Sharm El Sheikh- Egypt (PANA) -- Libyan revolution leader the current chairman of the African Union (AU), Muammar Kadhafi, has proposed the establishment of a Pe a ce and Security Council within the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)
©- - 15 july 2009 - 23:41:00 - thread African Union (407 words)

New York- US (PANA) -- The UN and the African Union (AU) Thursday launched a new tool, designed, in partnership with the Microsoft Corporation, to boost investme n t flows into Africa
©- - 09 july 2009 - 16:34:00 - thread African Union (339 words)

Conakry- Guinea (PANA) -- Guinea's ruling National Council for Democracy and Deve lopment (CNND) announced Saturday it would launch a wide-range audit of activiti e s of all arms of government that served the country in the last 24 years, led by General Lansana Conté, who died 23 December
©- - 05 july 2009 - 18:56:00 - thread African Union (348 words)

Sirte- Libya (PANA) -- Nigerian Vice President Jonathan Goodluck has hailed African leaders for agreeing to set up the Union Authority, noting that the Afri can Union Commission (AUC) would succeed in combating the resurgence of conflict s within the continent
©- - 03 july 2009 - 21:23:00 - thread African Union (407 words)

Sirte- Libya (PANA) -- African leaders gave themselves a deadline of 2010 to rati fy a new treaty authorizing the formation of an African Authority, headed by a P r esident, a Vice President and a cabinet of 10 Secretaries who would not have pow e rs equivalent to ministers, African foreign ministers said here Friday
©- - 03 july 2009 - 19:35:00 - thread African Union (606 words)

Sirte- Libya (PANA) -- African leaders resolved to increase their investments in agriculture in an effort to move the continent from external food dependence, wh i ch has resulted in an increase in the cost of food imports coming to Africa, Sou t h African President Jacob Zuma said here Friday
©- - 03 july 2009 - 17:42:00 - thread African Union (552 words)

Sirte- Libya (PANA) -- African leaders have agreed on the creation of the African Union (AU) Authority, headed by a President and possessing an enhanced role to coordinate foreign affairs, trade and defence pol icies within the continent
©- - 03 july 2009 - 13:41:00 - thread African Union (385 words)

Nairobi- Kenya (PANA) -- Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki has declared that Africa ha s the potential to produce enough food to feed its estimated population of over 900 million people and have surplus for export, according to the Presidential Press Service (PPS)
©- - 03 july 2009 - 13:28:00 - thread African Union (692 words)

Sirte- Libya (PANA) -- Africa must move urgently to enhance agricultural efficien cy and reduce external dependence on food aid and imports through increased inve s tments in irrigation and proper land management policies, Namibian President Hif i kepunye Pohamba said here Thursday
©- - 02 july 2009 - 17:39:00 - thread African Union (712 words)

Sirte- Libya (PANA) -- Ghanaian President John Atta Mills, supports the transform ation of the African Union Commission (AUC) into an Authority and hopes that a c o nsensus agreement will be reached on the issue during the heads of state meeting in Sirte, Libya, Foreign Minister Muhammad Mumuni, said here Thursday
©- - 02 july 2009 - 16:12:00 - thread African Union (531 words)

Sirte- Libya (PANA) -- Disagreement over the transformation of the African Union (AU) Commission into an Authority has stalled the work of the AU Executive Council, even though the Heads of state and government summit entered the second day in Sirte, Libya, Thursday
©- - 02 july 2009 - 13:14:00 - thread African Union (270 words)

Sirte- Libya (PANA) -- African traditional rulers, attending the AU summit in Sir te, Libya, on Wednesday appealed to African leaders to direct their energies to c onsolidating the continent’s political unity
©- - 01 july 2009 - 20:15:00 - thread African Union (272 words)

Cape Town- South Africa (PANA) -- South African President Jacob Zuma is attending the 21st Summit of NEPAD Heads of State and Government Implementation Committee (HSGIC) which kicked off in Sirte, Libya, on Wednesday
©- - 01 july 2009 - 19:37:00 - thread African Union (150 words)

Sirte- Libya (PANA) -- African countries must capitalize on the ongoing discussio ns on a new climate change agreement to negotiate for new funding commitments to fight climate change, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon said in a mes s age to the opening session of the African Union (AU) Summit here on Wednesday
©- - 01 july 2009 - 16:36:00 - thread African Union (601 words)

Sirte- Libya (PANA) -- Brazil, one of South America’s expanding economies, is pla nning to spread its growing industrial influence across Africa with projects ran g ing from industrial plants which will produce ethanol, motor-vehicle assembly pl a nts (in Mozambique) and a drug-manufacturing plant in Africa
©- - 01 july 2009 - 14:14:00 - thread African Union (434 words)

Sirte- Libya (PANA) -- The upsurge in violent conflicts in Africa over the last s ix months, culminating in the assassination of Guinea Bissau President Joao Bernado 'Nino' Vieira, the killings in Somalia and the increased insecurity in Darfur, Sudan, dominated the opening session of the African Union (AU) talks in Sirte, Libya, on Wednesday
©- - 01 july 2009 - 14:11:00 - thread African Union (485 words)

