Dakar, Senegal (PANA)  - Senegalese Anta Ndiaye (Union sportive de Ouakam) and Mamadou Ndoye (Yoff) this weekend won the West African zone triathlon championship hosted in Dakar, with a time of 1h 14 mn 23 s and 1h 06 mn 30s respectively

©- - 16 december 2019 - 20:54:19 - thread (146 words)

Dakar, Senegal (PANA) - The president of the Senegalese Triathlon Federation (FSTri), Boubacar Gaye, was elected on Friday in Lausanne, Switzerland, as a member of the Audit Committee of the International Triathlon Federation (ITU)

©- - 30 august 2019 - 17:18:27 - thread (104 words)