Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The three parties involved in the Mauritanian po litical crisis Thursday signed an agreement aimed at restoring constitutional or d er in the country
©- - 05 june 2009 - 11:59:00 - thread Union africaine (159 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Following are the latest exchange rates for the Mauritian rupee against some foreign currencies, as published by the Mauritian Commercial Bank here on Friday
©- - 05 june 2009 - 10:00:00 - thread Union africaine (110 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA)- – Former Mauritanian Prime Minister, Yahya Ould Ahmed Waghef, and three others, who had been detained since 2008 for alleged emb ezzlement at the defunct national airline, Air Mauritania, were freed on Thursda y , judicial sources told PANA
©- - 04 june 2009 - 21:54:00 - thread Union africaine (194 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade, who brokere d the political agreement between Mauritanian factions that led to the postponem e nt of the controversial 6 June election, arrived in Nouakchott on Thursday to ho l d talks to firm up the deal
©- - 04 june 2009 - 20:52:00 - thread Union africaine (207 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The official signing ceremony of the Mauritania peace pact, brokered by African Union Facilitator and Senegalese President Abdou l aye Wade, was postponed from Wednesday to Thursday to give time for the Facilita t or to witness the signing, official sources told PANA here Thursday
©- - 04 june 2009 - 12:38:00 - thread Union africaine (244 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Mauritanian former junta leader and now presiden tial candidate for the 18 July elections, General Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, annou n ced Wednesday the suspension of his electioneering campaign during a rally in Ak j oujt, a town located 250 kms north of Nouakchott, the country's capital
©- - 03 june 2009 - 15:34:00 - thread Union africaine (197 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Following are the latest exchange rates for the M auritian rupee against some foreign currencies, as published here Wednesday by t h e Mauritian commercial bank
©- - 03 june 2009 - 12:39:00 - thread Union africaine (111 words)

Dakar- Senegal (PANA) -- The International Contact Group (ICG) on the Mauritanian crisis has called on all Mauritanian parties to be positive and and sincere in the implementation of the agreement signed here after six day of talks
©- - 03 june 2009 - 09:34:00 - thread Union africaine (254 words)

New York- US (PANA) -- UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has called on Mauritanian parties to cooperate with international mediators to agree on the date for presidential elections in the country
©- - 03 june 2009 - 06:57:00 - thread Union africaine (194 words)

Paris- France (PANA) -- An agreement was reached in Dakar, Senegal's capital, by protagonists in the Mauritanian crisis for the establishment of a transitional g o vernment in their country, the spokesman for the French Foreign Ministry, Eric C h evallier, announced Tuesday in Paris, France
©- - 02 june 2009 - 18:31:00 - thread Union africaine (152 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- A mission of the Arab Organisation for the Guara ntee of Investments and Credits in Favour of Exports (OAGICE), led by its Genera l Manager Sahd Rachid Al Ibrahim, arrived in Mauritania's capital, Noukchott, on T uesday, official sources told PANA
©- - 02 june 2009 - 14:00:00 - thread Union africaine (156 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- A high-level trade delegation from Turkey is due in Mauritius Tuesday to discuss expansion of trade relations between the two cou n tries, a PANA correspondent gathered from official sources here
©- - 01 june 2009 - 14:18:00 - thread Union africaine (230 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- General Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, the immediate e x-leader of Mauritania and head of the military junta that took power in 2008, o n Saturday denied rumours that the 6 June presidential elections, in which he is a candidate, had been postponed
©- - 31 may 2009 - 15:21:00 - thread Union africaine (166 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- A court in Mauritius capital, Port-Louis, on Frid ay four policemen of abuse of authority and conspiracy following the death of a p risoner in January 2006
©- - 30 may 2009 - 17:12:00 - thread Union africaine (89 words)

Floréal- Mauritius (PANA) -- About 40 Mauritian muslims, members of the Hizb-ut-T ahrir organisation, demonstrated peacefully on Friday afternoon in front of the p remises of the High Commission (Embassy) of Pakistan in Mauritius, to demand the end of the war in Pakistan's Swat Valley, PANA reported from here
©- - 29 may 2009 - 17:50:00 - thread Union africaine (155 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- A series of demonstrations involving Mauritania' s ruling party members and those of the anti-putsch forces here on Thursday in m a ny venues, which were violently suppressed by the national anti-riot police, hav e heightened tension across the country
©- - 29 may 2009 - 14:39:00 - thread Union africaine (207 words)

New York- US (PANA) -- The UN Security Council has called for enhanced collaborat ion with the African Union (AU) to promote peace and security in Africa
©- - 29 may 2009 - 14:13:00 - thread Union africaine (244 words)

