Nouakchott, Mauritania (PANA) - Following are Thursday's exchange rates for the Mauritanian Ouguiya: Currencies Buying Selling Euro 400
©- - 27 december 2012 - 14:43:51 - thread União Africana (123 words)

Nouakchott, Mauritania (PANA) - Following are Wednesday's exchange rates for the Mauritanian Ouguiya: Currencies Buying Selling Euro 398
©- - 26 december 2012 - 16:31:56 - thread União Africana (121 words)

Port-Louis, Mauritius (PANA) - Mauritius has introduced a new protocol for testing the population as well as incoming foreigners showing signs and symptoms of infections caused by chikungunya and dengue, two insect-borne viral diseases
©- - 26 december 2012 - 14:19:48 - thread União Africana (273 words)

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (PANA) - International efforts to stop further rebel advances in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are expected to receive a boost Thursday when the African Union (AU) is scheduled to host a meeting to plan the deployment of a regional force and a peace monitoring group in the troubled area
©- - 26 december 2012 - 11:40:33 - thread União Africana (264 words)

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (PANA) - The African Union (AU) has called for urgent funding and logistical support for the regional peacekeeping mission set up to restore stability to the Central African Republic (CAR), following a resurgence of rebel activity there
©- - 26 december 2012 - 10:24:51 - thread União Africana (296 words)

Nouakchott, Mauritania (PANA) - A Mauritanian Court of appeal in Nouadhibou on Monday condemned three Malians to death for the murder, in July 2010, of Mohamed El Mane, a 75-year-old Mauritanian, judiciary sources told PANA here
©- - 25 december 2012 - 14:23:25 - thread União Africana (108 words)

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (PANA) - The African Union (AU) has announced the deployment of its first long term election observers to Kenya, where elections are due to be held this year
©- - 25 december 2012 - 08:00:27 - thread União Africana (315 words)

Nouakchott, Mauritania (PANA) – The Mauritanian and Senegalese armed forces on Monday began a joint awareness campaign on terrorism along their common border, security forces told PANA in Nouakchott
©- - 24 december 2012 - 20:18:34 - thread União Africana (122 words)

Nouakchott, Mauritania (PANA) – The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has welcomed the aviation sector reforms embarked upon by Mauritanian authorities which culminated in the removal of the north west African nation from ICAO's "safety watch list"
©- - 23 december 2012 - 12:52:06 - thread União Africana (154 words)

Nouakchott, Mauritania (PANA) – Following are the latest exchange rates for the Mauritanian Ouguiya, as published here Sunday by the nation’s central bank: Currency Buying Selling (1)-euro 399
©- - 23 december 2012 - 12:23:07 - thread União Africana (152 words)

Port-Louis, Mauritius (PANA) - Following are the foreign exchange rates for the Mauritian rupee against some foreign currencies
©- - 21 december 2012 - 15:50:29 - thread União Africana (122 words)

New York, US (PANA) - The UN Security Council has authorised the deployment of the African-led International Support Mission in Mali, to be known as AFISMA, for an initial period of one year to assist the authorities in recovering rebel-held regions in the north and restoring the unity of the country
©- - 21 december 2012 - 08:34:12 - thread União Africana (654 words)

Ebène, Mauritius (PANA) – The Indian Ocean Commission, which brings together islands from that part of the world (Madagascar, Mauritius, The Reunion, The Seychelles and Comoros) on Thursday celebrated its 30th anniversary
©- - 20 december 2012 - 21:57:56 - thread União Africana (141 words)

Nouakchott, Mauritania (PANA) – Mauritanian president Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz was on Thursday officially invited to attend festivities marking the celebration of the second anniversary of the Tunisian revolution planned for next month
©- - 20 december 2012 - 21:51:09 - thread União Africana (108 words)

Port-Louis, Mauritius (PANA) - Here are the latest foreign exchange rates for the Mauritian rupee against other foreign currencies
©- - 20 december 2012 - 14:35:33 - thread União Africana (120 words)

Nouakchott, Mauritania (PANA) - Mauritania's former military leader, Mustapha Ould Mohamed Saleck, died Tuesday at the Val de Grace hospital of Paris, France, following a protracted illness, official sources told PANA here Wednesday
©- - 19 december 2012 - 13:55:05 - thread União Africana (94 words)

