Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire (PANA) - Ivorian Television Broadcasting (RTI) on Wednesday inaugurated a third television channel, the "3", in Abidjan, the economic capital

©- - 13 february 2020 - 10:11:57 - thread (82 words)

Port-Louis, Mauritius (PANA) - The Mauritian Government Wednesday announced the appointment of Vijay Pritam Purmessur as Director-General of the Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation (MBC), replacing Dhanjay Callikan who resigned, PANA reported from Port-Louis
©- - 31 december 2014 - 14:38:01 - thread (136 words)

New York, US (PANA) - The technological advancement of the television medium, a critical tool for informing, channelling, and affecting public opinion is necessary for the improvement of communication and globalization, the UN International Telecommunications Union (ITU) said on Friday
©- - 21 november 2014 - 20:16:01 - thread (511 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) – An armed group from a coalition of Misrata militias of Islamic faith, on Saturday night attacked the private television station, al-Asseema TV
©- - 24 august 2014 - 14:10:20 - thread (205 words)

Kigali, Rwanda (PANA) - Rwanda has completely migrated from analog to digital television broadcast, in accordance with the requirements of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) which fixed a deadline of June 2015 for all African countries to complete the migration, PANA learnt from official sources in the capital, Kigali, Thursday
©- - 31 july 2014 - 11:56:23 - thread (137 words)

Dakar, Senegal (PANA) - The Citizen Media Group of Senegal has been licensed to operate a television channel, to be called "Africa 7", according to a statement issued by the group here
©- - 18 may 2011 - 11:31:25 - thread (109 words)

Banjul- Gambia (PANA) -- Gambian President Yahya Jammeh on Monday expressed delig ht that his life-long personal ambition of digitalizing the Gambia Radio and Tel e vision Services (GRTS) and satellite broadcasting have come to fruition
©- - 26 may 2009 - 07:51:00 - thread (380 words)