Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The Joint Cooperation Commission between Maurita nia and Sudan on Monday began a meeting aimed at strengthening cooperation betwe e n the two countries, PANA reported from here
©- - 21 december 2009 - 18:32:00 - thread Union africaine (98 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Following are Monday's exchange rates of major foreign currencies against the rupee, as published by the Commercial Bank of Mauritius
©- - 21 december 2009 - 13:52:00 - thread Union africaine (117 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Located in the Sahelo-Saharan strip, bordering t he West African sub-region and the Maghreb, Mauritania is strongly affected by t h e climate change, whose adverse impacts have been perceptible over the years, en v ironment experts said unanimously
©- - 20 december 2009 - 13:32:00 - thread Union africaine (313 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Unidentified gunmen have kidnapped two Italians and one Burkinabe woman in Mauritania, security sources told PANA
©- - 20 december 2009 - 10:19:00 - thread Union africaine (114 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The General Forum of Arab and African Non Govern mental Organizations (FONGAF) has "strongly" condemned the ban slammed on minarets in Switzerland
©- - 19 december 2009 - 18:46:00 - thread Union africaine (106 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The Mauritanian government Saturday reiterated i ts determination to promote a legislation to protect journalists, PANA reported from here
©- - 19 december 2009 - 14:59:00 - thread Union africaine (102 words)

Paris- France (PANA) -- The Guinea Bissau President, Malam Becai Sanha, admitted in a French military hospital in Val-de-Grأ¢ce, Paris, for diabetes, has signifi c antly improved in health, sources close to the president told PANA here on Thurs d ay
©- - 17 december 2009 - 16:45:00 - thread Union africaine (129 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has pledge d about US$ 100 million to finance a new three-year programme deal with Mauritan i a, the country's Finance Minister Kane Ousmane, said here Thursday
©- - 17 december 2009 - 15:23:00 - thread Union africaine (134 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- A three-day international conference on the mana gement of obstetric fistula opened Tuesday in Nouakchott, the Mauritanian capita l , PANA reported from here
©- - 16 december 2009 - 14:35:00 - thread Union africaine (118 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, l eft Nouakchott Tuesday morning for Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, where he w ill attend the World Summit on Climate Change, official sources told PANA
©- - 15 december 2009 - 15:20:00 - thread Union africaine (104 words)

Paris- France (PANA) -- The international Francophone Organization (OIF) on Monda y lifted the suspension of Mauritania, saying the country has returned to consti t utional order following the 18 July presidential election
©- - 14 december 2009 - 23:44:00 - thread Union africaine (312 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Mauritian Minister of Regional Administrations Ja mes Burty David died Sunday from a heart attack, official sources told PANA here Monday
©- - 14 december 2009 - 10:24:00 - thread Union africaine (53 words)

