Geneva, Switzerland (PANA) - The killing of seven aid workers from the NGO World Central Kitchen in Israeli military airstrikes in central Gaza has been strongly condemned by senior UN humanitarian officials who on Tuesday reiterated repeated concerns that "there is no safe space left in Gaza"

©- - 02 april 2024 - 15:21:12 - thread (437 words)

Nairobi, Kenya (PANA) – Three Burkina Faso military drone strikes that the government claimed targeted Islamist fighters killed at least 60 civilians and injured scores more at two crowded markets and a packed funeral in Burkina Faso and Mali between August and November 2023, Human Rights Watch said in a report released on Thursday

©- - 26 january 2024 - 05:55:10 - thread (861 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - The national union of interurban and international road transporters of Mali (Syntrui-Mali) suspended on Monday a strike that began on 20 December and which had disrupted several road networks in the country, a union source told PANA

©- - 27 december 2022 - 18:44:33 - thread (255 words)

Banjul, Gambia (PANA) - Thousands of Gambian commuters, students, and workers were stranded at bus stations across the country on Monday after commercial transport drivers went on strike over high fuel costs, PANA report here

©- - 12 september 2022 - 14:12:33 - thread (358 words)

Accra, Ghana (PANA) - Four Ghanaian teacher unions on Monday began an indefinite nationwide strike over demands for the payment of the Cost of Living Allowance (COLA), as living conditions deteriorate and the government seeks a programme from the International Monetary Fund (IMF)

©- - 04 july 2022 - 13:11:31 - thread (377 words)

Tunis, Tunisia (PANA) - Public sector workers on Thursday embarked on a general strike which paralyzed vital activities of the country's economy, already in difficulty for several years

©- - 16 june 2022 - 14:35:05 - thread (528 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - The National Union of Higher Education and Scientific Research (SNESUP) of Mali on Friday suspended its 72-hour strike, scheduled for Tuesday 31 August to Thursday 2 September 2021 and five days from 6 to 10 September 2021, PANA learned on Monday from a union source

©- - 30 august 2021 - 11:19:03 - thread (113 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - Public school teachers in Bamako district have gone on strike effective Monday to press for payment of salaries to their colleagues in Commune V of the same district, according to a member of one of the many teachers' unions

©- - 28 june 2021 - 14:39:49 - thread (158 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - Some bakeries and pastry shops in Bamako, the Malian capital, on Monday began unilaterally a 48-hour strike to denounce the rise in the price of flour since last week, from 17,000 to 20,000 CFAF per 50kg bag, PANA reports

©- - 02 february 2021 - 12:26:24 - thread (248 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - At the call of their union, workers of Gabriel Toure Hospital, one of the largest medical centres in Mali, have been on strike since Tuesday for 72 hours to press their demand for, among other things, improved living and working conditions for staff, hygiene, reception and care within the institution, PANA learned from a union source

©- - 30 december 2020 - 15:10:02 - thread (307 words)

Nairobi, Kenya (PANA) - A Kenyan dentist succumbed to the coronavirus disease on Friday, a day after a union of doctors in Kenya signed an agreement with the government to end a strike launched on 21 December to demand better protection of frontline medical personnel

©- - 25 december 2020 - 19:17:16 - thread (469 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - The Malian government and the National Union of Malian workers (UNTM), the largest trade-union in Mali, Monday resumed negotiations that were suspended Friday to allow the authorities to respond to the demands, union sources told PANA

©- - 21 december 2020 - 22:19:16 - thread (332 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - The National Union of Workers of Mali (UNTM), the main trade union in the country, has opted to break off all negotiations with the government until further notice, the central executive office of UNTM said Wednesday in a statement

©- - 16 december 2020 - 17:00:58 - thread (181 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - The five-day strike called on Monday by Mali's National Union of Workers (UNTM), the largest trade union in the country, has completely paralysed activities in the Malian capital, Bamako, where almost all public services, banks, customs and tax offices are virtually empty

©- - 15 december 2020 - 10:41:18 - thread (226 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - The Malian national workers’ union (UNTM), the country’s largest trade-union, Friday confirmed it would go ahead with its five-day strike to be observed from 14-18 December after failed negotiations between it and the government Thursday afternoon

