Panafrican News Agency

Mauritania: Govt moves to eradicate aftereffects of slavery in Mauritania

Nouakchott, Mauritania (PANA) – Mauritanian Prime Minister Yahya Ould Hademine has ordered the government to carry out the programme undertaken to eradicate the aftereffects of slavery in the northwest African country.

In a general policy statement before Parliament late Monday, Hademine announced that a national plan for the protection and promotion of human rights would soon be adopted and made public in accordance with the international tools ratified by Mauritania.

In addition, he affirmed that the government will continue with "the policy of slavery eradication and improvement of the emancipation conditions for people affected by the phenomenon through adoption of an action plan for eradication of all forms of contemporary slavery."

The government's priorities under the plan, he said, will include public sensitization on the anti-slavery legislation, implementation of targeted programmes on access to basic services (education, health, literacy, water and housing), as well as the implementation of support programmes for income generating activities.

-0- PANA SAS/IS/MSA/AR 6Jan2014