Conakry, Guinea (PANA) - Amnesty International has slammed Guinea's military junta for dissolving the umbrella pro-democracy National Front for the Defence of the Constitution (FNDC) and the summoning of a journalist to a military camp. The Guinean transitional authorities on Monday announced the dissolution of FNDC, accusing it of having “always been [...]
©- - 11 august 2022 - 08:33:37 - thread Politics (390 words)

Conakry, Guinea (PANA) - The Minister-Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic of Guinea, Colonel Amara Camara, on Thursday warned political actors and activists against any manoeuvres to destabilize the country. In a statement read on national television, Col. Camara, a member of the National Committee of the Rally for [...]
©- - 05 november 2021 - 20:03:42 - thread Politics (351 words)

Conakry, Guinea (PANA) - The president of the Transition in Guinea, Colonel Mamady Doumbouya, received here Friday ambassadors of the European Union (EU) whom he brief on reasons for the overthrow of President Alpha Conde on 5 September and the coming to power of the National Committee of Rally for [...]
©- - 16 october 2021 - 12:11:33 - thread Politics (339 words)

Conakry, Guinea (PANA) - The Guinean Press Professionals Union (SPPG) Monday condemned with "the utmost energy" the violation Saturday night of the premises of the Djoma Médias press group by two heavily armed men belonging to the Special Forces Group (GFS) whose leader, Colonel Mamady Doumbouya, took power on 5 [...]
©- - 11 october 2021 - 18:42:44 - thread Politics (302 words)

Conakry, Guinea (PANA) - The National Forum for the Liberation of President Alpha Conde (FONAL-PRAC) on Wednesday called for the "immediate and unconditional release" of the ousted president Alpha Conde. In a statement after a meeting at the headquarters of the Rassemblement du Peuple de Guinée (RPG), the forum, made up [...]
©- - 07 october 2021 - 11:16:58 - thread Politics (275 words)

Conakry, Guinea (PANA) - The head of the military junta in Guinea, Colonel Mamady Doumbouya, will be sworn in on Friday at the Mohamed V Palace, where the deposed president, Alpha Condé, is staying. Doumbouya, who was head of the Special Forces Group (GFS), was appointed head of the National Committee [...]
©- - 30 september 2021 - 11:44:46 - thread Politics (200 words)

Conakry, Guinea (PANA) - Guinea's military junta on Tuesday announced the reopening of the land border with Senegal, which was closed for security reasons in October 2020 by the ousted Guinean President Alpha Condé. According to a statement, the junta had confirmed one of its commitments to reopen all land borders [...]
©- - 29 september 2021 - 20:47:04 - thread Politics (124 words)

Conakry, Guinea (PANA) - Guinea's former spokesperson and Minister of State in the ousted government, Tibou Kamara, was arrested on Saturday night in his flat in the Camayenne, a residential area of Conakry, according to his family. A group of men wearing military uniforms and hooded, according to the same sources, [...]
©- - 19 september 2021 - 14:25:17 - thread Politics (158 words)

Conakry, Guinea (PANA) - The president of the 2009-2010 transition in Guinea, General Sékouba Konaté, on Thursday welcomed the overthrow of President Alpha Condé by the National Committee for Reconciliation and Development (CNRD), led by Lieutenant Colonel Mamady Doumbouya. In an interview broadcast on a a local radio station, General Konate, [...]
©- - 17 september 2021 - 11:16:58 - thread Politics (457 words)

Nairobi, Kenya (PANA) – Military forces responsible for a coup d’état in Guinea should immediately restore fundamental human rights, Human Rights Watch said on Wednesday. They should ensure respect for rights within the security forces and ensure the lawful and humane treatment of former President Alpha Condé and any others in custody, [...]
©- - 15 september 2021 - 10:31:33 - thread Politics (694 words)

Conakry, Guinea (PANA) - The head of the National Committee for Rally and Development (CNRD), Lt.  Col. Mamady Doumbouya, who seized power in Guinea on 5 September, on Tuesday opened national consultations at the People's Palace (National Assembly) in the presence of political leaders, PANA reported. The head of the junta [...]
©- - 14 september 2021 - 17:35:54 - thread Politics (248 words)

Conakry, Guinea (PANA) - The representative of the UN Secretary General in West Africa and the Sahel, Chadian Mahamat Saleh Annadif, said on Monday that he had high hopes for the national consultations on the way forward that will open on Tuesday in Conakry at the initiative of the military [...]
©- - 14 september 2021 - 12:26:53 - thread Politics (397 words)

Conakry, Guinea (PANA) - Guinea's junta, the National Committee for Reconciliation and Development (CNRD), on Monday asked the security forces and health authorities to assess the situations at the country's land borders with a view to gradually reopening them before Thursday. In a statement read on national television, the CNRD, led [...]
©- - 14 september 2021 - 12:05:42 - thread Politics (121 words)