Cotonou- Benin (PANA) -- A 35-year old hairdresser from Abomey in central Benin, Hأ©lأ¨ne Assokpأ©, on Friday won the 2009 Hanan Queen competition meant to prom o te African beauty
©- - 12 december 2009 - 14:33:00 - thread Union africaine (158 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Eight Mauritanian opposition parties have come t ogether under a platform called 'Coordination of the Forces of Democratic Opposition (CF OD)', PANA learnt here Friday
©- - 11 december 2009 - 13:07:00 - thread Union africaine (242 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The main shareholder and chairman of the Mauritanian Islamic Bank (MIB) board of directors, Mohamed Ould Noueigued, and businessman Abdou Maham, who were arrested last week for allegedly misappropriat ing public funds, were on Wednesday night remanded in custody, legal sources in N ouakchott told PANA
©- - 10 december 2009 - 22:32:00 - thread Union africaine (175 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The resurgence of terrorism in Mauritania, marke d by the abduction of three Spanish humanitarian workers on 29 November, "is due to an accumulation of security failures by previous regimes," Mauritanian Presid e nt Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz said Tuesday
©- - 09 december 2009 - 17:14:00 - thread Union africaine (136 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The Mauritanian Ministry of Health Tuesday denie d the existence of any case of swine flu among the country's pilgrims who recent l y returned from Mecca, Saudi Arabia, contrary to reports in some local media
©- - 08 december 2009 - 18:58:00 - thread Union africaine (146 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The Mauritanian president, Mohamed Ould Abdel Az iz, will head his country's delegation to the climate change summit, planned for 6-17 December in Copenhagen, Denmark, official sources told PANA here Saturday
©- - 05 december 2009 - 14:04:00 - thread Union africaine (132 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Two bankers have been arrested and detained in M auritania on the suspicion of committing economic crimes, PANA learnt on Friday
©- - 04 december 2009 - 12:35:00 - thread Union africaine (181 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- The Mauritian Central Bank on Friday released the latest exchange rates of some foreign currencies against the local rupee
©- - 04 december 2009 - 10:09:00 - thread Union africaine (121 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Mauritius has received a loan of US$ 100 million from the World Bank, out of which US$ 50 million will go for general budget supp o rt for July to December 2009 and the remaining US$ 50 million for infrastructure projects, PANA reported from here
©- - 03 december 2009 - 15:00:00 - thread Union africaine (307 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- ASAC Concorde on Wednesday won the Mauritanian f ootball cup after beating FC Tevragh-Zeine 5-3 on penalties in the final
©- - 03 december 2009 - 12:26:00 - thread Union africaine (101 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Following are Thursday's exchange rates for major foreign currencies against the rupee, as published by the Central Bank of Mauri t ius
©- - 03 december 2009 - 12:22:00 - thread Union africaine (120 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- A pool of international banks and financial inst itutions has granted funding of US$ 710 million to the National Mining Company o f Mauritania (SNIM) to facilitate a project of enriched minerals, called "GuelbII " in the north of the country, with a new ore terminal in the town of Nouadhibou ( 465 kilometers north of Nouakchott), PANA reported Wednesday
©- - 02 december 2009 - 21:01:00 - thread Union africaine (186 words)

Bujumbura- Burundi (PANA) -- After over eight years of peacekeeping operations in Burundi, under the banner of the African Union (AU), a South African military c o ntingent on Wednesday returned home, PANA reported from here
©- - 02 december 2009 - 19:00:00 - thread Union africaine (279 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The fate of three Spaniards - two men and a woma n working for a Catalan NGO - who were kidnapped Sunday on the Nouadhibou-Nouakc h ott road in Mauritania, was still shrouded in uncertainty, observers noted in th e Mauritanian capital
©- - 02 december 2009 - 13:54:00 - thread Union africaine (162 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Following are Wednesday's exchange rates of some foreign currencies against the rupee as published by the Central Bank of Mauriti u s: Currency Buying Selling Australian dollar 26
©- - 02 december 2009 - 10:13:00 - thread Union africaine (120 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Mauritian Acting Prime Minister Rashid Beebeejaun told Parliament Tuesday the counry does not recognise the so-called British Ind i an Ocean Territory (BIOT) and that the island has always affirmed its sovereignt y over the Chagos Archipelago
©- - 01 december 2009 - 19:16:00 - thread Union africaine (461 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Following are Tuesday's exchange rates for the Mauritian rupee against some foreign currencies, as published by the Central Bank of Mauritius
©- - 01 december 2009 - 10:12:00 - thread Union africaine (119 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) â" The Mauritanian s-ecurity forces on Monday step ped up the search for three Spanish aid workers who were abducted on Sunday on t h e Nouadhibou-Nouakchott road, 465 kilometre from Nouakchott, security sources to l d PANA
©- - 30 november 2009 - 23:03:00 - thread Union africaine (148 words)

Port-Louis- Maurice (PANA) -- Following are the latest exchange rates of the Maur itian rupee against some foreign currencies, as published here Monday by the Central Bank of Mauritius
©- - 30 november 2009 - 11:15:00 - thread Union africaine (122 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- A man armed with an assault rifle shot and kille d three persons Saturday in the Mauritania's district of Trarza, located in the country's South -east, the local media reported
©- - 28 november 2009 - 13:10:00 - thread Union africaine (79 words)

