Bamako, Mali (PANA) - Malian Prime Minister Choguel Kokalla Maiga said here Sunday at least 50,000 Malian refugees out of an estimated 350,000 had arrived in their villages of origin between 28 December 2021 and 28 January 2022. Due to terrorist attacks since 2012 in several parts of Mali, many people [...]
©- - 31 january 2022 - 18:23:30 - thread Politics (492 words)

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (PANA) - The United States said on Wednesday it was deeply concerned about reports of attacks by military forces affiliated to the Tigray People’s Liberation Front and Tigrayan militias against Eritrean refugees in the Tigray region. The US said it had received reports of violence in refugee camps [...]
©- - 28 july 2021 - 21:41:59 - thread Politics (200 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - Some 217,000 people have been displaced by the conflict in Libya, the European Union (EU) Mission revealed, while the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has recorded the presence of 43,000 refugees and asylum seekers in the country. These figures were unveiled in a statement issued [...]
©- - 11 june 2021 - 09:16:41 - thread Politics (272 words)

Bujumbura, Burundi (PANA) - Some 127 Burundian refugee households returned home on Tuesday from neighboring Tanzania where they had taken shelter from the violent electoral crisis of 2015 in their country, the Burundi public radio reported on Wednesday. The 127 households represent a group of 370 women, men and children, from [...]
©- - 24 february 2021 - 16:57:55 - thread Politics (313 words)

Kigali, Rwanda (PANA)  Some 620 Congolese refugees have been moved from Kigeme, a village described to be at high risk zone, to a new camp of Mahama in southeastern Rwanda, near the border with Tanzania. An official statement obtained on Tuesday by PANA in Kigali said they were relocated for their [...]
©- - 03 november 2020 - 13:59:34 - thread Politics (249 words)

Kigali, Rwanda (PANA) - Rwanda on Tuesday signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the African Union (AU) on receiving and providing protection to refugees and asylum seekers who are currently being held in detention centres in Libya. The MOU aims to establish an Emergency Transit Mechanism (ETM) in Rwanda for [...]
©- - 10 september 2019 - 13:01:09 - thread Politics (314 words)

Tunis, Tunisia (PANA)   -   The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has decided, after 30 years of collaboration, to suspend its cooperation and partnership with the Tunisian Red Crescent, an official source told PANA here Monday. The suspension, the source explained, followed several failures by the Tunisian humanitarian institution during [...]
©- - 01 july 2019 - 21:43:43 - thread Politics (178 words)

Nairobi, Kenya (PANA) - The Kenyan government has issued a three-month ultimatum to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to relocate Somali and Ethiopian refugees at the refugee camps in Dadaab, North Eastern Kenya, following the killing of 147 University campus students. Kenyan Deputy President William Ruto, said Saturday that [...]
©- - 11 april 2015 - 18:50:03 - thread Politics (348 words)

Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire (PANA) – The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said on Tuesday that for tens of thousands of displaced persons in Western Côte d'Ivoire and most of the refugees in neighbouring Liberia, their return home is being delayed by tension and risks. According to the IDRC [...]
©- - 03 may 2011 - 20:55:37 - thread Politics (325 words)