Conakry, Guinea (PANA) - The Guinea's military junta that seized power on 5 September, says it has no objection to the release of deposed president Alpha Condé. Reliable sources told PANA that the National Committee for Reconciliation and Development (CNRD) junta, led by Lieutenant Colonel Mamady Doumbouya, is, however, considering the [...]
©- - 13 september 2021 - 12:30:26 - thread Politics (395 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - The National Committee for the People’s Salvation (CNSP), the military junta that seized power last 18 August in Mali, was dissolved on 18 January by a decree signed by the country’s transitional president, Bah N’Daw, and made public here Tuesday. The dissolution of the CNSP had for [...]
©- - 26 january 2021 - 23:15:59 - thread Politics (300 words)

Lagos, Nigeria (PANA) - The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Thursday reiterated its opposition to the military coup in Guinea Bissau, and vowed not to recognize the transitional government formed by the junta. In a statement made available to PANA in Lagos Thursday evening, the regional bloc expressed ''surprise'' [...]
©- - 19 april 2012 - 21:44:30 - thread Politics (192 words)

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (PANA) - As the African Union’s (AU) Peace and Security Council kicked off a crisis meeting to discuss the coup-plagued Guinea-Bissau on Tuesday, AU Commission chief Jean Ping has warned the military against “window-dressing” a coup d’état through the introduction of a so-called “new political architecture.” An AU [...]
©- - 17 april 2012 - 10:20:14 - thread Politics (301 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - Mali's military junta, which took power on 22 March, on Wedndesday denounced the "grave" human rights violations in three major cities in northern Mali - Kidal, Gao and Timbuktu - which were seized by Tuareg rebels and Islamic groups in the past few days. In a [...]
©- - 04 april 2012 - 20:47:57 - thread Politics (185 words)

Niamey- Niger (PANA) -- Niger's ruling junta has accepted the 12-month transition proposed by the country's national consultative committee. A statement made public on Thursday said the committee had set the definitive re turn to constitutional order for 1 March 2011. The Supreme Council for the Restoration of [...]
©- - 07 may 2010 - 22:32:00 - thread Politics (230 words)

Niamey- Niger (PANA)- â" Niger's junta chief, Squadron Commander Salou Djibo, ha s said the ruling Supreme Council for the Restoration of Democracy (SCRD) would e nsure that democracy and constitutional legality are restored before it hands ov e r power to civilians. For that purpose, he told the [...]
©- - 01 march 2010 - 22:46:00 - thread Politics (198 words)

Niamey- Niger (PANA) -- No member of Niger's military junta or the transition gov ernment will be allowed to stand in the country's presidential election, junta l e ader Squadron Commander Salou Djibo has said. In a message to the nation on Sunday he said members of the ruling [...]
©- - 01 march 2010 - 20:27:00 - thread Politics (165 words)

Niamey- Niger (PANA) -- Niger's ruling junta has appointed Mahamadou Danda as the country's Prime Minister. The two-time former minister is a technocrat, who graduated from Ecole nationale d'administration (ENA) and is known for his neutrality in the political debate. Niger is being ruled by a Supreme Council [...]
©- - 24 february 2010 - 12:22:00 - thread Politics (76 words)

Niamey- Niger (PANA) -- The head of the Niger junta that toppled President Mamado u Tandja on Thursday, Colonel Salou Djibo, on Monday proclaimed himself head of S tate, according to a statement from the the Supreme Council for the Restoration o f Democracy (CSRD). According to the statement, [...]
©- - 23 february 2010 - 15:32:00 - thread Politics (205 words)

Conakry- Guinea (PANA) -- The acting chairman of the Guinea's junta, the National Council for the Defence of Democracy (CNDD), General Sأ©kouba Konatأ©, on Wednesday vowed to cre ate â?a new peaceful transition authorityâ? that will soon set dates for electi ons. Speaking shortly after his return from a [...]
©- - 06 january 2010 - 23:03:00 - thread Politics (343 words)

Conakry- Guinea (PANA) -- The interim Guinean junta leader has pledged free and f air election saying the country's problems can only be solved by legitimately el e cted people who will hold the reins of republican institutions. Speaking in Conakry on Wednesday on the first anniversary of a [...]
©- - 24 december 2009 - 20:20:00 - thread Politics (353 words)

Conakry- Guinea (PANA) -- The interim Guinean junta leader has pledged free and f air election saying the country's problems can only be solved by legitimately el e cted people who will hold the reins of republican institutions. Speaking in Conakry on Wednesday on the first anniversary of a [...]
©- - 24 december 2009 - 20:20:00 - thread Politics (353 words)

Conakry- Guinea (PANA) -- The interim Guinean junta leader has pledged free and f air election saying the country's problems can only be solved by legitimately el e cted people who will hold the reins of republican institutions. Speaking in Conakry on Wednesday on the first anniversary of a [...]
©- - 24 december 2009 - 01:38:00 - thread Politics (353 words)

Conakry- Guinea (PANA) -- The interim Guinean junta leader has pledged free and f air election saying the country's problems can only be solved by legitimately el e cted people who will hold the reins of republican institutions. Speaking in Conakry on Wednesday on the first anniversary of a [...]
©- - 24 december 2009 - 01:38:00 - thread Politics (353 words)