Dakar- Senegal (PANA) -- Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade on Thursday urged al l Mauritanian political forces to work for “a consensus likely to give a concert e d solution which would enable everybody to express themselves in a democratic wa y ”
©- - 28 may 2009 - 23:38:00 - thread Union africaine (344 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Envoys of parties involved in the Mauritanian political crisis left Nouakchott separately on Wednesday afternoon for Dakar, the Senegalese capital, where they are to take part on Thursday in a meeting organised within the framework of the Senegalese mediation backed by the African Union (AU), according to official sources in the Mauritanian capital
©- - 27 may 2009 - 21:37:00 - thread Union africaine (207 words)

Port-Louis- Maurice (PANA) -- An Islamic association based in Mauritius, Hizb-ut- Tahrir, announced that a peaceful demonstration would be held Friday before Paki s tan's High commissioner's residence in Mauritius, in a bid to call for the end o f the war between Muslims in the Swat Valley, a source told PANA here on Wednesda y
©- - 27 may 2009 - 17:50:00 - thread Union africaine (243 words)

N'Djaména- Chad (PANA) -- The African Union (AU) and the Chadian government will create the first African museum for peace, human rights and non-violence here, H e ad of the Culture and Sports Section of the AU, Daraïtivo Ralaïbo, said at a pre s s conference held in the Chadian capital city
©- - 27 may 2009 - 14:33:00 - thread Union africaine (191 words)

Dakar- Senegal (PANA) -- Malam Bacai Sanha, leader of the African Party for the I ndependence of Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde (PAIGC), and presidential candidate f or the elections scheduled for June 2009, said here Tuesday that, if elected, he would organize a national conference at which viewpoints of the people would be c ollected with a view to finding a lasting solution to the country's political pr o blems
©- - 27 may 2009 - 10:49:00 - thread Union africaine (278 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The Association of Female Heads of Families (AFC F) wants Mauritanian authorities to investigate the existence of a "large networ k involved in under-18 girls' sex trafficking between Mauritania and Saudi Arabia " in a statement made available to PANA here on Tuesday
©- - 26 may 2009 - 15:52:00 - thread Union africaine (137 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The National Front for the Defence of Democracy (FNDD) which supports President Sidi Mohamed Ould Cheikh Abdallah, ousted from p o wer in the 6 August 2008 coup, and the Union of Democratic Forces (RFD), the cou n try's main opposition party before the coup, will take part in mediation talks t o be held in Dakar, the Senegalese capital, between all the stakeholders in the l i ngering Mauritanian political and institutional crises, opposition sources told P ANA here
©- - 26 may 2009 - 15:12:00 - thread Union africaine (278 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The National Front for the Defence of Democracy (FNDD) which supports President Sidi Mohamed Ould Cheikh Abdallah, ousted from p o wer in the 6 August 2008 coup, and the Union of Democratic Forces (RFD), the cou n try's main opposition party before the coup, will take part in mediation talks t o be held in Dakar, the Senegalese capital, between all the stakeholders in the l i ngering Mauritanian political and institutional crises, opposition sources told P ANA here
©- - 26 may 2009 - 15:12:00 - thread Union africaine (278 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Key stakeholders in the Mauritanian crisis have been invited to Dakar, Senegal's capital, Tuesday for a third round of negotiati o ns under Senegalese mediation, backed by the African Union and all partners of t h e International Contact Group on Mauritania (GCIM), diplomatic sources told PANA Sunday
©- - 24 may 2009 - 18:53:00 - thread Union africaine (189 words)

La Chaumière- Mauritius (PANA) -- An estimated 1,000 Mauritians Sunday marched fi ve kilometres from the village of St-Martin to Camp Levieux in western Mauritius in protest against a Waste-to-Energy project to be implemented in the region, PA N A reported
©- - 24 may 2009 - 13:20:00 - thread Union africaine (341 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- The chairman and presidential candidate of Mauri tania's Alliance for Justice and Democracy/Movement for Reconciliation (AJD/MR), Ibrahima Moctar Sarr, has lodged a complaint of defamation against an online new s agency, Taqadoumy, reliable sources told PANA on Saturday
©- - 23 may 2009 - 14:29:00 - thread Union africaine (144 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Mauritanian former junta leader, General Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, Friday promised several reforms in the country if voted presid e nt at the 6 June election
©- - 23 may 2009 - 14:11:00 - thread Union africaine (344 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Mauritius has announced a programme to audit ener gy use in all ministries, with a view to reducing wastage and promoting solar en e rgy, PANA reported Saturday
©- - 23 may 2009 - 10:08:00 - thread Union africaine (358 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Mauritian Finance Minister Ramakrishna Sithanen i ntroduced a new budget into Parliament Friday night, calling it "an action plan t o rid the global economic crisis"
©- - 23 may 2009 - 08:40:00 - thread Union africaine (611 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Leaders of Mauritania's National Front for the D efence of Democracy (FNDD) and the Rally of Democratic Forces (RFD), both oppose d to the military incursion into the Mauritania's political history, on Thursday u rged Mauritanians to massively take to the street to demand a political dialogue as a way to resolve the political problem in that country
©- - 22 may 2009 - 14:27:00 - thread Union africaine (214 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- A 22-year old South African, Thelma Van Voyen, was sentenced to seven years in jail Thursday in Mauritius, after being found guilty of complicity in heroin import, legal sources said Friday in Port- Louis
©- - 22 may 2009 - 11:22:00 - thread Union africaine (96 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Following are the latest exchange rates for the Mauritian rupee against some major foreign currencies, as published Frid ay by the Commercial Bank of Mauritius: Currency Buying Selling Australian dollar 24
©- - 22 may 2009 - 11:15:00 - thread Union africaine (117 words)

