Panafrican News Agency

Mauritius: Politics dominates the media in Mauritius

Port-Louis, Mauritius (PANA) – The announcement of a political alliance between the Labour Party (LP), which has been in power since 2010, and the “Mouvement Militant Mauricien” (MMM), the main opposition party, followed by the resignation of Vice-Prime Minister and Finance Minister Xavier-Luc Duval, dominated the media this week in Mauritius.

“We need a stable government,” said Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam, quoted by the daily “Le Mauricien”, following the announcement of the new political alliance between the LP led by Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam and the MMM of Paul Bérenger.

According to the daily, the new alliance would run for the next elections due in 2015 under a power-sharing programme between the President and the Prime Minister.

"I have been Prime Minister three times and Bérenger has been in politics for forty years. We are both motivated by the interest of the country,” Ramgoolam said, adding that “all conditions are in place to consolidate national unity and stability in the country”.

The media also commented on Friday's resignation of Vice-Prime Minister and Finance Minister Duval from the government, following the announcement of the new political alliance in the island. Duval leads the “Parti Mauricien Social Democrate (PMSD) that has three members in Parliament.

"We have resigned following a profound disagreement with the LP on an important subject for the future and the stability of the Mauritian democracy,” Duval said.

For its part, the daily "Le Matinal" dwelt on the project of electoral reforms suggested by the Prime Minister which, he said, “will be a step forward towards modernity, a big step forward for women and will consolidate unity and democracy”.

For the leader of the opposition, Bérenger, quoted by the daily "L’express": "This is a historical day for both the country and the two biggest political parties of the country.”

Another reaction that appeared in the media was that of Ram Seegobin, spokesperson of the party "Lalit".

He was quoted by "Le Mauricien", as saying he heard about "an authoritative government that will impose a policy of austerity and privatization when Navin Ramgoolam speaks of a strong government to tackle the numerous economic challenges that face the country”.

“Lalit” estimates that this was not in the interest of the population.

According to Seegobin, the political alliance between the LP and the MMM corresponded to two things: "The wish of the capitalists to have a government without opposition in the country that will impose a policy of austerity and satisfy the personal political ambition of Navin Ramgoolam to become Head of State and that of Paul Bérenger to end his political career as Prime Minister.”

The media announced on Saturday morning that a meeting has been scheduled later in the day between Ramgoolam and Bérenger to finalize the political alliance between their two parties before an official announcement.
-0- PANA NA/MA 7June2014