Panafrican News Agency

Mauritania: Nouakchott earned US$ 1.25 billion in world trade this year

Nouakchott, Mauritania (PANA) – Trade between Mauritania and the rest of the world earned the African country an estimated 379.49 billion Ouguiya or US$ 1.25 billion in the first quarter of this year, representing a drop of 7.9% compared to the figures for the previous quarter, according to official statistics released Friday by the government.

Of this amount, trade with Europe grossed 43.7%, including France (17.8%), Switzerland (14.8%), Spain (14.5%), Germany (10.1%) and Italy (6.7%).

Asia, Mauritania’s second trading partner, earned Nouakchott 25% of the amount, thanks to trade with China and Japan.

The Middle East represents 16.6% of Mauritania’s trade.

With Africa, Mauritania made 25.8% from main partners Morocco, Côte d’Ivoire (25.3%), Nigeria (14.8%) and Senegal (8.1%), showing a general weakness in sub-regional and regional trade.