New York- US (PANA) -- UN Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migiro, will addres s the 13th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union (AU), scheduled for 1-3 July, in Sirte, Libya
©- - 30 june 2009 - 15:25:00 - thread African Union (180 words)

Sirte- Libya (PANA) -- The issue of the transformation of the African Union (AU) into an Authority is expected to be top of the agenda at the proceedings of the A U Executive Board, which opened on Sunday in Sirte, Libya, official sources told PANA on Monday
©- - 29 june 2009 - 21:16:00 - thread African Union (482 words)

Sirte- Libya (PANA) -- The issue of the transformation of the African Union (AU) into an Authority is expected to be top of the agenda at the proceedings of the A U Executive Board, which opened on Sunday in Sirte, Libya, official sources told PANA on Monday
©- - 29 june 2009 - 21:14:00 - thread African Union (483 words)

Nairobi- Kenya (PANA) -- Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki will Tuesday depart for Sir te, Libya, for the 13th session of the African Union (AU) Heads of State Assembl y , slated for 1-3 July, during which he is expected to appeal for Africa's interv e ntion in Somalia to save the interim government there, officials said on Monday
©- - 29 june 2009 - 20:08:00 - thread African Union (429 words)

Sirte- Libya (PANA) -- African leaders are expected to make a final commitment on the status of agricultural production and work towards the creation of an Afric a n food market to tap the US$ 33 billion spent annually on food imports, a senior African Union (AU) official said here Monday
©- - 29 june 2009 - 19:13:00 - thread African Union (462 words)

Sirte- Libya (PANA) -- The International Contact Group on Guinea (GICG) has expressed its concern over the lack of progress towards the restoration of constitutional order and the holding of elections in Guinea in 2009, according to a GICG statement made available to PANA here Sunday
©- - 28 june 2009 - 18:43:00 - thread African Union (450 words)

Sirte- Libya (PANA) -- Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi opened the 15th session of t he African foreign ministers meeting here Sunday with an explosive speech, calli n g for a radical transformation of the African Union (AU) key organs in an effort to achieve the desired dream of an African government
©- - 28 june 2009 - 13:49:00 - thread African Union (566 words)

Sirte- Libya (PANA) -- The African Union (AU) sub-committees have prepared a repo rt that paints an alarming picture of the state of subscriptions of member state s with debts in excess of US$120 million over the past two years
©- - 27 june 2009 - 16:08:00 - thread African Union (422 words)

Sirte- Libya (PANA) – Libya is asking the African -Union (AU) Assembly to include the establishment of an African Defence Council in the agenda of next month’s 1 3 th ordinary session, according to an official document of the AU obtained by PAN A on Saturday
©- - 27 june 2009 - 11:30:00 - thread African Union (199 words)

Lusaka- Zambia (PANA) -- The African Union should urge the United Nations Securit y Council to set up a commission of inquiry to document the worst human rights a b uses in Somalia, an essential first step in creating justice and accountability, Human Rights Watch (HRW) has said
©- - 26 june 2009 - 13:20:00 - thread African Union (537 words)

Sirte- Libya (PANA) -- African envoys meeting to discuss the political and econom ic climate in the continent were due to end three days of discussions on the effects of transforming the African Union Commission into an Authority on Friday
©- - 26 june 2009 - 12:33:00 - thread African Union (363 words)

Paris- France (PANA) -- The Director General of the United Nations Educational, S cientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), Koïchiro Matsuura, will attend the summit of the African Union (AU), slated for 1-3 July in Sirte, Libya, the UN ag e ncy told PANA here on Monday
©- - 22 june 2009 - 18:52:00 - thread African Union (113 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The official signing ceremony of the Mauritania peace pact, brokered by African Union Facilitator and Senegalese President Abdou l aye Wade, was postponed from Wednesday to Thursday to give time for the Facilita t or to witness the signing, official sources told PANA here Thursday
©- - 04 june 2009 - 12:38:00 - thread African Union (244 words)

New York- US (PANA) -- The UN Security Council has called for enhanced collaborat ion with the African Union (AU) to promote peace and security in Africa
©- - 29 may 2009 - 14:13:00 - thread African Union (244 words)

N'Djaména- Chad (PANA) -- The African Union (AU) and the Chadian government will create the first African museum for peace, human rights and non-violence here, H e ad of the Culture and Sports Section of the AU, Daraïtivo Ralaïbo, said at a pre s s conference held in the Chadian capital city
©- - 27 may 2009 - 14:33:00 - thread African Union (191 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The National Front for the Defence of Democracy (FNDD) which supports President Sidi Mohamed Ould Cheikh Abdallah, ousted from p o wer in the 6 August 2008 coup, and the Union of Democratic Forces (RFD), the cou n try's main opposition party before the coup, will take part in mediation talks t o be held in Dakar, the Senegalese capital, between all the stakeholders in the l i ngering Mauritanian political and institutional crises, opposition sources told P ANA here
©- - 26 may 2009 - 15:12:00 - thread African Union (278 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The National Front for the Defence of Democracy (FNDD) which supports President Sidi Mohamed Ould Cheikh Abdallah, ousted from p o wer in the 6 August 2008 coup, and the Union of Democratic Forces (RFD), the cou n try's main opposition party before the coup, will take part in mediation talks t o be held in Dakar, the Senegalese capital, between all the stakeholders in the l i ngering Mauritanian political and institutional crises, opposition sources told P ANA here
©- - 26 may 2009 - 15:12:00 - thread African Union (278 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Key stakeholders in the Mauritanian crisis have been invited to Dakar, Senegal's capital, Tuesday for a third round of negotiati o ns under Senegalese mediation, backed by the African Union and all partners of t h e International Contact Group on Mauritania (GCIM), diplomatic sources told PANA Sunday
©- - 24 may 2009 - 18:53:00 - thread African Union (189 words)

