Bamako, Mali (PANA) - The 12th edition of the Bamako Photographic Encounters opened here Saturday under the chairmanship of the Malian head of state, Ibrahima Bopubacar Kéita, and attracting more than 85 photographers and videographers, an official source told PANA here

©- - 30 november 2019 - 19:51:41 - thread (355 words)

Lomé, Togo (PANA) - Lomé Photography Week (Sepholo), a new festival dedicated to photography, opts for the development of photographic creation and video, sources close to the French Institute of Lomé which becomes the new scene of artists photographers and videographers of Togo told PANA

©- - 09 october 2019 - 15:49:06 - thread (214 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - The 12th edition of the African Photography Biennial show, scheduled for November 30, 2019 to January 31, 2020, in Bamako, was launched Saturday in the Malian capital, under the chairmanship of president Ibrahim Boubacar Keita
©- - 29 july 2019 - 16:26:36 - thread (119 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - The 12th edition of the Bamako African Photography Encounters, considered as the largest event dedicated to photography and video in Africa, will take place from 30 November, 2019 to 31 January 2020 in the Malian capital, according to the Malian Ministry of Culture, the organiser of the event

©- - 21 february 2019 - 11:47:23 - thread (157 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - The 10th edition of the Bamako Photography Encounters will be held in November 2015 under the theme: "Telling time", PANA learned on Tuesday from the Malian Ministry of Culture
©- - 25 november 2014 - 17:41:17 - thread (227 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) – The ninth edition of the African Photography Biennial will take place from 1-7 November in Bamako, the capital of Mali, sources close to the organisers said on Monday
©- - 18 july 2011 - 21:10:09 - thread (94 words)

Bamako- Mali (PANA) -- Nigerian photographer, Uche Okpa Iroha, has won the Seydou Keأ¯ta Prize, named after a famous Malian photographer, in the 8th edition of t h e African photography meetings of Bamako
©- - 13 november 2009 - 23:50:00 - thread (184 words)