Panafrican News Agency

Vast majority of countries yet to have a woman Head of State - UN agency

New York, US (PANA) - In what is the biggest electoral year ever, 113 countries have still never had a woman Head of State and only 26 are led by a woman today, new figures from gender equality agency UN Women revealed on Monday. 

The new data comes as the world celebrated the International Day for Women in Dilomacy, recognising the different ways women are breaking barriers and making a difference in the field of diplomacy. 

“As many countries head to the polls this year, we all must put women first, at the pinnacle of power, where and when it matters the most,” said UN Women Executive Director, Sima Bahous.

As of 1 January 2024, women make up less than a third of Cabinet ministers in 141 countries. In seven countries, there are no women represented in Cabinets at all. Meanwhile, only 23 per cent of Ministerial positions are held by women.

Women are also under-represented as Permanent Representatives to the UN. As of May 2024, women held 25 per cent of senior ambassador posts in New York, 35 per cent in Geneva, and 33.5 per cent in Vienna.

“Our work is guided by the belief that when women lead, the world is better for all people and the planet,” Ms. Bahous said. 

“Women’s equal participation in governance and leadership is key to improving lives for all,” she added. 

-0- PANA MA 25June2024