By Mildred Mulenga- PANA Correspondent Lusaka, Zambia (PANA) -- Libya's widening investment role in Africa has spread to Zambia, where the north African nation is taking a grip on the Zambian telecommunications sector with the recent acquisition of a 75 percent stake in the Zambia Telecommunication Company (Zamtel) at a cost of over US$380 million
©- - 10 october 2010 - 12:29:00 - thread União Africana (613 words)

CBZ Harare- Zimbabwe (PANA) -- When Pakistan's Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) collapsed in the 1990s, its subsidiary in Zimbabwe zoomed to the cliff, widely expected to similarly plunge
©- - 10 october 2010 - 12:28:00 - thread União Africana (638 words)

Addis Ababa- Ethiopia (PANA) -- The Australian government has signed an agreement with the African Union, pledging to rapidly increase its investments in Africa in line with global targets
©- - 26 september 2010 - 12:04:00 - thread União Africana (344 words)

New York- US (PANA) -- The UN and the African Union (AU) Saturday launched a joint task force on peace and security as the two organisations stepped up their cooperation in conflict prevention, peacekeeping and peacebuilding across the continent
©- - 26 september 2010 - 09:01:00 - thread União Africana (282 words)

New York- US (PANA) -- Malaw's President Bingu wa Mutharika and current Chairman of the African Union (AU), says Africa is striving to transform itself political l y and economically for the benefit of its people
©- - 24 september 2010 - 19:47:00 - thread União Africana (496 words)

Addis Ababa- Ethiopia (PANA) -- The African Union (AU) Director of Peace and Security, El Ghassin Wane, said Tuesday efforts to keep peace in 2010 through the International Year of Peace marked a new era in its history
©- - 21 september 2010 - 13:24:00 - thread União Africana (230 words)

Addis Ababa- Ethiopia (PANA) -- The African Union Commission President Jean Ping on Wednesday condemned the terrorist attack in Mogadishu, near the presidential p alace, which killed 31 persons, including six Somali MPs and vowed to continue t h e AU peacekeeping operation there
©- - 26 august 2010 - 16:17:00 - thread União Africana (382 words)

Dakar- Senegal (PANA) -- The Press in Africa is committed to the Successful Year of Peace and Security, proclaimed by African Heads of State and Government at th e ir summit in February 2010 in Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital
©- - 22 august 2010 - 14:04:00 - thread União Africana (341 words)

Nairobi- Kenya (PANA) -- The African Union (AU) Friday praised the peaceful conduct of Kenya's constitutional referendum, saying it marked a major step to a more peaceful Africa and a sign that democracy was indeed taking root within the continent
©- - 06 august 2010 - 18:26:00 - thread União Africana (401 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- The African Union (AU) has signed an agreement with the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) to help in the training of economists, with the aim of helping AU member states achieve a faster rate of economic growth and regional integration
©- - 03 august 2010 - 12:19:00 - thread União Africana (205 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- African leaders ordered a probe into the genocide and war crime allegations against Sudanese President Omer El Bashir before deciding whether to back an African trial for him
©- - 28 july 2010 - 17:59:00 - thread União Africana (273 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- Taking a critical look at the multitude of political problems across Africa, the Libyan leader, Mouammar Kadhafi, said on a "Studio of Peace" Television programme here Tuesday that "Africa cannot develop without unity and stability"
©- - 28 july 2010 - 17:43:00 - thread União Africana (307 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- The Libyan revolutionary leader, Muammar Kadhafi, on Tuesday said the continent was on its way to the definite establishment of the United States of Africa
©- - 27 july 2010 - 20:49:00 - thread União Africana (281 words)

