Banjul, Gambia (PANA) - Volker Türk, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, has welcomed the conviction by a Swiss court of the former Minister of Interior of the Gambia, Ousman Sonko, on a series of crimes against humanity in connection with acts of unlawful killing, torture and arbitrary detention committed between 2000 and 2016
©- - 16 may 2024 - 14:48:07 - thread (221 words)

Cape Town, South Africa (PANA) – The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) on Monday condemned acts of violence during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown after a video clip surfaced of an unidentified man dressed in army fatigues assaulting a woman in Durban

©- - 15 june 2020 - 16:59:08 - thread (156 words)

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (PANA) - Burkina Faso’s former presidential guard displayed a cold-blooded disregard for human life, killing 14 unarmed protestors and bystanders and wounding hundreds more with automatic weapons following last month’s coup d’état, according to human rights non-governmental organzation, Amnesty International (AI)
©- - 14 october 2015 - 12:25:36 - thread (469 words)