Banjul, Gambia (PANA) - The Medical Research Council Unit the Gambia at The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (MRCG at LSHTM) marked a major achievement in the Longitudinal Population Study, aimed at enhancing genomics data in the Sub-region

©- - 14 august 2024 - 13:40:39 - thread (547 words)

Banjul, Gambia (PANA) - Researchers at The Medical Research Council Unit The Gambia at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (MRCG at LSHTM) have worked alongside local communities and volunteers since 1997 to research, develop and successfully implement the RTS,S malaria vaccine

©- - 24 january 2024 - 20:05:19 - thread (645 words)

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (PANA) - Professor Halidou Tinto is the winner of Nature'10, which rewards the ten scientists who made their mark on the world in 2023, the British magazine Nature announced on Wednesday when it published its list of the 10 scientists who made their mark on the world in 2023

©- - 13 december 2023 - 20:40:04 - thread (399 words)

Banjul, Gambia (PANA) - A study conducted by researchers at the Medical Research Council (MRC) Unit of The Gambia at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (MRCG at LSHTM), Ministry of Health and The Gambia Bureau of Statistics has revealed that the number of women who died from pregnancy-related causes in The Gambia in 2012 was twice what it was thought to be

©- - 24 october 2023 - 15:08:17 - thread (625 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - The Arab Alliances Initiative for Scientific Research and Innovation was launched at the headquarters of the Libyan Scientific Research Authority in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, aimed at promoting cooperation, coordination and partnership between Arab research centres

©- - 22 june 2023 - 14:32:28 - thread (220 words)

Port-Louis, Mauritius (PANA) – Mauritian Health and Wellness Minister Kailesh Jagutpal said Tuesday Mauritius would offer an attractive and favourable environment for carrying out clinical research on a large scale with high standards of public transparency and safety

©- - 31 january 2023 - 17:11:52 - thread (219 words)

Port-Louis, Mauritius (PANA) - Monaco Explorations, supported by the commitment of Prince Albert II of Monaco to protect the ocean and promote sustainable management, started a two-month expedition on Wednesday in the Indian Ocean on the South African oceanographic vessel, SA Agulhas II

©- - 13 october 2022 - 09:25:34 - thread (193 words)

Cotonou, Benin (PANA) - Researchers have been urged to be more involved in sustainable development, with a call for climate research partnerships for resilient development planning and implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Africa

©- - 10 march 2022 - 17:07:53 - thread (273 words)

Port-Louis, Mauritius (PANA) - Mauritian Parliamentarians on Thursday passed the Mauritius Emerging Technologies Council law which is to provide for the establishment of the Mauritius Emerging Technologies Council and to promote high quality research in emerging technologies

©- - 02 july 2021 - 08:13:38 - thread (356 words)

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (PANA) – Thorough research and continuous interaction between researchers and policy makers is crucial to ensure the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCTA) delivers for the continent, in particular consolidating African markets into a single market of more than 1

©- - 20 october 2020 - 17:56:31 - thread (735 words)


Port-Louis, Mauritius (PANA) - France’s Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs, Mr Jean-Yves Le Drian, is visiting Mauritius in a bid to further consolidate partnership between the two countries in the field of education and scientific research through the setting up of a network of French studies in the island

©- - 20 february 2020 - 13:46:44 - thread (501 words)

Brazzaville, Congo (PANA) - The Congolese minister of Scientific Research and Technological Innovation, Martin Parfait Aimé Coussoud Mavoungou, and the CEO of the centre for International Cooperation in Agricultural Research for Development (CIRAD), Michel Edi, signed on Thursday, in Brazzaville, a framework agreement for the relaunch of scientific cooperation between Congo and France, public radio announced on Friday

©- - 17 january 2020 - 09:52:27 - thread (211 words)

Nouakchott, Mauritania (PANA) - Winners of the 2019 Chinguetti Prize were awarded during a ceremony organized on Tuesday at the Palais des Congrès in Nouakchott, in the presence of Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Cheikh El Ghazouani

©- - 24 december 2019 - 16:14:28 - thread (241 words)

Port-Louis, Mauritius (PANA) – Mauritian Vice Prime Minister who is also Minister of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology, Mrs Leela Devi Dookun-Luchoomun, said on Wednesday that Mauritius will collaborate with institutions across Africa and elsewhere, and with 15 National Research and Education Networks (NREN) in Eastern and Southern Africa to set up a fit-for-purpose roadmap for the Mauritius NREN

©- - 04 december 2019 - 15:22:48 - thread (344 words)

Brazzaville, Congo (PANA) - The Congolese government and the Center for International Cooperation in Agronomic Research for Development (CIRAD) in Central Africa intend to sign a scientific cooperation agreement in the near future,  the regional director of the institution, Denis De Pommier, said on Wednesday in Brazzaville

©- - 03 october 2019 - 14:30:21 - thread (188 words)

List of beneficiaries of African Peacebuilding Network research grants out


Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire (PANA)   -   The list of beneficiaries of the 2019 edition of research grants awarded by the African Peacebuilding Network (APN) of the Social Sciences Research Council (SSRC) was published Monday, a statement issued here said

©- - 26 august 2019 - 21:46:14 - thread (590 words)

Brazzaville, Congo (PANA) - The European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Programme (EDCTP) plans to strengthen its partnership on clinical trials with Congo

©- - 22 august 2019 - 20:25:25 - thread (221 words)

