Panafrican News Agency

Mauritius: University of Mauritius celebrates Golden Jubilee

Réduit, Mauritius (PANA) — Mauritius Prime Minister Sir Anerood Jugnauth Thursday highlighted the major contributions of the University of Mauritius in the economic and social development of the island throughout the past five decades at an official ceremony organised to mark the 50 years of existence and of excellence of this institution in tertiary education. 

Sir Jugnauth said that the University of Mauritius has supported the government’s agenda with the creation and building up of each successive economies’ sector be it agriculture, manufacturing and textile, tourism and hospitality, financial services, and ICT at every step of the country’s development .

"It has always responded promptly to the needs of the country in line with the Government’s programme," he pointed out.

The Prime Minister observed that the university has espoused the same core values prized by the government, especially values of good governance, intellectual freedom and social responsibility. 

He expressed confidence that the University of Mauritius will continue to play an important role in the transformation of the country and contribute in making it a knowledge hub of excellence in the region, while responding to the challenges that characterise the higher education landscape today.

Meanwhile, Education Minister Leela Devi Dookun-Luchoomun said over the past five decades of its existence, the university trained a substantial palette of the intelligentsia of the country. 

"Indeed, not only has it expanded physically as an institution, but it has also gone a long way towards truly asserting itself and assuming its place in Mauritian society as an intellectual leader, a driver of national development and a moulder of the Mauritian identity," she stressed.
-0- PANA NA/AR 10Dec2015