New York, US (PANA) - A new report by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) showed that while growth in aquaculture has helped drive global per capita fish consumption above 20 kg a year for the first time, almost a third of commercial fish stocks are now over-harvested at biologically unsustainable levels
©- - 07 july 2016 - 17:33:30 - thread (745 words)

New York, US (PANA) - The world’s first-ever international agreement specifically targeting illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing is set to enter into force in June 2016, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said on Monday
©- - 16 may 2016 - 16:27:38 - thread (580 words)

Rome, Italy (PANA) - The network of lakes, rivers and streams that provide fish and freshwater to millions across the world, needs to be better managed in order to safeguard their contribution to healthy diets and economies, particularly in developing countries
©- - 29 january 2015 - 13:58:07 - thread (505 words)