New York- US (PANA) -- The fight against malaria is integral to boosting women’s and children’s health and achieving the other targets of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), UN Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migiro, has said
©- - 27 july 2010 - 18:02:00 - thread União Africana (536 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- Africans need to see tangible results of decisions taken by African Union (AU) and its institutions in order to have confidence in the continental organization, the AU chairman, President Bingu wa Mutharika of Malawi, declared here Tuesday
©- - 27 july 2010 - 17:53:00 - thread União Africana (514 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- African leaders have agreed on concrete steps to tackle the insecurity in Somalia after a three-day debate, dominated by the twin bombings in Kampala, the venue of their 15th meeting on pressing African affairs, an African Union (AU) spokesman said
©- - 27 july 2010 - 16:10:00 - thread União Africana (327 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- Burundi has agreed to triple the number of its troops s erving in the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), from the current three battalions to six, with an immediate deployment of 850 soldier s, Defence Minister Gen
©- - 27 july 2010 - 14:46:00 - thread União Africana (341 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- The First Lady of Uganda, Jeannette Museveni, said she was moved by the great number of African children who die every day from curable diseases like diarrhoea, simply for lack of water and sanitation
©- - 27 july 2010 - 14:15:00 - thread União Africana (240 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- African leaders Tuesday failed to agree on a possible A frican trial of President Omer El Bashir, after a debate on whether they should cooperate with the Interna tional Criminal Court (ICC) on its arrest warrant for the Sudanese leader, a source at the closed-door discu ssions on the arrest warrant told PANA
©- - 27 july 2010 - 13:27:00 - thread União Africana (386 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- A Southern Sudanese envoy said Tuesday President Omer E l Bashir's failure to attend the 15th African Union (AU) Summit in Kampala, Uganda, is a clear sign of his unwillingness to cooperat e in ending the war in Darfur and his party's deliberate steps to delay the January 2011 referendum
©- - 27 july 2010 - 13:00:00 - thread União Africana (507 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- African Union Commission (AUC) Chairperson Jean Ping an d the Corporate Council on Africa (CCA) Board Chairman Michael Dignam have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to strengthen the longstanding partne rship between the two organisations
©- - 27 july 2010 - 12:44:00 - thread União Africana (348 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- The just-ended FIFA World Cup, held in Africa for the f irst time ever, has inspired hope and confidence among African nations that they have the capaci ty to deal with the continent's challenges of development, according to African Union Commissioner f or Social Affairs Bience Gawanas
©- - 27 july 2010 - 12:44:00 - thread União Africana (250 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- African leaders meeting here since Sunday have unanimou sly agreed on an integrated approach that will make the difference in the way the co ntinent's women and children have been treated by health systems and also accelerate the reduction of maternal and infant mortality
©- - 27 july 2010 - 12:41:00 - thread União Africana (510 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- President Jose Eduardo dos Santos of Angola Monday met with his counterparts from Congo Brazzaville, Denis Sassou Nguesso, and South Africa, Jacob Zuma, on the si delines of the 15th African Union Summit in Kampala, Uganda
©- - 27 july 2010 - 07:56:00 - thread União Africana (120 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- Save the Children, a non-profit organization working to create positive change for disadvantaged children, has urged African leaders me e ting here to recognize that investing in maternal and child health was critical t o development, including economic development, in their countries
©- - 26 july 2010 - 17:01:00 - thread União Africana (391 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- South African President Jacob Zuma, said Monday the Afr ican leadership was ready to fight terrorism following the twin bombings in Kamp a la which killed 76 people, saying those attacks were targeted to create confusio n and general instability in Africa
©- - 26 july 2010 - 15:13:00 - thread União Africana (533 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- Taking a critical look at the official theme of the 15t h Summit of the African Union (AU), "Maternal, Infant and Child health and Devel o pment in Africa", African leaders openly shared personal experiences of losing b e loved ones through maternal deaths during a debate on Sunday
©- - 26 july 2010 - 14:55:00 - thread União Africana (488 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- Libyan leader Muammar Kadhafi on Sunday in Kampala, Uga nda, met with several African Presidents who are taking part in the ongoing 15th ordinary summ it of the African Union
©- - 26 july 2010 - 12:32:00 - thread União Africana (157 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- Civil society campaigners attending the African Union S ummit in Kampala, Uganda, have called for an investment of US$32 billion to help improve the status of African women
©- - 26 july 2010 - 11:44:00 - thread União Africana (638 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- Citing malaria as one of the greatest challenges facing Africa, Presidents Yoweri Museveni of Uganda and Jakaya Kikwete of Tanzania said Monday that the continent needs strategic leadership to clear government ob structions and ensure the prosperity and development of its people
©- - 26 july 2010 - 11:30:00 - thread União Africana (509 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- African leaders should make a declaration calling for i ncreased funding for HIV/AIDS fight in Africa, following the decline of global funds to fight the disease, heads of UN organizations task ed with the global war against the disease said here Monday
