce the arrest of the mayor of Bamako district, Adama Sangaré, and the mayors of Baguinéda and Mountougoula municipalities, adjacent to the Malian capital, union sources told PANA [...]
©- - 07 november 2019 - 13:59:22 - thread Social (172 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - Workers under Mali's National Union of Banks and Financial Institutions on Thursday (SYNABEF) began a 48-hour strike to press their demand for  retroactive pay of a 10 percent salary increase effective from January 2019.   "We call for the implementation of the results obtained in 2019 by Mali's [...]
©- - 25 october 2019 - 13:17:17 - thread Social (123 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - Members of the powerful Customs Union in Mali plan to begin a 72-hour strike from October 30, PANA learned from the union, which filed the strike notice on October 14 with the Ministry of Social Dialogue, Labor and Public Service. The Malian customs union, affiliated to the [...]
©- - 18 october 2019 - 14:41:17 - thread Social (310 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA)    -   Hospital ‘part-time workers’ in Mali have been on an indefinite strike since Wednesday in two university hospital centers, Mali Hospital and Kati Hospital, to demand the payment of their allowance arrears, reliable sources told PANA here Friday.  Out of 120 million CFAF, Mali hospital received only 28 [...]
©- - 13 september 2019 - 23:14:42 - thread Social (210 words)

Tunis, Tunisia (PANA) - Postal workers in Tunisia continued their strike on Monday, which began on August 21 in all regions of the country for reasons related to professional grievances. This strike caused a stoppage in all post offices, disrupting services for customers who deplored the situation as many Tunisians rely [...]
©- - 26 august 2019 - 14:54:16 - thread Social (207 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - Workers of referral health centres of the six communes of the Malian capital, Bamako, are on strike since Wednesday following a call of their unions, PANA learnt on Thursday. According to union officials, they took the action to press their demand for 30% of the receipts generated [...]
©- - 15 august 2019 - 14:00:21 - thread Social (194 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA)    -   The staff of the Gabriel Touré hospital-university center (CHU), one of Mali’s biggest hospitals, has since Wednesday embarked on a 72-hour strike for improved conditions of service, PANA reported here Thursday. The demands, among other complaints, relate to respect for commitments made by the authorities, equipment, donation [...]
©- - 08 august 2019 - 23:12:17 - thread Social (269 words)

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (PANA) - Burkinabe journalists have announced a 24-hour general strike, effective on Wednesday, to demand the transfer of Sidwaya and Radio and Television of Burkina Faso (RTB) into state-owned companies with the same staff.   The journalists are also demanding that government should provide substantial equipment and adequate means for [...]
©- - 15 july 2019 - 14:51:20 - thread Social (214 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) – After five days of negotiations, the Malian government and teachers' trade unions have come to an agreement, ending repeated strikes that had caused fear over the lost academic year, official sources told PANA.   Out of their ten points demands, eight were fully agreed, one partially agreed and [...]
©- - 19 may 2019 - 19:03:05 - thread Social (244 words)

Tunis, Tunisia (PANA)   -   Unemployed graduates Wednesday blocked the main streets of the Tunisian central city of Kairouan here leading to the offices of government as part of a series of demonstrations against their continued unemployment.   The demonstrators, parading under the umbrella of The Coordination of Holders of PH.D Diplomas, also [...]
©- - 15 may 2019 - 22:47:48 - thread Social (186 words)

Nouakchott, Mauritania (PANA)   -   The Independent Secondary Education Union (SIPES) in Mauritania Monday declared a three-day national strike, demanding improved conditions of service, local media reported here. Mohamed Ahmed ould Beidah, Secretary General of SIPES, told local press that the main demands of the striking teachers concerned "a significant increase in [...]
©- - 22 april 2019 - 21:19:30 - thread Social (93 words)

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (PANA) - Most health centres in Burkina Faso operated at a slow pace Wednesday following a strike action by the Union of Human and Animal Health Workers (SYNTSHA) to demand better living and working conditions, reliable sources told PANA here. In Bobo-Dioulasso, the country's second largest city (west), [...]
©- - 17 april 2019 - 23:21:37 - thread Social (198 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - After declaring several strikes since the beginning of the school year in Mali, the various national education unions have again called a new 15-day strike in three phases: 11 to 15 March; 18 to 22 March and 1 to 15 April 2019, following the breakdown, on [...]
©- - 12 march 2019 - 11:32:48 - thread Social (299 words)

Tunis Tunisia (PANA) - The chairman of the national trade-union of Tunisian journalists (SNJT), Neji Bghouri, on Tuesday said that the decision of the trade-union to go on strike is still in force, adding that the SNJT board will meet next week to take a decision in that regard. SNJT had [...]
©- - 26 february 2019 - 22:52:40 - thread Social (179 words)

Ziguinchor, Senegal (PANA) – The education sector in Guinea Bissau has been paralyzed since Thursday in the wake of a strike by teachers’ trade unions demanding payment of salary arrears from the government, reliable sources contacted from Ziguinchor (Senegal) told PANA on Friday. According to the sources in the capital, Bissau, [...]
©- - 15 february 2019 - 14:59:50 - thread Social (307 words)

Nouakchott, Mauritania (PANA) – Workers of Mauritel, the telecommunications operator in Mauritania, which is a subsidiary of Morocco-Telecom, on Wednesday launched a strike to press for several demands including salary increases and departure of the Moroccan director. They are also calling for a revision of the agreement signed between the Mauritanian [...]
©- - 31 january 2019 - 11:09:24 - thread Social (129 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) – Mali's largest labour union, the National Union of Malian Workers (UNTM), on Wednesday began a 3-day strike after negotiations with the government on several issues, including pay rise, broke down. The UNTM Secretary General, Yacouba Katilé, has accused the government of "negligence" during the negotiations, pushing the [...]
©- - 09 january 2019 - 11:23:39 - thread Social (210 words)

Tunis, Tunisia (PANA) - The Tunisian Bar Council announced on Tuesday that it has extended its strike that started on Monday for another three days. The Council will also organise a sit-in of its members, presidents and members of regional divisions at the headquarters of the court, before organising a second [...]
©- - 11 december 2018 - 11:04:14 - thread Social (200 words)

Tunis, Tunisia (PANA) – Tunisian university lecturers and researchers on Monday began a series of strikes to protest against the Tunisian ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for not respecting an agreement they signed last June. The strikes will be in force on 19, 21 and 23 November, and then [...]
©- - 19 november 2018 - 11:27:08 - thread Social (219 words)