Banjul, Gambia (PANA) - Gambian President Adama Barrow has threatened to institute a legal action against a private newspaper, The Voice, if the paper fails to retract its report about his reported exit plan

©- - 26 september 2024 - 11:56:06 - thread (238 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - The United Nations Mission of Support in Libya (UNSMIL) has encouraged members of the House of Representatives and the High Council of State who attended a meeting in Cairo, Egypt, to build on what was agreed and seek an approach that includes the other Libyan parties for a politically workable solution

©- - 22 july 2024 - 13:31:12 - thread (400 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - The Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Acting Head of the United Nations Mission of Support in Libya (UNSMIL), Stephanie Khoury, has met with elected members of the Libyan Liaison Committee, comprising the House of Representatives (Parliament) and the High Council of State, to discuss ways of advancing a Libyan-led and Libyan-owned political process aimed at breaking the current deadlock

©- - 12 july 2024 - 15:39:19 - thread (414 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - The Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Political Affairs and Acting Head of the United Nations Mission of Support in Libya (UNSMIL), Stéphanie Khoury, Thursday met with leaders and representatives of a number of Libyan political parties

©- - 06 june 2024 - 15:32:02 - thread (1107 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA)- The Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Political Affairs and Acting Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), Stephanie Khoury, held talks with the Speaker of the House of Representatives (Parliament), Aguila Saleh, and the leader of the Libyan National Army based in the east, Marshal Khalifa Haftar, on ways of breaking the deadlock in the political process with a view to holding elections to resolve the crisis engulfing this North African country

©- - 03 june 2024 - 13:04:46 - thread (467 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - The Deputy Special Representative for Political Affairs and Acting Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), Stephanie Khoury, has reaffirmed that UNSMIL is committed to helping Libyans save the country from the dangers of division, violence and wasted resources

©- - 21 may 2024 - 17:08:27 - thread (329 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - The Libyan Prime Minister of the Government of National Unity, Abdulhamid Al Dbaiba, has thanked and commended the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General, Abdoulaye Bathily, for his efforts throughout his mandate as head of the UN mission in Libya

©- - 06 may 2024 - 18:13:00 - thread (758 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General in Libya, Abdoulaye Bathily, has reaffirmed "the commitment of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) to support the aspirations of all Libyans for the participation and comprehensive development" of their country

©- - 09 april 2024 - 14:22:19 - thread (402 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - The Secretary General of the League of Arab States, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, has invited the chairman of the Libyan Presidential Council, Mohamed al-Manfi, the Speaker of the House of Representatives (Parliament), Aguila Saleh, and the President of the High Council of State, Mohamed Tekkala, to take part in a dialogue session to be held on Sunday in Cairo, Egypt, to facilitate intra-Libyan dialogue

©- - 09 march 2024 - 17:42:07 - thread (304 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General in Libya, Abdoulaye Bathily, has held talks with ambassadors of the co-chairs of the International Security Working Group from France, Italy, Turkey and the United Kingdom, as well as the African Union

©- - 08 march 2024 - 18:34:34 - thread (486 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - The UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has appointment of the American Stephanie Koury as Deputy Special Representative for Political Affairs at the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) to assist Abdoulaye Bathily

©- - 07 march 2024 - 19:03:23 - thread (1750 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - During a meeting with the US President's Special Envoy, Ambassador Richard Norland, and the Chargé d'Affaires of the US Embassy in Libya, Jeremy Brent, the two deputy chairmen of the Libyan Presidential Council, Moussa Al-Kouni and Abdallah Al-Lafi, expressed their readiness to support any unified political initiative within the framework of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) to hold elections and put an end to political division to achieve stability in the country

©- - 07 march 2024 - 16:48:19 - thread (420 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - Libya's Minister of State for Communication and Political Affairs, Walid Ellafi, has said that the government media are focusing more on the concept of government communication and have begun to highlight cultural diversity and establish direct communication with citizens

©- - 20 february 2024 - 13:49:01 - thread (227 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General in Libya, Abdoulaye Bathily, has agreed with a group of activists and community leaders from southern Libya to establish a comprehensive contact team between the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) and the various forces in the south to monitor all issues of interest