©- - 11 december 2020 - 21:43:09 - thread (192 words)

Tunis, Tunisia (PANA) - The Bureau of the Tunisian Magistrates Association (AMT) announced Thursday in a statement that it would extend its strike indefinitely until the signing with the government of a final agreement determining the solution to all their demands

©- - 10 december 2020 - 12:25:37 - thread (215 words)

Tunis, Tunisia (PANA) - Trade unions of public health professionals in Tunisia observed here Tuesday "a Day of National Anger" and sit-ins in all hospitals in the country on the theme "Save your hospital, Save your life"

©- - 08 december 2020 - 21:41:18 - thread (203 words)

Tunis, Tunisia (PANA) - The Association of Tunisian Magistrates (AMT) has called for their strike to be extended by an additional five days until an agreement that defines final solutions to claims pending negotiation is found

©- - 05 december 2020 - 16:07:28 - thread (190 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - Mali's largest trade union, Union Nationale des travailleurs du Mali (UNTM), intends to call a 120-hour strike from December 14 to 18 if its demands are not met, PANA learned from a union source

©- - 24 november 2020 - 14:14:51 - thread (183 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - The National Union of Workers of Mali (UNTM), the largest trade union in the country, is observing a 72-hour strike starting Wednesday, after the failure of negotiations with the government, the general-secretary, Yacouba Katilé, has announced

©- - 18 november 2020 - 11:17:56 - thread (236 words)

Accra, Ghana (PANA) - Nurses, midwives, physician assistants and anaesthetists in public health facilities in Ghana on Monday began a strike to press demands for better working conditions

©- - 21 september 2020 - 12:07:05 - thread (193 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - Teachers under the umbrella Education unions have suspend classes and other educational activities, including training, marking of answer sheets, monitoring and boycotting end-of-year exams from Monday, 17 August, across the country in protest at the slow implementation of the 20% salary increase

©- - 17 august 2020 - 15:10:20 - thread (273 words)

Tunis Tunisia (PANA) - The coordination of unemployed Tunisian journalists organized a sit-in protest on Thursday in front of the seat of the government presidency, to press their demand for recruitment in the public sector, PANA witnessed on the spot

©- - 23 july 2020 - 15:26:04 - thread (165 words)

Tunis, Tunisia (PANA) - Workers in the various oil fields in the Tataouine region, southern Tunisia, began an an indefinite strike Saturday, completely blocking oil and gas production, an official source said here

©- - 04 july 2020 - 18:11:41 - thread (224 words)

Tunis, Tunisia (PANA) - The Regional Labour Union of Tataouine in southern Tunisia, a union affiliated with the Tunisian General Labour Union (UGTT), on Sunday evening urgently declared a general strike for Monday "to denounce the intervention of the police" to disperse a sit-in of striking workers

©- - 22 june 2020 - 09:18:45 - thread (274 words)

Tunis, Tunisia (PANA) - Several Tunisian regions were Friday hit by waves of protests and strikes, leading to the deterioration of the economic situation and lives of Tunisians, PANA reported

©- - 19 june 2020 - 21:00:22 - thread (252 words)

Tunis, Tunisia (PANA) - Workers at the Ouaha and Nouara oil and gas fields in the Tataouine region of southern Tunisia began a three-day strike on Wednesday, blocking production of the two fields, a union source said

©- - 04 june 2020 - 08:42:50 - thread (115 words)

Tunis, Tunisia (PANA) - Medical doctors and executives of the health sector in Tunisia Thursday held a sit-in protest in all the country’s health centers on the orders of the general health trade-union affiliated to the Tunisian General Labour Union (UGTT) to demand improved working conditions

©- - 28 may 2020 - 22:43:33 - thread (257 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - Unions of civilian administrators in Mali have threatened to go on a 72-hour strike from May 26 to press their demand for security of state officials while on duty, union sources told PANA on Tuesday

©- - 19 may 2020 - 14:31:43 - thread (469 words)

Tunis, Tunisia (PANA) - Workers from phosphate mines in the Sidi Bouzid region in central Tunisia on Thursday evening staged a demonstration in the streets of Meknasi to demand improvement of their conditions of service

©- - 01 may 2020 - 15:04:43 - thread (126 words)