Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The National Front for the Defence of Democracy (FNDD), a coalition of political parties opposed to the 6 August coup in Maurita n ia, strongly denounced the comments by Libyan leader, Mouammar Kadhafi, who is m e diating in the Mauritanian crisis, on democracy and elections
©- - 12 march 2009 - 16:38:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (268 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The vice president of the Union of Democratic Fo rces (RFD), the main opposition party in Mauritania, Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Lematt , has rejected the electoral calendar proposed by military authorities, in power s ince the 6 August coup
©- - 12 march 2009 - 15:55:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (131 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Libyan leader Mouammar Kadhafi and Mauritian lea der General Mohamed Ould Abdelaziz laid the foundation stone of the five-star ho t el “Al-Fateh” on Wednesday in Nouakchott
©- - 12 march 2009 - 10:09:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (128 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Libyan revolutionary leader and incumbent chairm an of the African Union (AU) Mouamar Khadafi on Wednesday urged the Mauritanian p eople to work together to find a way out of crisis in a bid to preserve the stab i lity and the tranquillity
©- - 12 march 2009 - 00:13:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (289 words)

Bissau- Guinea-Bissau (PANA) -- The Acting President of Guinea Bissau Raimundo Pereira, on Tuesday described, the assassinations of the President Joao Bernardo “Nino” Vieira and the Chief of Defence Staff Lieutenant General Batista Tagmé N a Waié, as “sheer affront to the institutions of the Republic”
©- - 11 march 2009 - 23:40:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (343 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) – The Libyan leader -Mouammar Kadhafi on Tuesday af firmed the universality of Islam and said the Bible had been falsified with vers e s referring to Prophet Ahmad removed
©- - 11 march 2009 - 23:13:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (677 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA)- – The Libyan leader Mouammar Kadhafi on Tuesday th rew his weight behind the Islamic calendar and urged all Islamic Umma to adopt i t
©- - 11 march 2009 - 23:12:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (213 words)

Pailles- Mauritius (PANA) -- Mauritian Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam and visitin g Botswana President Seretse Ian Khama, at a banquet at the Swami Vivekananda Co n vention Centre at Pailles, near Port-Louis, have condemned any attempt to overth r ow the democratically-elected government in Madagascar
©- - 11 march 2009 - 17:58:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (372 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The Libyan leader and chairman of the African Un ion (AU), Mouammar Kadhafi, Tuesday evening led the dusk prayer at the Olympic S t adium in Nouakchott before thousands of Mauritanians and several other guests fr o m the African continent While in the Mauritanian capital, Kadhafi would, among other activities, interce de between the protagonists of the Mauritanian crisis
©- - 11 march 2009 - 16:08:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (157 words)

Plaisance- Mauritius (PANA) -- The President of Botswana, Seretse Khama Ian Khama , arrived in Mauritius on Wednesday afternoon on a two-day official visit as the c hief guest of the government at its celebration of Mauritius 41st Independence a n niversary
©- - 11 march 2009 - 13:01:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (165 words)

Phoenix- Mauritius (PANA) – Mauritian Muslims on T-uesday celebrated Maouloud, th e birthday of Prophet Mohamed, with a religious gathering at Phoenix in the cent e r of the island
©- - 10 march 2009 - 22:58:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (99 words)

Bissau- Guinea-Bissau (PANA) -- Angola on Monday reiterated its readiness to help Guinea-Bissau restore constitutional order after the double assassination, at t h e beginning of this month, of President Joao Bernardo Vieira and of the chief of staff, Lieutenant-General Batista Tagmé Na Wai
©- - 10 march 2009 - 19:10:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (219 words)

Bissau- Guinea-Bissau (PANA) -- Angola on Monday reiterated its readiness to help Guinea-Bissau restore constitutional order after the double assassination, at t h e beginning of this month, of President Joao Bernardo Vieira and of the chief of staff, Lieutenant-General Batista Tagmé Na Wai
©- - 10 march 2009 - 19:06:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (221 words)

Bissau- Guinea Bissau (PANA) -- President Joao Bernardo Vieira of Guinea Bissau, assassinated 2 March in his Bissau residence, was buried Tuesday at the municipa l cemetery in the Bissau Guinean capital, PANA reports from here
©- - 10 march 2009 - 18:17:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (320 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Libyan leader Mouammar Kadhafi, in his capacity as the Chair of the African Union (AU), held talks on Monday with General Mohame d Ould Abdelaziz, president of the High State Council (HCE) in Mauritania, the ju n ta that seized power in Nouakchott on 6 August 2008
©- - 10 march 2009 - 17:14:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (232 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Two Mauritanian journalists, Moulay Najim Ould M oulay Zeine and Ezza Mint Moulay Zeine, will appear in court here on 18 March ov e r what prosecutors called “infringement of morality” and “breach of rules on pub l ication”
©- - 10 march 2009 - 15:20:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (127 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- There are more women than men in Mauritius, accor ding to figures released Monday by the Central Statistics Office (CSO)
©- - 10 march 2009 - 14:47:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (216 words)