©- - 26 july 2010 - 10:40:00 - thread União Africana (389 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- As the global fight against killer diseases of AIDS, ma laria and tuberculosis intensifies, government leaders from around the world are expected to renew their commitment to development and health at the Millenni um Development Goals (MDGs) summit to be held on 5 October 2010, chief executives of UN agencies spearheading the fight said here Monday
©- - 26 july 2010 - 10:04:00 - thread União Africana (499 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- African leaders are expected to discuss a plan to tap into the US$ 22 billion pledged for fighting hunger and starvation during the African Union (AU) Summit, which opened here Sunday
©- - 25 july 2010 - 18:18:00 - thread União Africana (377 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- The African Union Commission on Sunday officially inaugurated the 'Make Peace Happen Peace Studio' as part of the implementation of the 2010 Year of Peace and Security in Africa
©- - 25 july 2010 - 18:14:00 - thread União Africana (335 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- Putting former Chadian dictator Hissene Habre on trial in Senegal will make history not just in the West African country but also in the continent, human rights activists and victims of Habre's dicatatorship said here Sunday
©- - 25 july 2010 - 17:23:00 - thread União Africana (724 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- The African Union Commission on Sunday officially inaugurated the 'Make Peace Happen Peace Studio' as part of the implementation of the 2010 Year of Peace and Security in Africa
©- - 25 july 2010 - 17:20:00 - thread União Africana (335 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- President Goodluck Jonathan on Sunday said that Nigeria remained committed to the pursuit and promotion of the ideals of the African Union (AU), pledging his personal commitment to work towards the realization of the vision of the continental organization
©- - 25 july 2010 - 14:16:00 - thread União Africana (268 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- Encouraged by pro-Bashir arguments from 'unlikely' quarters, the African Union (AU) Sunday reiterated total support for the Sudanese President Omer el-Bashir, who is wanted for genocide charges by the International Criminal Court at the Hague, Netherlands
©- - 25 july 2010 - 14:02:00 - thread União Africana (407 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- Against the background of the daunting challenges facing the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), the US Sunday reiterated its support for the peacekeeping force, especially the threat posed to it by the Al-Qaeda-linked Al Shabab terrorist group
©- - 25 july 2010 - 11:39:00 - thread União Africana (429 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- United Kingdom lawyers and a network of Sudanese NGOs h ave petitioned the African Union (AU), asking the continent's leadership who are meeting in Kampala, Uganda, to appeal to the International Court of Justice (ICJ ) to revoke the warrants of arrest against one of their own, Sudanese President O m ar El-Bashir
©- - 25 july 2010 - 11:13:00 - thread União Africana (416 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has called on African Union (AU) member states to reject the arrogance of terrorism supporters and mo v e to defeat them
©- - 25 july 2010 - 11:05:00 - thread União Africana (213 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- African governments could do well in addressing the dev elopment of maternal, infant and child health by concentrating on strategic stim u li for economic growth, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni said here Sunday at th e opening of the 15th Session of the African Union Assembly
©- - 25 july 2010 - 10:54:00 - thread União Africana (342 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- The Immediate past British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, on Saturday offered a rare praise to African leaders, saying the regular peer review of Africa's leadership was a model for the world
©- - 25 july 2010 - 10:37:00 - thread União Africana (347 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- Africa is getting down to serious business of survival and development after the "vuvuzela" sounds from the rainbow nation, South Africa, have been hushed at the end of a month-long celebration of the first ever FIFA World Cup played in the continent
©- - 24 july 2010 - 18:34:00 - thread União Africana (1340 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) â" The Angolan Head of Stat-e, Jose Eduardo dos Santos, a rrived in the Ugandan capital, Kampala, on Saturday to attend the 15th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the African Union (AU) which opens on Sunday
©- - 24 july 2010 - 17:55:00 - thread União Africana (157 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, one of Africa's most visible leaders, automatically retained the leadership of the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) despite a silent opposition to his three-year term at the helm of the institution
©- - 24 july 2010 - 17:53:00 - thread União Africana (335 words)

Munyonyo- Uganda (PANA) -- Bracing to overcome its underdevelopment, Africa on Sa turday launched a multi billion-dollar programme for infrastructure development j ointly sponsored by the African Union Commission (AUC), the New Partnership for A frica's Development (NEPAD) and the African Development Bank (AfDB) while Africa n heads of state are the programme's key stakeholders
©- - 24 july 2010 - 15:02:00 - thread União Africana (442 words)

Accra- Ghana (PANA) -- Ghana's President John Evans Atta Mills left Accra on Satu rday for Kampala to attend the 15th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads o f State and Government of the African Union (AU), which would be held in the Ugan d an capital between 25 and 27 July
©- - 24 july 2010 - 12:50:00 - thread União Africana (129 words)

Kampala- Uganda (PANA) -- African leaders kicked off debate on Saturday on role o f the New Partnership for Africaâ?s Development (NEPAD) in ensuring the economic success of the continent
©- - 24 july 2010 - 11:08:00 - thread União Africana (596 words)