Tripoli- Libya(PANA) -- Libyan revolutionary leader Mouammar Kadhafi, the current AU chairman, on Thursday received in Tripoli a high-powered delegation sent by Nige r's president, Mamadou Tandja, official Libyan sources revealed
©- - 26 november 2009 - 21:53:00 - thread Union africaine (236 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Mauritanian president Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz on Thursday opened a technology education institute in Rosso, a city located in th e South of the country
©- - 26 november 2009 - 21:25:00 - thread Union africaine (96 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Mauritius has initiated a plan of action to preve nt, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing in its seas, PANA reported, quoting an official source
©- - 22 november 2009 - 09:45:00 - thread Union africaine (136 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The exiled paramilitary group African Liberation Forces of Mauritania (FLAM) has demanded that 28 November be observed as a day of national mourning, in memory of the 28 black soldiers hanged on the same day in 1990
©- - 21 november 2009 - 19:13:00 - thread Union africaine (135 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Mauritian Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam is bille d to leave Port-Louis Saturday evening for Trinidad and Tobago, where he will attend the summit of the Commonwealth heads of state and government, planned for next week, offici al sources said
©- - 21 november 2009 - 11:30:00 - thread Union africaine (124 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Mauritius will host, in September 2011, the first international conference on waste management in developing countries, PANA lear n t on Friday from official sources
©- - 20 november 2009 - 18:31:00 - thread Union africaine (150 words)

Port-Louis- Maurice (PANA) -- A total of 121 people have been killed in road acci dents since the beginning of 2009 in Mauritius, according to official data provided at the launch of the campaign to raise aware ness on road safety
©- - 20 november 2009 - 12:01:00 - thread Union africaine (150 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Mauritian Industry and Science and Research Minis ter Dharam Gokhool launched the Mauritius Poverty Observatory Thursday night in a bid to de al more effectively with poverty
©- - 20 november 2009 - 08:58:00 - thread Union africaine (344 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- The Bank of Mauritius and the Financial Intelligence Unit, Mauritius' two biggest financial institutions, have signed an agreement aimed at fighting economic crimes, particularly money laundering and financing of terrorism, official sources told PANA on Thursday
©- - 19 november 2009 - 21:43:00 - thread Union africaine (145 words)

Tripoli- Libya (PANA) -- The Libyan leader and chair of the African Union (AU), M ouammar Kadhafi, on Thursday received the President of Guinea Bissau, Malam Baca i Sanha, who arrived in Tripoli from the Italian capital city of Rome
©- - 19 november 2009 - 19:18:00 - thread Union africaine (166 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- The Central Statistics Office in Mauritius indica ted Thursday that tourist arrivals for the first nine months of 2009 dropped by 9
©- - 19 november 2009 - 13:53:00 - thread Union africaine (355 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Mauritian Finance Minister Ramakrishna Sithanen o n Wednesday presented the Islandâ?s 2010 national budget, saying the governmentâ ?s three main priorities would be to accelerate job creation, consolidate social progress for inclusive growth and sustain the Island on the path to mitigate th e impact of climate change
©- - 18 november 2009 - 18:33:00 - thread Union africaine (441 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Mauritanian Head of State Mohamed Ould Abdel Azi z, Wednesday sent a congratulatory message to the Moroccan King, Mohammed VI, on the occasion of the celebration of the National Holiday of the Cherifian Kingdom on Thursday, official sources told PANA here
©- - 18 november 2009 - 15:19:00 - thread Union africaine (100 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The Mauritanian government has declared 25 March every year as the ''national reconciliation day'', PANA learnt from a top government official here Wednesday
©- - 18 november 2009 - 12:43:00 - thread Union africaine (186 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- The 2009-2010 cyclone season has started in the I ndian Ocean, with the appearance of the first cyclone called "Anja" on Wednesday, said the Mauritian Meteorologic al Services
©- - 18 november 2009 - 08:55:00 - thread Union africaine (126 words)

Port Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Mauritius will establish a national natural disas ter management centre to assess risks, manage, plan and disseminate warning sign a ls ahead of disasters, official sources told PANA here Monday
©- - 17 november 2009 - 16:22:00 - thread Union africaine (164 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Former deputy governor of the Central Bank of Ma uritania (BCM), Mohamed Ould Oumarou, has been arrested by the country's anti-ec o nomic crimes police, sources told PANA here on Tuesday
©- - 17 november 2009 - 15:46:00 - thread Union africaine (107 words)