Addis Ababa- Ethiopia (PANA) -- The next Ordinary Summit of the African Union (AU ) will take place 1-3 July, in Sirte, Libya, the AU Commission said here Tuesday
©- - 19 may 2009 - 10:32:00 - thread African Union (120 words)

Tripoli- Libya (PANA) -- The Head of Division of Economic Policies and Research a t the African Union Commission, Dr
©- - 15 may 2009 - 17:57:00 - thread African Union (506 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade arrived Thur sday in Nouakchott, leading a joint Senegal/African Union mission to mediate the political crisis in Mauritania since the 6 August 2008 coup
©- - 14 may 2009 - 20:21:00 - thread African Union (274 words)

New York- US (PANA) -- The Chairperson of the African Union (AU) Commission, Jean Ping, on Saturday strongly condemned Thursday's killing of a Nigerian peacekeep e r with the UN-AU Mission in Darfur (UNAMID)
©- - 09 may 2009 - 16:30:00 - thread African Union (262 words)

Yaounde- Cameroon (PANA) -- The Fourth Conference for African integration ministe rs (COMAI) opened on Thursday in Yaounde with a call on African leaders to be united in int ernational forums in the face of the crisis facing the world
©- - 08 may 2009 - 07:50:00 - thread African Union (356 words)

Dakar- Senegal (PANA) -- A three-day international meeting bringing together expe rts on gender and related issues organised by the African Union (AU) and Gambian government gets underway in Banjul official sources confirmed to PANA Thursday
©- - 07 may 2009 - 18:31:00 - thread African Union (157 words)

Yaounde- Cameroon (PANA) -- African ministers in charge of integration are expect ed to meet Thursday in Yaounde, Cameroon, as part of the fourth edition of the C o nference of African Ministers of Integration (COMAI IV) on the theme “Partnershi p s and Integration in Africa”
©- - 06 may 2009 - 19:08:00 - thread African Union (257 words)

Conakry- Guinea (PANA) -- The third mission of the African Union International Co ntact Group on Guinea ended its third mission to the West African country on Tue s day with co-chairman Ibrahima Fall expressing satisfaction with preparations for the organisation of parliamentary and presidential elections
©- - 05 may 2009 - 22:31:00 - thread African Union (337 words)

Tripoli- Libya (PANA) -- Libyan revolutionary leader, Mouammar Kadhafi, who is al so the current chairman of the African Union (AU), on Tuesday received the visiting Jor danian Prime Minister, Nader Dhahbi, in Tripoli
©- - 05 may 2009 - 21:54:00 - thread African Union (117 words)

Tripoli- Libya (PANA) -- Libyan revolutionary leader Mouammar Kadhafi who is the current chairman of the African Union (AU), on Tuesday received Guinea Bissau's P rime minister, Carlos Gomez Junior, in Tripoli
©- - 05 may 2009 - 21:54:00 - thread African Union (148 words)

New York- US (PANA) -- The African Union (AU) and Interpol are working to strengt hen cooperation in a move to better counter threats from transnational criminal g roups and terrorists
©- - 05 may 2009 - 18:28:00 - thread African Union (227 words)

Abidjan- Côte d'Ivoire (PANA) -- A delegation of the AU peace and security counci l will visit Cote d'Ivoire from 28 April to 1 May on a fact-finding mission foll o wing the political crisis in that West African country, the AU liaison office sa i d here
©- - 26 april 2009 - 16:45:00 - thread African Union (158 words)

Tripoli- Libya (PANA) -- Senegalese State Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs C heikh Tidiane Gadio, has called on African States to find a mechanism to ensure s table financial resources in the African Union (AU), explaining that the organis a tion was facing serious financial problems and that subscription from member cou n tries would not be sufficient to finance the institution
©- - 21 april 2009 - 20:13:00 - thread African Union (255 words)

Tripoli- Libya (PANA) -- Senegalese Minister of State, Ministry of Foreign Affair s, Cheikh Tidiane Gadio, commended the commitment of Libyan leader and Chairman o f the African Union (AU), Mouammar Kadhafi, to the achievement of the unity of t h e African continent, noting that the decision to establish the Authority of the U nion and the appointment of the Libyan leader as chairman of the continental org a nisation were "happy events"
©- - 21 april 2009 - 18:34:00 - thread African Union (444 words)