Paris, France (PANA) – The Mauritanian government and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have signed an agreement for the implementation of a high-scale solar energy project in Mauritania, according to a statement issued on Tuesday in the French capital, Paris
©- - 18 december 2012 - 21:25:12 - thread União Africana (158 words)

Nouakchott, Mauritania (PANA) - Following are Tuesday's exchange rates for the Mauritanian Ouguiya: Currency Buying Selling Euro 395
©- - 18 december 2012 - 14:31:05 - thread União Africana (123 words)

Port Louis, Mauritius (PANA) - Following are Tuesday's exchange rates for the Mauritian rupee: Currency Buying Selling Australian Dollar 31
©- - 18 december 2012 - 11:31:43 - thread União Africana (115 words)

Dakar, Senegal (PANA) - The Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA) Monday gave Mauritius and Zambia two loans totaling US$17
©- - 18 december 2012 - 11:30:57 - thread União Africana (213 words)

Nouakchott, Mauritania (PANA) - The European Union (EU) and the French Development Agency (FDA) have granted Mauritania loans totalling 46 million Euros to enable the African country to finance water and sanitation projects in some of its regions
©- - 17 december 2012 - 17:03:46 - thread União Africana (238 words)

Nouakchott, Mauritania (PANA) – Following are the latest exchange rates for the Mauritanian Ouguiya, as published here Monday by the nation’s central bank: Currency Buying Selling Euro 392
©- - 17 december 2012 - 16:32:20 - thread União Africana (138 words)

Port-Louis, Mauritius (PANA) - Following are Monday's exchange rates for the Mauritian rupee: Currency Buying Selling Australian Dollar 31
©- - 17 december 2012 - 11:53:50 - thread União Africana (116 words)

Nouakchott, Mauritania (PANA) – Following are the latest exchange rates for the Mauritanian Ouguiya, as published here Sunday by the nation’s central bank: Currency Buying Selling (1)-euro 392
©- - 16 december 2012 - 14:55:15 - thread União Africana (152 words)

Nouakchott, Mauritania (PANA) - The European Union Commission has granted Mauritania a 46 million euro assistance, including a budget support of 40 million euros over two years and an institutional support of 6 million euros over three years, a statement made available to PANA here said Saturday
©- - 15 december 2012 - 13:57:33 - thread União Africana (157 words)

Port-Louis, Mauritius (PANA) – Following are the latest foreign exchange rates for the Mauritian rupee, as published here Friday by the Mauritian commercial bank : Currency Buying Selling Australian Dollar 31
©- - 14 december 2012 - 13:34:24 - thread União Africana (128 words)

Lagos, Nigeria (PANA) - A new study by the US-based research and advocacy organisation, Global Financial Integrity (GFI), has placed Nigeria in the 7th position out of the 20 biggest exporters of illicit financial flows over a decade, with cumulative figure of US$129 billion and an average of US$12
©- - 14 december 2012 - 11:48:14 - thread União Africana (577 words)

Nouakchott, Mauritania (PANA) – Supporters of a pressure group, "Touche Pas à Ma Nationalité" (Don't touch my Nationality), on Thursday held a sit-in at the Qatari embassy in Nouakchott to demand the arrest of the former Mauritanian president, Maaouya Ould Sid’Ahmed Taya, who has been in the United Arab Emirates since his overthrow on 3 August 2005
©- - 13 december 2012 - 21:28:24 - thread União Africana (206 words)

Nouakchott, Mauritania (PANA) - Mauritania will not be involved in any military intervention in northern Mali, now in the hands of armed terrorists and Tuareg rebels, except if the terrorists attack its territory, Defence Minister Ahmedou Ould Deye Ould Mohamed said
©- - 13 december 2012 - 13:33:24 - thread União Africana (137 words)

Khartoum, Sudan (PANA) - Sudan has reiterated its opposition to the plan by the African Union's Peace and Security Council (PSC) to take the Abyei and other border issues to the UN Security Council, warning this could lead to a new conflict with South Sudan
©- - 13 december 2012 - 13:16:13 - thread União Africana (296 words)

Lagos, Nigeria (PANA) - The Intergovernmental Action Group Against Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in West Africa, known by its French Acronym as GIABA, has called for a tighter border control in the sub-region and intensification of efforts on international cooperation both within and outside the region
©- - 13 december 2012 - 12:57:24 - thread União Africana (261 words)

