Bissau- Guinea Bissau (PANA) -- Guinea Bissau's main opposition party, the Social Renovation Party (PRS), declared Thursday that investigations into the assassin a tion of President Joao Bernardo Vieira and head of the armed forces, General Bat i sta Tagme Na Waie, will not be conclusive without the involvement of the interna t ional community
©- - 10 april 2009 - 17:29:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (535 words)

Bissau- Guinea Bissau (PANA) -- Guinea Bissau has re-stated its commitment to fig ht drug trafficking, which it said had continued unabated in Bijagos Islands in the country's South-west region
©- - 10 april 2009 - 14:33:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (150 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Following are the exchange rates of the local rup ee against some foreign currencies, as published by the Commercial Bank of Mauritius on Friday m orning: Currency Buying Selling Australian dollar 23
©- - 10 april 2009 - 12:40:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (121 words)

Paris- France (PANA) -- The assistant spokesperson of the French Foreign Affairs ministry, Frédéric Desagneaux, said here Thursday that the intention of General M ohamed Ould Abdel Aziz to run for the Mauritanian presidency was not the main pr o blem in that country's politics but that what was important 'is that a true cons e nsus be reached during the transition"
©- - 09 april 2009 - 20:06:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (157 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Mauritania and Senegal will strengthen their coo peration on fishing through mutual visits and meetings, a document made availabl e to PANA said Thursday
©- - 09 april 2009 - 15:27:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (169 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Mauritania and Senegal will strengthen their coo peration on fishing through mutual visits and meetings, a document made availabl e to PANA said Thursday
©- - 09 april 2009 - 15:27:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (169 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Mauritania's military government has granted a ' presidential pardon' to 68 non-political prisoners in the country, in accordance with section 137 of the Mauritanian constitution
©- - 09 april 2009 - 12:06:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (91 words)

Dakar- Senegal (PANA) -- African Union Commission (AUC) Chairman Jean Ping, on Tu esday appealed to all member states of the pan-African organisation and its part n ers to "refrain from any action likely to endorse illegality in Madagascar"
©- - 08 april 2009 - 16:09:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (314 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The Mauritania-Senegal joint commission for coo peration in the fishery sector are due to meet here next week with a view to ren e wing the fishing agreement between the two nations, official sources told PANA Wednesday
©- - 08 april 2009 - 12:37:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (124 words)

Brussels- Belgium (PANA) -- The European Union has decided to suspend cooperation with Mauritania for two years following last year’s military takeover in the We s t African country
©- - 07 april 2009 - 23:00:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (145 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The International Committee of the Red Cross (IC RC) in Nouakchott, Mauritania, on Tuesday arranged for Mohamed Ould Sellahi, a M a uritanian citizen suspected to be an Islamist terrorist who has been held for se v eral years in the American detention camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to have speak with members of his family on phone, humanitarian sources told PANA
©- - 07 april 2009 - 18:14:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (114 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Despite growing resistance from political partie s opposed to the military coup in Mauritania, the junta has gone ahead to name a Chairman and Vice-Chairman for the country's Independent National Electoral Comm i ssion (CENI), PANA reports Tuesday quoting sources close to the parties here
©- - 07 april 2009 - 18:06:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (189 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Mauritius Health Minister Rajesh Jeetah said Tues day there was an urgent need to address the issue of preparedness in the island i n the light of recent meteorological observations and forecasts as the country c o uld, in the future, become a victim of destructive natural disasters
©- - 07 april 2009 - 17:47:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (341 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- A workshop on African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), designed to sensitize Mauritian entrepreneurs on existing opportunities i n US market, opened in the Mauritian capital, Port-Louis, Monday, PANA reports
©- - 07 april 2009 - 16:23:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (248 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) ­-- Following are the exchange rates of the Mauritia n rupee against some foreign currencies as published by the Commercial Bank of Mauritius on Tuesday
©- - 07 april 2009 - 12:38:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (103 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Mauritian Environment Ministry is seeking partner ship with international organisations to help the National Environmental Laborat o ry (NEL) acquire expertise in the field of ambient air quality monitoring, Envir o nment Minister, Lormus Bundhoo, said Monday at a workshop in the capital
©- - 06 april 2009 - 18:09:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (288 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Mauritian Environment Ministry is seeking partner ship with international organisations to help the National Environmental Laborat o ry (NEL) acquire expertise in the field of ambient air quality monitoring, Envir o nment Minister, Lormus Bundhoo, said Monday at a workshop in the capital
©- - 06 april 2009 - 18:06:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (288 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Senegal on Monday defended its mediation in the political crisis in Mauritania, saying "Our role is in accordance with the stand of the African Union (AU) that the country should be returned to constitutional o rder"
©- - 06 april 2009 - 17:05:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (180 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Presidential elections in Mauritania, scheduled for 6 June by the Junta, might be postponed at the instance of France and Senega l , local media reported here Monday
©- - 06 april 2009 - 12:32:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (171 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Senegalese Foreign Minister, Cheikh Tidiane Gadi o, arrived here on Sunday, his second trip to Mauritania in 10 days, as part of t he mediation efforts by Senegalese President, Abdoulaye Wade, to reconcile polit i cal foes in that country, official sources told PANA
©- - 06 april 2009 - 10:33:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (214 words)