©- - 14 february 2024 - 13:45:46 - thread (550 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - The Minister of State for Communication and Political Affairs in the Government of National Unity, Walid Ellafi, Wednesday discussed with media directors the financial problems facing media institutions

©- - 24 january 2024 - 17:13:48 - thread (165 words)

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (PANA) - As the trial of two Togolese journalists prosecuted by a member of the government got under way at the beginning of January, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) found evidence of intrusion on their mobile phones, characteristic of the Pegasus software used by Togo until at least 2021, RSF reported in a press release on Tuesday

©- - 23 january 2024 - 16:01:18 - thread (664 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - The Libyan Media Forum, which was held as part of the second edition of the "Tripoli Media Days", closed Thursday  with an awards ceremony

©- - 22 december 2023 - 16:45:58 - thread (482 words)

Gaborone, Botswana (PANA) - The Botswana Chapter of the Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) has bemoaned the exposure of journalists’ personal data on social media platforms and threats to journalists in the country

©- - 20 december 2023 - 12:57:58 - thread (316 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - The Libyan capital, Tripoli, will host the second "Tripoli Media Days" from 20 to 24 December, with the participation of numerous media personalities, ministers and Arab and Libyan officials, PANA learnt from the organisers on Monday

©- - 18 december 2023 - 12:58:44 - thread (290 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in Libya, Abdoulaye Bathily, has stated the importance of young people in the future of the North African country cannot be ignored, saying they are needed to build a peaceful, democratic and inclusive State

©- - 16 december 2023 - 14:52:40 - thread (525 words)

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (PANA) - The transitional government of Burkina Faso on Saturday announced the suspension of the distribution of the French newspaper, Le Monde, in the country following an article it published about last Sunday's attack on the town of Djibo in the north of the country

©- - 03 december 2023 - 11:46:19 - thread (389 words)

Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire (PANA) - The media accreditation application process for the third edition of the 2023 CAF Women’s Champions League in Cote d’Ivoire, has been extended by a further three days

©- - 14 october 2023 - 13:06:48 - thread (192 words)

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (PANA) - Côte d'Ivoire's Bureau Normale Audit (BNA) has become the first African certifier of media that have signed up to the Journalism Trust Initiative (JTI) standard, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) announced on Monday

©- - 12 june 2023 - 14:18:17 - thread (408 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA)  - Some 40 Malian journalists Wednesday began a training workshop on election coverage and strategies for preventing and easing socio-political tensions during the pre-election and election period, an official source told PANA

©- - 09 june 2023 - 14:29:54 - thread (225 words)

Brussels, Belgium (PANA) – European Union (EU) member states have reached a common position on a draft law which will protect journalists and human rights defenders against manifestly unfounded claims or abusive court proceedings

©- - 09 june 2023 - 10:22:44 - thread (484 words)

New York, US (PANA) - Disinformation, hate speech and deadly attacks against journalists are threatening freedom of the press worldwide, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Tuesday, calling for greater solidarity with the people who bring us the news

©- - 03 may 2023 - 06:23:28 - thread (635 words)

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (PANA) – This year’s commemoration of the World Press Freedom Day should be an opportunity  to  renew the commitment, within international organisations, to  defending journalists and, through them, press freedom, according to Ms Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO

©- - 02 may 2023 - 12:43:54 - thread (478 words)

Brussels, Belgium (PANA) - While the preservation of free, independent and pluralistic media is vital for resilient and healthy democracies, press freedom is at stake in most parts of the world today, says a statement issued on Tuesday by the European Union (EU) to mark this year’s Press Freedom Day

©- - 02 may 2023 - 11:55:11 - thread (438 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - The Representative of the UN Secretary General, Abdoulaye Bathily, Monday reaffirmed the role of the chairman of the Presidential Council, Mohamed Al-Manfi, in supporting the holding of elections during 2023, considering that the Presidential Council is an essential partner in the UN plan to organize elections in the country

©- - 10 april 2023 - 21:38:28 - thread (426 words)