Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - The Libyan Prime Minister, Abdelhamid Al-Dbaiba, on Thursday oversaw the holding of a workshop in the old Medina of Tripoli, on the approval of the final proposals for the seafront project for the capital and the second phase of the development of the city centre

©- - 01 june 2023 - 19:34:07 - thread (158 words)

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (PANA) - UNESCO’s Assistant Director-General for Culture, Ernesto Ottone R, Thomas Vonier, President of the International Union of Architects (UIA), and Verena Vicentini Andreatta, Municipal Secretary of the City of Rio for Urbanism, on Friday, 18 January, 2019, announced that the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro will be the World Capital of Architecture for 2020
©- - 19 january 2019 - 07:31:51 - thread (289 words)

Rabat- Morocco (PANA) -- Morocco has joined the race for the presidency of the Me diterranean Union of Architects (UMAR), which holds its General meeting Wednesda y in Fès, east of the Cherifien kingdom
©- - 12 january 2009 - 18:39:00 - thread (262 words)