Port-Louis- Maurice (PANA) -- Mauritius has announced plans to launch a campaign, tagged 'Mauritius, sustainable island', this week to help raise awareness among the population on environmental issues
©- - 10 march 2009 - 09:51:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (171 words)

Bissau- Guinea-Bissau (PANA) -- The Senegalese Head of State Abdoulaye Wade is th e only foreign president to have so far confirmed that he will attend the funera l of the late Guinea Bissau President “Nino” Vieira scheduled for Tuesday morning , the national commission in charge the funeral told PANA on Monday
©- - 10 march 2009 - 07:31:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (443 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The Libyan leader and current Chairman of the Af rican Union (AU), Muammar Kadhafi arrived in the Mauritanian capital, Nouakchott , on Monday during which he will continue with his efforts to find a solution the Mauritanian political crisis triggered by a coup last year
©- - 09 march 2009 - 23:40:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (254 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The National Front for the Defence of Democracy in Mauritania (FNDD), an alliance opposed to the 6 August, 2008 coup, on Monday said it was open to dialogue in a bid to find a solution to the political crisis faced by the country
©- - 09 march 2009 - 22:09:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (232 words)

Bissau- Guinea-Bissau (PANA) -- Many foreign delegations are still being expected in Bissau for the funeral of President Joao Bernardo “Nino” Vieira, scheduled f o r Tuesday, members of the the organising committee of the ceremony told PANA Mon d ay
©- - 09 march 2009 - 18:58:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (359 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- The INS Nirdesshak, an Indian Scientific ship, is expected to dock in Mauritius on Tuesday to carry out a hydrographic study arou n d the Island and create a nautical passage for ships to this part of the Indian O cean, Mauritius official sources told PANA here
©- - 09 march 2009 - 15:47:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (164 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius(PANA) -- Titleholder Curepipe Starlight reclaimed the top s pot in the Mauritian national premier football league at the weekend, after its 3 -0 drubbing of USBBRH in a round 16 match
©- - 09 march 2009 - 12:58:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (140 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) – Hundreds of Tamil--born Mauritians on Friday eveni ng demonstrated in Port-Louis to condemn the daily attacks by the Sri Lanka army against the Tamil population in southern Sri Lanka
©- - 07 march 2009 - 19:39:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (120 words)

Bissau- Guinea-Bissau (PANA) -- The state funeral for the Guinea Bissau army chief of staff, General Batista Tagme Na Wai, initially planned for Saturday in Bissau has been postponed to Sunday at the request of his family
©- - 07 march 2009 - 17:10:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (170 words)

Bissau- Guinea Bissau (PANA) -- The Guinea Bissau authorities will shortly appoin t a new chief of staff, to replace General Batista Tagme Na Wai, killed Sunday i n an explosion that rocked the headquarters of the army here
©- - 06 march 2009 - 17:54:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (220 words)

Dakar- Senegal (PANA) -- The US government has called for the holding of the pres idential election in Guinea Bissau within two months as stipulated in their cons t itution
©- - 06 march 2009 - 15:17:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (187 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Botswana President Seretse Khama Ian Khama is expected in Mauritius on 11 March as the Chief Guest at the 41st independence an niversary and the 17th Republic Day of the island, official sources said here
©- - 06 march 2009 - 12:59:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (109 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius(PANA) --­ The Commercial Bank of Mauritius on Friday issued the latest exchange rates for the local rupee against some foreign curren cies
©- - 06 march 2009 - 08:28:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (119 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- A Mauritanian NGO, Resistance Initiative of the Abolitionist Movement (IRA), on Thursday hailed the arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for the arrest of Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir
©- - 06 march 2009 - 08:18:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (112 words)

Bissau- Guinea Bissau (PANA) -- Guinea Bissau's Prime Minister Carlos Gomes Junio r said on Thursday that his government would pursue dialogue with the military a n d “display a conciliatory overture” to restore peace and stability in the countr y in the wake of the assassinations of the armed forces chief of staff General Ba t ista Tagm Na Wai and President Bernardo Joao Vieira
©- - 06 march 2009 - 07:44:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (286 words)

Dakar- Senegal (PANA) -- The Gambian government has condemned "in the strongest p ossible terms" the double assassination of Guinea Bassau President Joao Bernardo 'Nino' Vieira and the army Chief of Sta ff, Gen
©- - 05 march 2009 - 15:26:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (109 words)