Pamplemousses- Mauritius (PANA) -- Public and animal health experts of the five I ndian Ocean Commission (IOC) countries on Saturday began a weeklong training wor k shop in Pamplemousses, northern Mauritius, on epidemiological monitoring seen as a first step to build a regional monitoring and anti-epidemic network
©- - 05 april 2009 - 11:46:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (161 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The ousted President of Mauritania, Sidi Mohamed Ould Cheikh Abdallahi, has condemned the suppression of the protest by anti-put s ch demonstrators, led by the Coordination for democratic forces (CFD), on Thursd a y in Nouakchott
©- - 04 april 2009 - 15:54:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (145 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) – Mauritian Prime Min-ister Navin Ramgoolam and his ministers will be confronted with 109 questions at the next sitting of the Parli a ment scheduled for Tuesday, PANA learnt from parliamentary sources here
©- - 04 april 2009 - 14:36:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (165 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) ­-- Following are the exchange rates of the Mauritian rupee against some foreign currencies, as published here on Friday by the Commercial Bank of Mauritius
©- - 04 april 2009 - 09:50:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (110 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Mauritius is to organise a one-week seminar, from Monday, aimed at intimating local entrepreneurs on the opportunities arising fr o m the Third Country Fabrics provision under the African Growth and Opportunity A c t (AGOA)
©- - 03 april 2009 - 16:46:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (275 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- The World Bank has approved an International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) Development Policy Loan of US$ 100 mi l lion to stimulate trade and competitiveness in Mauritius, PANA learnt for offici a l sources here
©- - 03 april 2009 - 15:41:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (235 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The chairperson of the association of female hea ds of families in Mauritania (AFCF), Aminetou Mint Moctar, Friday denounced the p ractice of human trafficking, involving 18 girl victims, between Mauritania and S audi Arabia, saying "this is a shameful practice which has tarnished the image o f the country
©- - 03 april 2009 - 15:15:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (219 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Following are the exchange rates of the Mauritian rupee against some foreign currencies, as published here on Friday by the Commercial Bank of Maurit ius
©- - 03 april 2009 - 13:26:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (110 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The police fired several canisters of tear gas t o disperse opposition protesters in Nouakchott, the capital of Mauritania, late o n Thursday
©- - 03 april 2009 - 09:30:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (141 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Eight Mauritanian insurance companies have conde mned the selection of the national insurance firm NASR to handle the policy of t h e National Mining Company, SNIM
©- - 03 april 2009 - 09:11:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (121 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Mauritania's main opposition party Rally of Demo cratic Forces (RFD) Thursday urged the citizenry to resist the junta which has led the country since the mili tary coup of 6 August 2008
©- - 02 april 2009 - 12:10:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (210 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) --­ Following are the latest exchange rates of the M auritian rupee against some major foreign currencies as published here on Thursd a y
©- - 02 april 2009 - 09:03:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (109 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The Mauritanian People's Rally Party (PRPM), a n ew political party formed by Parliamentarians in support of the ruling junta in t he country, was given official recognition on Wednesday by the Nouakchott admini s tration, according to sources close to the party
©- - 01 april 2009 - 19:34:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (125 words)

