Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Mauritanian security forces stationed in the reg ion of Zouerate in the north on Tuesday arrested three alleged terrorists with t i es to the nebulous Al Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQMI), security sources told PAN A in Nouakchott
©- - 26 january 2010 - 23:32:00 - thread African Union (214 words)

Tripoli- Libya (PANA) -- The executive Council of the community of the Sahelo-Sah aran states (CEN-SAD), which brings together foreign ministers of member countri e s, started on Monday here in an extraordinary consultative meeting meant to harm o nize their stands in preparation for the 14th African Union (AU) summit holding i n Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, this month
©- - 26 january 2010 - 13:13:00 - thread African Union (236 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Following are the latest exchange rates for the Mauritian rupee against some major foreign currencies, as published here Tuesday by the Mauritian commercial bank
©- - 26 january 2010 - 10:55:00 - thread African Union (122 words)

Paris- France (PANA) -- The European Union (EU) on Monday decided to normalize relations with Mauritania and to â?completelyâ? resume cooperation which was broken after the 6 August, 2006 coup, an EU statement issued in Paris said o n Monday
©- - 25 january 2010 - 21:38:00 - thread African Union (193 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Following are the results of the matches played week-end in Mauritania's first day Premier League champioships: Zouerate: Kأ©dia - FC Tevragh Zeina of Nouakchott: 0-0 Nouadhibou: FC SNIM - FC Nouadhibou: 1-1 Nouakchott: NASR Sebkha - FC Mauritel: 1-1
©- - 24 january 2010 - 17:19:00 - thread African Union (107 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The Senegalese musician, Demba Dia, popularly ca lled Rock M'balakh, and his Mauritanian partner, Dey Ould Amar, will soon set up a recording studio from where musicians across the continent can record their wo r ks
©- - 24 january 2010 - 13:01:00 - thread African Union (128 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Former Mozambican president Joaquim Chissano will be the guest of honour of the Mauritian government during events marking th e 175th anniversary of the abolition of slavery on 1 February, official sources s aid in Port-Louis
©- - 23 january 2010 - 10:35:00 - thread African Union (116 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- All four members of a group of Mauritanian and S enegalese fishermen drowned early Thursday off the coast of Nouadhibou, a port c i ty located 465 kilometres from capital city, Nouakchott, PANA reported, quoting e ye witnesses
©- - 22 january 2010 - 14:28:00 - thread African Union (197 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Mauritanian president Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, left Nouakchott on Thursday accompanied by a high-powered delegation for working visits to Iran and Turkey, official sources told PANA
©- - 21 january 2010 - 20:14:00 - thread African Union (109 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- A forum, holding under the theme "what governanc e for Mauritania after 50 years of independence," and organized by the major par t ies in the country, has recommended a number of measures aimed at solidifying de m ocracy in the west African nation
©- - 21 january 2010 - 15:29:00 - thread African Union (152 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- The Mauritian Commercial Bank Thursday in Port-Lo uis, the Mauritian capital, published the exchange rates of the main foreign cur r encies against the local rupee
©- - 21 january 2010 - 09:55:00 - thread African Union (129 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Mauritian Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam has appo inted Herve Aimأ©e as Minister for Regional Administration, to replace James Bur t y David, who died 14 December, official sources told PANA here on Wednesday
©- - 20 january 2010 - 17:38:00 - thread African Union (109 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- The Mauritian Commercial Bank Wednesday in Port-L ouis published the latest exchange rates for the rupee against some main foreign currencies
©- - 20 january 2010 - 11:48:00 - thread African Union (124 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- The Mauritian Commercial Bank on Tuesday publishe d the exchange rates of the main currencies against the local rupee
©- - 19 january 2010 - 14:25:00 - thread African Union (120 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- The commercial Bank of Mauritius Monday in Port-L ouis issued the latest exchange rates for the local rupee against the major foreign currencies
©- - 18 january 2010 - 12:58:00 - thread African Union (126 words)