Nouakchott, Mauritania (PANA) - Following are Thursday's exchange rates for the Mauritanian Ouguiya: Currency Buying Selling Euro 390
©- - 13 december 2012 - 11:40:51 - thread União Africana (111 words)

Port Louis, Mauritius (PANA) - Following are Thursday's exchange rates for the Mauritian rupee: Currency Buying Selling Australian Dollar 31
©- - 13 december 2012 - 11:39:41 - thread União Africana (116 words)

Nouakchott, Mauritania (PANA) – Following are the latest exchange forex rates for the Mauritanian Ouguiya, as published here Wednesday by the nation’s central bank: Currency Buying Selling Euro 389
©- - 12 december 2012 - 11:42:51 - thread União Africana (146 words)

Port-Louis, Mauritius (PANA) – Following are the latest exchange rates for the Mauritian rupee, as published here Wednesday by the Mauritian commercial bank: Currency Buying Selling Australian Dollar 31
©- - 12 december 2012 - 10:00:42 - thread União Africana (127 words)

Nouakchott, Mauritania (PANA) – Following are the latest exchange rates for the Mauritanian Ouguiya, as published here Tuesday by the nation’s central bank: Currency Buying Selling Euro 387,05 390,93 US Dollar 299,25 302,25 British Pound 481,19 486,02 100 Swiss Franc 32
©- - 11 december 2012 - 13:51:14 - thread União Africana (127 words)

Port Louis, Mauritius (PANA) - Following are the latest exchange rates for the Mauritian rupee, as published here Tuesday by the Mauritian commercial bank: Currency Buying Selling Australian Dollar 30
©- - 11 december 2012 - 12:41:51 - thread União Africana (126 words)

Port-Louis, Mauritius (PANA) - Following are the latest exchange rates for the Mauritian rupee, as published here Monday by the Mauritian commercial bank: Currency Buying Selling Australian Dollar 30
©- - 10 december 2012 - 13:05:51 - thread União Africana (127 words)

Nouakchott, Mauritania (PANA) - Following are the latest exchange rates for the Mauritanian Ouguiya, as published here Monday by the nation’s central bank: Currency Buying Selling Euro 388
©- - 10 december 2012 - 13:02:46 - thread União Africana (134 words)

Balaclava, Mauritius (PANA) - The Mauritius International Arbitration Conference 2012 opened at Balaclava, northern Mauritius, Monday with the participation of eminent speakers and delegates from several parts of the world
©- - 10 december 2012 - 12:01:47 - thread União Africana (273 words)

Khartoum, Sudan (PANA) - The African Union (AU) on Saturday expressed concerned over ongoing political developments in Egypt, and called on Egyptian stakeholders to exercise utmost restraint and seek the interest of their homeland
©- - 08 december 2012 - 18:46:29 - thread União Africana (249 words)

Nouakchott, Mauritania (PANA) - Mauritanian newspapers this week turned attention to the situation in northern Mali, occupied for several months now by terrorist groups linked to the Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM)
©- - 08 december 2012 - 15:14:17 - thread União Africana (172 words)

Port-Louis, Mauritius (PANA) – Following are the latest exchange rates for the Mauritian rupee as published here Friday by the Mauritian commercial bank: Currency Buying Selling Australian Dollar 30
©- - 07 december 2012 - 10:24:51 - thread União Africana (127 words)

Nouakchott, Mauritania (PANA) – Following are the latest exchange rates for the Mauritanian Ouguiya as published here Thursday by the nation’s central bank: Currency Buying Selling Euro 388
©- - 06 december 2012 - 13:38:37 - thread União Africana (135 words)

Port-Louis, Mauritius (PANA) - Following are Thursday's exchange rates for the Mauritian rupee: Currency Buying Selling Australian Dollar 30
©- - 06 december 2012 - 12:55:42 - thread União Africana (116 words)

Port-Louis, Mauritius (PANA) - Following are Wednesday's exchange rates for the Mauritian rupee: Currency Buying Selling Australian Dollar 30
©- - 05 december 2012 - 11:12:21 - thread União Africana (116 words)

Nouakchott, Mauritania (PANA) - The Union of Mauritanian Workers (UTM), one of the country’s largest unions, has welcomed the decision of President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz to increase salaries of government workers
©- - 04 december 2012 - 16:16:04 - thread União Africana (106 words)