Panafrican News Agency

Mauritius: Media highlight politics

Port-Louis, Mauritius (PANA) - The Mauritian media this past week focused on politics, with the second meeting Thursday between Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam and opposition leader Paul Bérenger to discuss the electoral reform.

The media reported that the talks failed, as the two did not reach a consensus. As a result, the electoral reform and other related issues was delayed.

''It is not easy to board big boats,'' the Prime Minister was quoted in the newspaper, ''Le Mauricien'', as saying at the end of his meeting with the opposition leader.

The newspaper reveals the disagreements over the issue of the second republic, particularly concerning the powers of the President.

On the same issue, the online newspaper, "L’", quoted the opposition leader as saying “it’s about two unacceptable conditions imposed by Navin Ramgoolam which jeopardised the talks on the electoral reform and the Second republic.”

''The eligibility line for MPs at the proportional list set at 10% by the Prime Minister irritated the opposition leader, who proposed 8%,'' says the online newspaper.

''The second point of disagreement, the most important, that which definitively plumbed the discussions between the two men, concerns the mode of poll for the President of the Second Republic,'' says the newspaper.

Politics will also be highlighted in the media this week, because of the big rally on Wednesday in the north of the country, to be held by former Prime Minister Sir Anerood Jugnauth, 84, who is called “The father of Mauritian economic miracle.”

Jugnauth, who led the government from 1983 to 1995, is a member of the Socialist Support Movement (MSM) led by his son Pravind Jugnauth.
-0- PANA NA/IS/SOC/MSA/SEG 27April2014