Cape Town, South Africa (PANA) - The South African government is suing Huawei Technologies for exceeding the number of foreigners it is allowed to employ in the country, an official source said here Monday

©- - 14 february 2022 - 13:43:24 - thread (167 words)

Paris, France (PANA) - Proparco, a subsidiary of the French development agency (AFD) dedicated to the private sector, will contribute 30 million dollars to the Pan-African fund - AfricInvest IV - to support the development of consumer-oriented, strong and local regional businesses across Africa

©- - 28 june 2020 - 19:39:51 - thread (259 words)

Libreville, Gabon (PANA) - The resident representative of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Gabon, Marcos Poptawsky Ribeiro, revealed in Libreville on Saturday that weak competition is undermining economies in sub-Saharan Africa and that conditions must be created for a stimulating competition

©- - 25 january 2020 - 15:54:08 - thread (172 words)