Grand Bay- Mauritius (PANA) -- A two-day extra-ordinary meeting of the committee on peace and security of member states of the Common Market for Eastern and Sout h ern Africa (COMESA) opened here Thursday
©- - 21 may 2009 - 14:36:00 - thread Union africaine (341 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Electioneering campaign for the 6 June, 2009, pr esidential election in Mauritania kicked off Thursday midnight without the main f avourite, the former president and junta leader, General Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz , who decided to delay his campaign
©- - 21 may 2009 - 13:59:00 - thread Union africaine (222 words)

Port Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Following are the latest exchange rates for the M auritian rupee against some foreign currencies, as published Thursday by the Com m ercial Bank of Mauritius
©- - 21 may 2009 - 10:14:00 - thread Union africaine (118 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- General Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, former leader o f the ruling military junta in Mauritania, who is contesting the controversial 6 June election, says the vote would not be postponed
©- - 20 may 2009 - 23:53:00 - thread Union africaine (312 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- The Mauritian Foreign Minister, Arvin Boolell, sa id Wednesday his country was "watching closely" activities of sea pirates operat i ng on the Indian Ocean, more particularly off Somalia
©- - 20 may 2009 - 15:06:00 - thread Union africaine (229 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- In continuation of the mediation efforts of Sene galese President Abdoulaye Wade to find a consensus to the political and institu t ional crisis that has prevailed in Mauritania since the military coup on 6 Augus t 2008, an African Union (AU) mission has arrived in Nouakchott
©- - 20 may 2009 - 14:33:00 - thread Union africaine (145 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Following are the exchange rates for the Mauriti an rupee against some foreign currencies, as published here Wednesday by the Mau r itian commercial bank
©- - 20 may 2009 - 10:17:00 - thread Union africaine (111 words)

Pointe-aux-Piments- Mauritius(PANA) -- The conference on Islamic finance, organis ed by the Bank of Mauritius, opened Tuesday in Pointe-aux-Piments, in the north o f the island, bringing together nearly 200 participants, some of whom came from S audi Arabia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Indonesia, the United Arab Emirates and Sudan, P ANA reported
©- - 19 may 2009 - 20:14:00 - thread Union africaine (413 words)

Addis Ababa- Ethiopia (PANA) -- The next Ordinary Summit of the African Union (AU ) will take place 1-3 July, in Sirte, Libya, the AU Commission said here Tuesday
©- - 19 may 2009 - 10:32:00 - thread Union africaine (120 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Following are the latest exchange rates for the Mauritian rupee against some foreign currencies, as published Tuesday by the Mauritian Commercial Bank
©- - 19 may 2009 - 09:42:00 - thread Union africaine (109 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Senegalese minister of foreign affairs, Cheikh Tidiane Gadio, arrived on Monday in Nouakchott as part of the mediation efforts of Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade to find a consensus to the political and institutional crisis that has prevailed in Mauritania since the military coup on 6 August 2008
©- - 19 may 2009 - 00:09:00 - thread Union africaine (254 words)

Nouakchott- Mauritania (PANA) -- Mauritania's industry and mining ministry and th e African Intellectual Property Organization (AIPO) began a four-day seminar on M onday in Nouakchott on the descriptive memoirs of patents
©- - 18 may 2009 - 21:38:00 - thread Union africaine (77 words)

Port-Louis- Mauritius (PANA) -- Swine raisers in Mauritius Monday threatened to t ake to the streets to protest against what they called an “unfair competition”, o n the part of pork importers, an official source told PANA here
©- - 18 may 2009 - 17:47:00 - thread Union africaine (246 words)

Nairobi- Kenya (PANA) -- The Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) said here M onday it was on high alert following revelations that fraudsters posing as City C ouncil of Nairobi (CCN) public health officers were defrauding its members of hu g e sums of money through bribery without giving details of the sums of money invo l ved
©- - 18 may 2009 - 15:11:00 - thread Union africaine (283 words)