Panafrican News Agency

Saudi Arabia to investigate Egyptian pilgrims' airport crisis

Cairo, Egypt (PANA) - Saudi authorities are to investigate the crisis involving Egyptian pilgrims who were stranded at the Jeddah airport, after they performed the lesser Hajj or Omrah, according to Saudi media reports.

The reports said Saudi authorities would form a committee, which includes members of the ministry of interior and the civil aviation authorities, to handle the investigation.

Nearly 5,000 Egyptian pilgrims were stranded at the airport, after preforming Omrah in Saudi Arabia, during the last days of the fasting month of Ramadan, due to delay in their return flights.

The delays led to extreme chaos as angry pilgrims destroyed several airport facilities and attacked Saudi airline employees.

Meanwhile, Egypt's Consul in Jeddah said Thursday the crisis had been resolved in cooperation with Saudi Arabia.
-0- PANA MI/SEG 2Sept2011