Port-Louis- Maurice (PANA) -- Mauritius announced Friday that US$ 500,000 have be en raised to help Haiti after Tuesday devastating earthquake that shook the Paci f ic Ocean country, official sources told PANA here
©- - 15 january 2010 - 17:38:00 - thread African Union (69 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Mauritius and Australia Friday signed a Memorandu m of Understanding (MoU) to further pursue research on Non Communicable Diseases (NCD) in Mauritius, mainly regarding the Type 2 diabetes, PANA reported from her e
©- - 15 january 2010 - 14:21:00 - thread African Union (340 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The 2009-2010 football season for the Mauritania n first division championship will restart on 22 January, following a seven-mont h break, sports sources told PANA here Thursday
©- - 14 january 2010 - 15:25:00 - thread African Union (257 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- The Mauritian people have mobilized to raise fund s to help victims of the devastating earthquake that shook Haiti, leaving severa l thousands of people dead, PANA reported from here Thursday
©- - 14 january 2010 - 14:51:00 - thread African Union (149 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- The Mauritian Foreign Affairs Minister, Arvin Boo lell, said here Thursday that four Mauritians were reported safe and sound after the earthquake that shook Haiti Tuesday
©- - 14 january 2010 - 14:01:00 - thread African Union (152 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- The Mauritian Commercial Bank Thursday in Port-Lo uis published the day's exchange rates for the local rupee against the main foreign currencies
©- - 14 january 2010 - 10:16:00 - thread African Union (125 words)

Balaclava- Mauritius (PANA) -- Mauritian Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam has said that Africa is poised for what may be the most buoyant years in its economic his t ory, provided it facilitates doing business despite the worst global economic re c ession in many decades
©- - 13 january 2010 - 15:01:00 - thread African Union (447 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- The Mauritian Commercial Bank Wednesday in Port-L ouis published the exchange rates for the local rupee against some major foreign currencies Here are the exchange rates: Currency Buying Selling Australian dollar 26
©- - 13 january 2010 - 11:29:00 - thread African Union (123 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Mauritius is billed to host a high-level conferen ce, tagged "Doing Business 2010 in Africa: Sharing Reform Experiences," 13-15 Ja n uary to strengthen the capacity of African countries to promote business-friendl y reforms, share experiences and strengthen South-South cooperation, PANA reporte d
©- - 12 january 2010 - 12:30:00 - thread African Union (201 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Mauritanian Foreign Affairs Minister Naha Mint M ouknass, and his Italian counterpart Franco Frattini, Monday evening signed a US$3 million agreement to e nhance food security in the African nation
©- - 12 january 2010 - 12:19:00 - thread African Union (101 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- The Mauritian Commercial Bank Tuesday in Port-Lou is published the latest exchange rates for the local rupee against the main currenc ies
©- - 12 january 2010 - 08:54:00 - thread African Union (124 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The Italian Foreign Affairs Minister, Franco Fra ttini, arrived in Nouakchott on Monday for a two-day working visit, official sou r ces said
©- - 11 january 2010 - 21:38:00 - thread African Union (100 words)

