Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - Libyan Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Najla al-Mangouch, has expressed Libya's aspiration to the support of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, to the guidance of the Libyan people, to end the transitional stages in the country and to hold elections

©- - 20 may 2023 - 13:17:48 - thread (556 words)

Khartoum, Sudan (PANA)- Sudan on Monday condemned attacks on commercial ships belonging to two of its allies in the Gulf, saying Khartoum strands firmly with any action Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates might take

©- - 13 may 2019 - 19:27:23 - thread (215 words)

Khartoum, Sudan (PANA) - Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have decided to put US$3 billion at the disposal of the Transitional Military Council government to “help strengthen the financial position of the Sudan

©- - 21 april 2019 - 15:33:21 - thread (292 words)

Khartoum, Sudan (PANA) - The Sudanese ruling National Congress Party (NCP) has expressed regrets at the current negative developments in the Arab Gulf region, declaring its support to current efforts being made to defuse the crisis between Qatar and neighbouring four Gulf States and Egypt
©- - 08 june 2017 - 13:31:02 - thread (268 words)

Khartoum, Sudan (PANA) - Sudanese President Omar Bashir on Monday telephoned the Emir of Kuwait, Sheikh Sabah al-Jabir al-Sabah and discussed with him ways for defusing the crisis between Qatar and five Arab nations, including Saudi Arabia
©- - 06 june 2017 - 16:53:15 - thread (188 words)

Brazzaville, Congo (PANA) – The Congolese government has said it is satisfied with the quality of actions taken within the framework of the endless fight against all forms of insecurity in the waters of the Gulf of Guinea, official sources said Friday at the end of the conference of the G7 of the Gulf of Guinea’s friends in Pointe-Noire, the country’s main economic center
©- - 15 may 2015 - 20:34:56 - thread (302 words)

Luanda, Angola (PANA) - Angola's Foreign Affairs Minister Georges Chicoti has called on the member states of the Gulf of Guinea Commission to make a concerted effort to fight piracy, which is becoming increasingly pervasive in the resource-rich region
©- - 29 november 2012 - 12:25:28 - thread (183 words)