Conakry- Guinea (PANA) -- Guinean Minister and Permanent Secretary of the Nationa l Council for Democracy and Development (CNDD), Colonel Moussa Kأ©أ¯ta, disclose d in Conakry Tuesday that the junta leader, Captain Moussa Dadis Camara, was "doi n g very well". Speaking on the national radio station as part [...]
©- - 22 december 2009 - 20:22:00 - thread Politics (226 words)

Conakry- Guinea (PANA) -- Guinean Minister and Permanent Secretary of the National Council for Democracy and Development (CNDD), Colonel Moussa Kéïta, disclosed in Conakry Tuesday that the junta leader, Captain Moussa Dadis Camara, was "doing very well". Speaking on the national radio station as part of activities to commemorate [...]
©- - 22 december 2009 - 19:47:00 - thread Politics (210 words)

Conakry- Guinea (PANA) -- The chairman of the Guinean Organization of Human Right s (GOHR), Thierno Maadjou Sow, on Monday expressed satisfaction with the publica t ion of the report of inquiry into the massacres perpetrated by soldiers last Sep t ember 28th in Conakry. The report said there [...]
©- - 21 december 2009 - 21:47:00 - thread Politics (368 words)

Conakry- Guinea (PANA) -- Guineans have given a mixed reaction to a speech by act ing junta head, General Sأ©kouba Konatأ©, who has condemned high handed actions o f soldiers in the country. However, they wish to see the military leave power. Konatأ©, who is the Minister of [...]
©- - 12 december 2009 - 18:02:00 - thread Politics (257 words)

Conakry- Guinea (PANA) -- Military troops, Guitroops, in armoured cars have been patrolling Conakry in search of soldiers suspected of attempted murder on the Gu i nean strongman, Moussa Dadis Camara, at the Autonomous Presidential Security Bat t alion (BASP) by his aide-de camp on Thursday, PANA reported. However, [...]
©- - 06 december 2009 - 15:08:00 - thread Politics (206 words)

Conakry- Guinea (PANA) -- Guinea's opposition political party, the New generation for Republic (NGR), has described as regrettable the attempted assassination on junta leader, Captain Moussa Dadis Camara, saying the development was an indictm e nt on the political class and the country's international partners. In a statement issued [...]
©- - 05 december 2009 - 15:40:00 - thread Politics (215 words)

Conakry- Guinea (PANA) -- Guinean junta chief, Captain Moussa Dadis Camara, Frida y flew to Morocco for medical attention after being injured by his aide-de-camp, Aboubacar "Toumba" Diakhitأ©, who opened fire on him on Thursday, a source close to the Alpha Yaya Diallo military camp said. The junta leader, [...]
©- - 04 december 2009 - 17:01:00 - thread Politics (216 words)

Conakry- Guinea (PANA) -- The Guinean minister in charge of Communication at the presidency and the Defence ministry, Tibou Kamara, has become the latest ministe r to quit the government of Captain Dadis Camara over the 28 September massacres t hat saw more than 150 anti-government demonstrators killed by security [...]
©- - 03 november 2009 - 22:05:00 - thread Politics (369 words)

Conakry- Guinea (PANA) -- The Guinean junta leader, Captain Moussa Dadis Camara, said in a broadcast on Monday evening that he was prepared to assist the commiss i on of inquiry set up by the United Nations to investigate the bloody suppression of an opposition demonstration of 28 September in [...]
©- - 03 november 2009 - 21:49:00 - thread Politics (299 words)

Conakry- Guinea (PANA) – Former Guinea Prime Minis-ter Dr Ahmed Tidiane Soumare w as released on Wednesday morning after being detained for a few hours at Peleton Mobile 3 (PM 3), a garrison of the gendarmerie in Conakry, according to his imme d iate family. The former head of [...]
©- - 02 july 2009 - 00:27:00 - thread Politics (290 words)

Conakry- Guinea (PANA) -- The head of the ruling junta in Guinea, Captain Moussa Dadis Camara, on Friday condemned a statement that announced the resumption of p o litical and trade unions activities in the country. Camara described as "null and void" the text read on Thursday evening on [...]
©- - 26 june 2009 - 19:46:00 - thread Politics (278 words)

Conakry- Guinea (PANA) – Guinea’s military junta l-eader, Captain Moussa Dadis Ca mara, on Wednesday lashed out at the German ambassador to Guinea, Karl Prinz, wh o had asked him whether he would contest presidential elections if they were held in 2010. “Mr President, we were worried when you [...]
©- - 10 june 2009 - 22:40:00 - thread Politics (318 words)

Conakry- Guinea (PANA) -- Leader of the Guinean ruling military junta, Captain Mo ussa Dadis Camara, Monday temporarily appointed various commanders of the countr y 's armed forces, an official source announced. Lt. -Col. Oumar Sano was appointed military chief of staff, while Moriba Abel Mar a was [...]
©- - 06 january 2009 - 17:41:00 - thread Politics (163 words)

Freetown- Sierra Leone (PANA) -- Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Kadhafi has called on Guinea's junta, the National Council for Democracy and Development (CNDD), t o listen to the voice of the international community and return the country to ef f ective political normalcy. Speaking to journalists here Thursday, Kadhafi [...]
©- - 02 january 2009 - 16:36:00 - thread Politics (215 words)