Rأ©duit- Mauritius (PANA) -- South African Alex Boraine, appointed by the Mauriti an government to preside over the Justice and Truth Commission, was sworn Monda y in a ceremony held at the House Stadium here, attended by the Mauritian Preside n t Sir Anerood Jugnauth Mr
©- - 11 january 2010 - 17:17:00 - thread African Union (163 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- The Mauritian Commercial Bank on Monday in Port-L ouis, published the exchange rates of the main currencies against the local rupe e
©- - 11 january 2010 - 08:52:00 - thread African Union (124 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Residents of Nouakchott, the Mauritanian capital , have since Thursday been rushing to the offices of the major satellite channels (CanalSat and Jazeezra Sp orts) to take advantage of promotional prices so they can watch the Africa Cup of Nations matches starting Sunday in Angola
©- - 10 january 2010 - 17:31:00 - thread African Union (179 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- A national immunization campaign against tetanus , for women of child-bearing age, began in Mauritania Friday, according to a sta t ement by the country's Health Ministry
©- - 08 january 2010 - 16:27:00 - thread African Union (114 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- The Commercial Bank of Mauritius Friday in Port-L ouis published the exchange rates for the local rupee against some foreign curre n cies Here are the exchange rates: Currency Buying Selling Australian dollar 26
©- - 08 january 2010 - 11:17:00 - thread African Union (125 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Mauritania and Mali have agreed to strengthen th eir security cooperation as part of the fight against cross-border crime, offici a l sources told PANA here Thursday
©- - 07 january 2010 - 17:11:00 - thread African Union (218 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Mauritanian Prime minister Moulaye Ould Ahmed La ghdaf on Wednesday announced the determination of his government to carry out â? a positive discrimination policyâ? towards the underprivileged social sectors re garded as victims of slavery
©- - 06 january 2010 - 21:48:00 - thread African Union (184 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Export earnings of fishing products in Mauritani a recorded a 30% rise between 2008 and 2009, from US$149 million to US$190 milli o n
©- - 06 january 2010 - 21:15:00 - thread African Union (100 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- The Mauritian Commercial Bank on Wednesday issued the exchange rates of the local rupee against some major foreign currencies
©- - 06 january 2010 - 15:21:00 - thread African Union (123 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The Mauritanian National Assembly has approved s everal amendments to the country's counter-terrorist law, which has been in force since July 2005, a parliamentary source told PANA here Wednesday
©- - 06 january 2010 - 12:17:00 - thread African Union (145 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Mauritian Foreign Affairs Minister Arvin Boolell said Tuesday that private security arrangement would be permitted on board Mauri t ian vessels plying the country's territorial waters near the danger zone on the P ort-Louis â" Mahe route, subject to police clearance on a case-to-case basis
©- - 05 january 2010 - 17:55:00 - thread African Union (287 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- A meeting on Islam and tolerance opened here Tue sday, attended by President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, government officials and se v eral other personalities, PANA reported
©- - 05 january 2010 - 16:27:00 - thread African Union (69 words)

Dakar- Senegal (PANA) -- The African Rally for Human Rights (RADDHO) is demanding the "immediate release without condition" of Hanevi Ould Dehah, the director of Mauritania's information site, Taquadoumy, still being detained despite completing his six-month imprisonment
©- - 05 january 2010 - 12:10:00 - thread African Union (205 words)

Dakar- Senegal (PANA) -- The African Rally for Human Rights (RADDHO) is demanding the â?immediate release without conditionâ? of Hanevi Ould Dehah, the director of Mauritania's information site, Taquadoumy, still being detained despite compl eting his six-month imprisonment
©- - 05 january 2010 - 07:11:00 - thread African Union (218 words)

Dakar- Senegal (PANA) -- The African Rally for Human Rights (RADDHO) is demanding the "immediate release without condition" of Hanevi Ould Dehah, the director of Mauritania's information site, Taquadoumy, still being detained despite compl eting his six-month imprisonment
©- - 04 january 2010 - 23:13:00 - thread African Union (213 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- The Mauritian Commercial Bank Monday in Port-Louis published the exchange rates for the local rupee against some major currencies
©- - 04 january 2010 - 10:40:00 - thread African Union (120 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- All privately-owned newspapers in Mauritania Sun day went off the streets to protest against an increase in printing costs from 2 5 per cent to 30 per cent decided by the National Printing Office, PANA reported f rom here
©- - 03 january 2010 - 20:11:00 - thread African Union (162 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Following are the latest exchange rates for Mauritian rupee against some major foreign currencies, as published by the Mauritian commercial bank here Thursday
©- - 31 december 2009 - 18:53:00 - thread African Union (115 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- The Mauritian Commercial Bank on Wednesday publis hed the exchange rates of the main foreign currencies against the local rupee
©- - 30 december 2009 - 14:59:00 - thread African Union (121 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Starting Tuesday (29Dec), Mauritians will longer require a visa to enter French overseas territories for a three-month stay every six months, according to a statement from the French Embassy in the Mauritian capital
©- - 29 december 2009 - 12:28:00 - thread African Union (123 words)