Athens-Greece (PANA)   -  A 40-year-old Greek-Nigerian woman arrested in Thessaloniki, northern Greece, on Wednesday is seen as one of the key figures in a human trafficking racket in Italy forcing dozens of girls from the West African country into prostitution

©- - 30 november 2019 - 11:28:38 - thread (256 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - Twenty thousand young Nigerian women, hoping to reach Asia, found themselves in Mali's small-scale gold mines where they were forced into prostitution, the Malian press reporte Tuesday, adding that the Nigerian Agency to Combat Human Trafficking has deplored the situation
©- - 29 january 2019 - 15:08:12 - thread (221 words)

Paris, France (PANA) – Two Nigerian sisters will stand trial on Wednesday next week before the court of Troyes, eastern France, for their alleged involvement in establishing a prostitution ring in the country, their lawyer Mr Philippe Missamou, said on Thursday in Paris
©- - 17 march 2011 - 20:55:40 - thread (162 words)