Bissau- Guinea-Bissau (PANA) -- Unidentified uniformed men have beaten up Guinea Bissau's former Prime Minister Francisco Jose Fadul, a source close to the forme r premier told PANA here Wednesday
©- - 01 april 2009 - 13:37:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (225 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Following are the latest exchange rates of the Ma uritian rupee against some foreign currencies, as published on Wednesday by the C ommercial Bank of Mauritius
©- - 01 april 2009 - 12:13:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (119 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Two union leaders and seven workers of the Shiban i Textile factory in Mauritius who were demonstrating along with about 200 co-wo r kers in front of the legislative building here, were arrested by the police on T u esday, PANA reported
©- - 31 march 2009 - 19:11:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (220 words)

Praia- Cape Verde (PANA) -- The Community of the Portuguese-Speaking Countries (C PLP) and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) are preparing to set up a military contingent intended to ensure security in Guinea Bissau, Cape V erde Prime Minister José Maria Neves confirmed here
©- - 31 march 2009 - 17:13:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (372 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The political parties opposed to the ruling mili tary junta in Mauritania, the National Front for the Defence of Democracy (FNDD) and the Rally of the Democratic Forces (RFD), say they are determined to prevent a bid by the head of the junta, General Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, to run for the p residency in the country's 6 June 2009 elections
©- - 31 march 2009 - 17:01:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (269 words)

Bissau- Guinea-Bissau (PANA) – The European Union -on Monday promised to fund the presidential election in Guinea Bissau following the assassination of President Joao Bernado Vieira early March Franco Nulli, European Union (EU) delegate to Guinea-Bissau, affirmed that the EU was prepared to help Guinea-Bissau and had a budget of 1
©- - 31 march 2009 - 01:22:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (318 words)

Lomé- Togo (PANA) – A two--day workshop opened in the Togolese capital, Lomé, on Monday as the government crafts a national strategy to check money laundering and financing of terrorism
©- - 31 march 2009 - 00:42:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (222 words)

Bambous- Mauritius (PANA) -- Savanne SC football team on Sunday won the Mauritius Cup after beating Curepipe Starlight SC 2-0 here
©- - 30 march 2009 - 19:24:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (55 words)

Brussels- Belgium (PANA) -- The European Union (EU) has rejected the 'road map' d rawn up by the military government in Mauritania, describing it as ''unconstitutional and unilateral'' In a statement issued here on Monday, the EU said under such circumstances, it c ould not send observers to the African nation to monitor its planned elections
©- - 30 march 2009 - 12:52:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (219 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) --­ The Commercial Bank of Mauritius on Monday publ ished the latest exchange rates of the country's local currency, the rupee, against so me foreign currencies
©- - 30 march 2009 - 12:40:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (117 words)

Addis Ababa- Ethiopia (PANA) -- Libyan leader and Chairman of the African Union ( AU), Mouammar Kadhafi Sunday met with officials of the AU Commission (AUC) on pe a ce and security issues in the African continent at the AU headquarters in Addis A baba, Ethiopia
©- - 29 march 2009 - 19:58:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (212 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- The summer time, during which the clock had been fastened by one hour since 26 October, will end in Mauritius 3 a
©- - 29 march 2009 - 17:19:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (150 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The National Front for the Defence of Democracy (FNDD), opposed to the 6 August coup in Mauritania has listed conditions for Sen e galese President Abdoulaye Wade to successfully mediate and find a solution to t h e political crisis in the country
©- - 29 march 2009 - 16:03:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (239 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- A new session of the Mauritian parliament is sche duled to open on Tuesday in Port-Louis, a PANA correspondent has learnt from off i cial sources
©- - 29 march 2009 - 13:10:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (203 words)

Floréal- Mauritius (PANA) -- The Mauritian Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam on Wedn esday suggested the restructuring of the national health service “through the re c ruitment of professional managers to manage Mauritian hospitals"
©- - 26 march 2009 - 18:03:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (270 words)