Seoul, South Korea (PANA) - Kenya has formally joined the International Vaccine Institute (IVI) as a Member State, strengthening the East African country's resolve to achieve self-reliance in vaccine production

©- - 06 june 2024 - 18:40:47 - thread (153 words)

Geneva, Switzrland (PANA)  -  The World Health Organization (WHO) is convening the Traditional Medicine Global Summit on 17 and 18 August 2023​ in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India, a press release said here Thursday

The Summit, co-hosted by the Government of India, will explore the role of traditional, complementary, and integrative medicine in addressing pressing health challenges and driving progress in global health and sustainable development, it said

©- - 10 august 2023 - 14:14:41 - thread (1168 words)