Brazzaville, Congo (PANA) - The representative of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Congo, Lucien Manga, says his organization will support Congo in creating networks of public health researchers, to give everyone the opportunity to respond with scientific precision to development issues

©- - 26 may 2019 - 13:31:54 - thread (415 words)

Port Louis, Mauritius (PANA) - The Mauritius Research Repository (MRR), an online open access collection of research projects, reports, presentations, publications, scholarly contents, media and other research works related to the Republic of Mauritius or produced by an author of Mauritian origin, was launched on Monday by the Mauritius Research Council (MRC)

©- - 25 february 2019 - 14:25:26 - thread (343 words)

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (PANA) – The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and its partners are seeking proposals for Climate Research for Development (CR4D) in a multi-million dollar project that aims to support Africa-led climate science research
©- - 25 january 2019 - 15:48:35 - thread (314 words)

Brazzaville, Congo (PANA) - The Ambassador of France in Brazzaville, Bertrand Cochery, says his country will consolidate its cooperation with Congo in the areas of medical research, higher education, development and environment
©- - 19 december 2018 - 11:11:31 - thread (234 words)

Ebène , Mauritius (PANA) - The third edition of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) - MERCK Africa Research Summit (MARS) opened on Tuesday at Ebène, in the centre of the island
©- - 29 november 2017 - 07:26:34 - thread (538 words)

Brazzaville, Congo (PANA) - The German ambassador in Congo, Klaus Peto Schick, said on Thursday that his country is willing to back scientific research in Congo
©- - 03 november 2017 - 11:33:47 - thread (150 words)

Port-Louis, Mauritius (PANA) - A British NGO, Cruelty Free International, on Wednesday called on all members of the Mauritius Parliament to stop any moves that would allow animal experiments to take place in the island, raising its concerns about the recent decision to allow experiments on animals
©- - 15 february 2017 - 15:21:41 - thread (319 words)

Kigali, Rwanda (PANA) - Investing in new forage to small-scale farmers can be a low risk investment that will generate tens of millions of dollars, according to a new study made available to PANA by the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)
©- - 07 november 2016 - 10:52:59 - thread (495 words)

Dakar, Senegal (PANA) – The Dakar-based Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) is organising a conference on Open Access and Africa's knowledge economy to be held in the Senegalese capital in March
©- - 05 february 2016 - 17:45:12 - thread (332 words)

Geneva, Switzerland, (PANA) - Merck, a leading science and technology company, on Tuesday launched in partnership with United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) the first edition of the UNESCO-Merck Africa Research Summit, to be held in Geneva, Switzerland
©- - 20 october 2015 - 10:11:41 - thread (465 words)

Réduit, Mauritius (PANA) - The Mauritius Sugar Cane Industry Research Institute (MSIRI) has developed four new varieties of sugar cane plants that will help boost sugar production by 10 to 15% on the island, according to the Institute
©- - 17 august 2015 - 10:05:13 - thread (353 words)

Port Louis, Mauritius (PANA) - Mauritian Education and Scientific Research Minister Leela Devi Dookun-Luchoomun on Monday said the presence of many world-class scientists in Africa is an indication that the continent "can make an invaluable contribution towards understanding and finding cures for many of the debilitating diseases that continue to afflict the continent
©- - 27 july 2015 - 17:50:48 - thread (452 words)

New York, US (PANA) - The world’s oldest pharmaceutical and chemical company, Merck, in partnership with UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), Cambridge University and University of Rome plan to conduct UNESCO-Merck Africa Research Summit - MARS, which will be held on the 19 to 20 October in Geneva, Switzerland
©- - 14 july 2015 - 20:02:00 - thread (599 words)

Dakar, Senegal (PANA) – Senegalese Prime Minister Mahammad Boun Abdallah Dione on Monday said that his country will give the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) a site to accommodate its future "key for knowledge"
©- - 08 june 2015 - 18:56:07 - thread (225 words)

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (PANA) – Sub-Sahara African countries will need to double their investment in agricultural research and development if ambitious United Nations and African Union targets are to be achieved, according to a new report issued on Wednesday by researchers at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
©- - 26 november 2014 - 20:09:30 - thread (504 words)

Kigali, Rwanda (PANA) - Despite pledges made in Abuja, Nigeria, by African states in 2001 to commit 15 per cent of their annual budgets to public health spending, some member countries of the East African Community (EAC), except Rwanda, are yet to meet the commitment
©- - 29 october 2014 - 21:15:43 - thread (452 words)

New York, US (PANA) - The Geneva-based Council on Health Research for Development (COHRED) on Tuesday called on African countries to step up to the "research and innovation table" by developing their own capacity, build funding lines for health research and innovation, and begin regional and international collaboration on the basis of their own priorities
©- - 09 september 2014 - 17:45:10 - thread (500 words)

Port-Louis, Mauritius (PANA) - The Mauritian Parliament on Wednesday passed the Mauritius Research Council (Amendment) BiIl which, according to the Tertiary Education, Research and Technology Minister Rajesh Jeetah, will enable Mauritius realise its full potential in the future by making the present and future generations use of science and technology
©- - 09 april 2014 - 19:41:33 - thread (387 words)

Nairobi, Kenya (PANA) - Technology company Royal Philips has announced plans to establish its Africa Innovation Hub in Nairobi, Kenya, a move the company said underlines its commitment to invest in Africa
©- - 21 march 2014 - 11:24:50 - thread (407 words)