Panafrican News Agency

Mauritania signs AU-NEPAD CAADP compact

Lagos, Nigeria (PANA) - Mauritania has become the first Arab Maghreb Union (AMU) member and the 27th African country to sign the African Union and NEPAD Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP) Compact, after a successful roundtable, according to a statement from NEPAD, which was made available to PANA here Wednesday.

"Implementing CAADP provides an opportunity for the country to further strengthen its agricultural development efforts to achieve greater impact on the country’s economy and food security. More specifically, signing the CAADP Compact enables Mauritania to set the framework and parameters for long-term partnership in the agricultural sector,” the statement said.

The Mauritania Minister of Economic Affairs and Development, Dr. Sidi Ould Tah, signed the compact on behalf of the government, while Komla Bissi, the Senior Agribusiness Advisor of the African Union and the NEPAD Agency, signed on behalf of the agency.

Other signatories to the compact included a representative of the Arab Maghreb Union, a representative of the development partners, a representative of the private sector, civil society and farmers’ organizations.

The statement also observed that, "It demonstrates the resolve and commitments of government, national stakeholders and development partners to engage jointly and collectively in advancing Mauritania’s agriculture development agenda, which calls for the harmonization of all agriculture development initiatives under one umbrella and clarifies stakeholder expectations and responsibilities in order to ensure the successful implementation of agriculture and rural development programmes."

Bissi, in his remarks, called on Mauritanians and other stakeholders in the agriculture sector to continue to work together in order to boost the growth and development of the sector for the benefit of their people.

He said countries which take on the CAADP principles later than others should have an advantage to do things better, stressing also the need for Mauritania to take advantage of the lessons from the continent and to undertake post-compact actions better.

The AU-NEPAD agency representative pledged continuous support to the country in creating an enabling environment, mobilising resources, strengthening capacities for programme implementation, coordination and rendering continental support.
-0- PANA SB/BOS 3Aug2011