Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (PANA) - With COVID-19 vaccine supplies to Africa slowing down, the continent is working to boost its own manufacturing capacities for vaccines, medicines and vital health technologies

©- - 27 may 2021 - 13:13:01 - thread (985 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - The national vaccination campaign against the emerging coronavirus was launched on Saturday from the headquarters of the branch of the Libyan National Center for Disease Control in Souk Jumaa, in the eastern suburbs of the capital, Tripoli, with the administration of the first dose to the Libyan Prime Minister, Abdelhamid al-Dbaiba, to set an example and encourage Libyans to be vaccinated

©- - 10 april 2021 - 15:40:40 - thread (302 words)