Panafrican News Agency

Graduation ceremony for 30 Libyan girls from UNSMIL's Leaders Programme

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - Thirty participants in the "Leaders Programme" of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) have received their diplomas through campaigns to raise awareness of climate change among schoolchildren, in celebration of World Environment Day.

Following group training last year, the Libyan women developed campaigns on recycling and hygiene, and created models of local environmental heroes, according to a statement issued on Wednesday by UNSMIL.

According to the same source, these campaigns will be used by the Office of the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) to work with children in public schools across the country.

The "Leaders Programme" is part of the UN Support Mission in Libya's "Youth Engagement" strategy, which aims to develop girls' communication, advocacy and leadership skills, the statement said.

UNSMIL said that the second round of applications would open in July.

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