Bissau- Guinea Bissau (PANA) -- The remains of Guinea Bissau's slain President Jo ao Bernardo 'Nino' Vieira will laid to rest next Tuesday in Bissau, an official s ource told PANA here on Thursday
©- - 05 march 2009 - 14:39:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (103 words)

Bissau- Guinea Bissau (PANA) -- Guinea Bissau Prime Minister Carlos Gomes Junior has called for international financial support for his country to enable it overcome the difficult times the country is experiencing
©- - 05 march 2009 - 13:38:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (318 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Mauritius trade deficit in 2008 was 25% higher th an in 2007, with total imports reaching US$4
©- - 05 march 2009 - 09:45:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (562 words)

Accra- Ghana (PANA) -- Ghana on Wednesday condemned the assassinations of Preside nt Joao Bernado Nino Vieira and General Tagme na Waie, Chief of Defence Staff of Guinea Bissau and pledged to work with sub-regional, regional and international b odies to help the troubled West Africa state overcome its difficult moments
©- - 04 march 2009 - 22:47:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (258 words)

Bissau- Guinea Bissau (PANA) -- The Portuguese Secretary of State for Foreign Aff airs, Joao Cravinho, Tuesday denied that Isabel Vieira, widow of the slain Guine a Bissau President, had asked for political asylum in Portugal
©- - 04 march 2009 - 16:56:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (198 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Deposed Mauritanian President, Sidi Mohamed Ould Cheikh Abdallahi, will leave his home village, Lemden, Thursday for the Maurita n ian capital, Nouakchott, from where he is expected to travel Friday to Tripoli, L ibya's capital, authoritative sources in Nouakchott told PANA
©- - 04 march 2009 - 16:40:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (186 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius(PANA) --­ The Commercial Bank of Mauritius on Wednesday issued the latest exchange rates for the local rupee against some main foreign currencies
©- - 04 march 2009 - 14:53:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (119 words)

Sirte- Libya (PANA) -- Libyan leader Muammar Kadhafi, who holds the rotational chairmanship of the African Union (AU), met Tuesday evening in Sirte, central Libya, with a delegation from the National Front for the Defense of Democracy in Mauritania (FNDD), led by parliamentarian Boïdjel Ould Houmeid, a Libyan official source said
©- - 04 march 2009 - 14:50:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (201 words)

Rabat- Morocco (PANA) -- Morocco has strongly condemned the assassination of Pres ident Joao Bernardo Vieira of Guinea Bissau, and reiterated its complete disapproval of the use of f orce or violence to resolve political disagreements, the foreign affairs ministr y said here
©- - 04 march 2009 - 08:07:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (161 words)

Bissau- Guinea-Bissau (PANA) -- The Special Representative of UN Seretary-General in Guinea-Bissau, Mr Joseph Rotaboba, on Tuesday condemned Monday’s assassinatio ns of President Nino Vieira and the army Chief of Staff, General Tagm Na Wai
©- - 03 march 2009 - 23:06:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (212 words)

Brussels- Belgium (PANA) -- The European Union Tuesday condemned “with the greate st firmness,” the murder of President Joao Bernardo Nino Vieira of Guinea Bissau on Monday in Bissau
©- - 03 march 2009 - 18:44:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (211 words)

Bissau- Guinea Bissau (PANA) -- The Senegalese people "are very much affected by the events of the 1 and 2 March in Guinea Bissau because whatever affects that c o untry affects us,” declared the Senegalese Minister of State for Foreign Affairs , Mr
©- - 03 march 2009 - 17:56:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (338 words)

Windhoek- Namibia (PANA) -- The Namibia government has said it is outraged by the assassination of Guinea-Bissau president Joao Bernardo Nino Vieira by a group of soldiers on Monday morning
©- - 03 march 2009 - 17:16:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (176 words)

Windhoek- Namibia (PANA) -- The Namibian government has said it is outraged by th e assassination of Guinea Bissau president Joao Bernardo Nino Vieira by a group o f soldiers Monday morning
©- - 03 march 2009 - 14:49:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (180 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) --­ Following are the exchange rates of the local ru pee against some foreign currencies, as released on Tuesday by the Commercial Ba n k of Mauritius: Currency Buying Selling Australian dollar 20
©- - 03 march 2009 - 12:33:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (119 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The speaker of the Mauritanian National Assembly , Messaoud Ould Belkheir, was expected to leave for Tripoli, Libya, on Tuesday, a reliable source here said
©- - 03 march 2009 - 12:24:00 - thread الإتحاد الإفريقي (88 words)